Did Muhammad (pbuh) allow slavery and rape of slaves? - Q&A - Sh. Khalid Yasin

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Some enemies of Islam accuse prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to have encouraged slavery and the rape of slaves. These allegations are completely false and is explained by Sh. Khalid Yasin in this video.

Noen av islams fiender beskylder profeten Muhammed (fred være med ham) å ha oppfordret til slaveri og voldtekt av slaver. Disse anklagene er fullstendig falske, og det forklares av Sh. Khalid Yasin i denne videoen.
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How can women become a slave when she wasn't even in the battle fighting against Muslims ?so she became a slave just become her husband fought and lost ?why will she get the punishment for
her husband's wrong doing?


He really answered the question of "is water wet?"


How did women and children end up being taken into slavery


use of vocabulary amounts to hate speech. doesnt sound scholastic, sounds fanatic


My question is why didn’t prophet Muhammad abolished slavery when it’s crystal clear that it’s the most inhuman thing


ignorance is bliss....a perfect example of how religious beliefs can blind a man from the truth.


But "married" a 9 year old...🤔 Yea 👍🏽


This person is justifying all the wrongs in QURAN in a clever way. By manipulating, logic & denial mode.


the question was about slavery and somehow this guy starts waffling about zionists...


The Qu'ran heavily discouraged slavery, yes. Despite that many arab nations ignored it and still practiced slavery only putting a ban on it in the 1960's. Till this day, the arabian peninsula still practices slavery heavily. This is why I say the problem with anything in the world, is people.


Hey YouTube if a non-Muslim used such racist language about Muslims you should have banned him.
Please judge equally cow's. 🐄🐃🐂


For the ignorant ones, for the topic of “slavery” (which in Islam was the taking in of prisoners of war under you) [and also not that they be your henchman but that you treat them as you would treat yourself, and that if you command them to do work then you should help them and not burden them beyond what they cannot bear] starts at ~ 3:50 in the video

By the way, these prisoners of war were trying to kill the ones in war whom they were taken by. So let’s really evaluate what is more humane:

1. Killing your enemy in war and getting it over with

Or 2. Having an estimated dominance over them in certain areas (such as work) and observing their basic human rights and giving them a change at life and at that, a good one - but even when that (work) is inflicted upon them you help them and clothe them with the clothes of what you have and feed them with the same food you eat, not giving them less than what you give yourself.

Also, do note that in this first Islamic society “slaves” were encouraged to earn their freedom by work and paying their caretaker with what they had worked for, and if the person in charge of them ever sinned, (and this is the case for a LOT of sins), the first line of action for expiation of that sin(s) would be the freeing of the slave. So, Islam definitely encourages the freeing of a slave. Without a doubt. Taking in under your wing, prisoners of war, was clearly permissible. Though I do not think anyone in the 21st century would ever come up with that idea when thinking about “slavery” in more recent times.

Proof of etiquette towards “slaves” (which are not synonymous with modern day slaves, as the way they are treated and gained in contrast of the definition i just gave is wholly forbidden in Islam)

Sahih al-Bukhari 30
Narrated Al-Ma'rur:
At Ar-Rabadha I met Abu Dhar who was wearing a cloak, and his slave, too, was wearing a similar one. I asked about the reason for it. He replied, "I abused a person by calling his mother with bad names." The Prophet said to me, 'O Abu Dhar! Did you abuse him by calling his mother with bad names You still have some characteristics of ignorance. Your slaves are your brothers and Allah has put them under your command. So whoever has a brother under his command should feed him of what he eats and dress him of what he wears. Do not ask them (slaves) to do things beyond their capacity (power) and if you do so, then help them.'


This is what happens to a blind follower


Cocky, overconfident and full of bluster. Unconvincing and deeply unpleasant.


Muslims try and dance around this subject. Pitiful.


The female captives in the war were nit warriors! They were civilians


This explanation is like a cat covering up its own poop 🥴


He's not defining rape. He's not clarifying that a woman always has the right to say no. What about captives? Wives? Do they have the right to say no? Not explicitly in the sources.


MashaAllah thank you for this answer it's very helpful


the hadith is out there. he condoned the rape of women as his soldiers were raping captive women.
