Why did Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam marry Ayesha at such a young age? - Assim al hakeem

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sheikh you are explaining the Islam that was delivered by Muhammad P.B.U.H in a beautiful way. May Allah bless you for your work


Proof 2: Why would Khawla suggest a 6 year old mother for 6 year old children?
When Khadijah (ra) who was the Prophet’s ﷺ first wife, passed away, a woman named Khawlah came to the Prophet ﷺ and suggested that he should get married. At the time the Prophet ﷺ had young daughters around the age of 6–9 years. Now Khawlah suggested that the Prophet should get a second wife in order that his second wife would take care of his young daughters. When he asked her who he had in mind. She suggested Sauda and Aisha. Now does it make any sense to get a 6 year old child bride to “take care of children”? One would have to be very simple-minded to think that Khawla would ask the Prophet ﷺ to marry a 6 year old child to take care of other 6–9 year olds.


We don’t need this medieval practise in the 21st century…too many people take this as an example and not a historical anomaly. Norms evolve and so must religious practice. Non believers find child marriage absolutely disgusting and wicked.


jazakumullahu khaiir sheikh! you've cleared my confusion Alhandulillah!


Just because the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) married Aisha at 9, doesn't mean he immediately had sexual relationships with her. In fact, the Prophet never had children with Aisha!
The Prophet provided for her, cared for her, protected her and gave her a righteous role model, Mashallah.
Think about it, if Aisha felt victimized, she wouldn't have continued to spread and fight for Islam and follow the teachings of the Prophet up until her death! This is a test from Allah to see who will readily reject the Prophet and disobey Allah, to split the believers from the disbelievers...

Allah knows best what had happened, He is the All Knowledgeable and All Seeing Witness. Never let anyone cast a doubt about our Prophet, the Prophet of Allah, in our minds. Going against the Prophet is going against Allah!

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and the family of Prophet Muhammad 🤲


Don't judge their era with the standards we have today, that means he didn't knew what is going to happen after 100 yrs or so so why it is told that in Islam everything is true up to eternity.


Our Prophet s.a.w is the best of God’s creation and there can be no equal to him


At least this muslim admits that mohammad did had relationship with a 9 year old girl. The majority of muslims would lie, deny, and ignore when asked about this.


Jazakamullah sheikh being a muslim this doubt came to my mind and thank you so much for clearing it. I am much happy now after seeing your lecture thank you so much. May Allah bless you Al Hamdullah for being a Muslim


We ask this question because you are following Muhammad’s teachings. The problem is that the followers of Islam think it’s perfectly acceptable now.


With all due respect sheikh, but not because something is normal means that is correct. In a Muslim but this topic in specific makes me question. Prophets are supposed to be role models, doesn’t matter what the standards of normal at the time are.


its still wrong. Idk why but i cant wrap my head around it and justify it


I see lots of comments still opposing this or thinking it's wrong to marry at that young of an age. I just want to clarify somethings.

1. Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Lives in medieval era (5th century). At that time it was normal to marry at a young age because someone was considered as an adult if they have matured physically (puberty) and mentally. And people back then are not like people nowadays. They mentally matured in a much faster rate compared to us. Think about it, they have more responsibility at young age, especially if they came from a poor family

2. He wasn't the only human who does this i repeat HE WASN'T THE ONLY OR FIRST HUMAN WHO DOES THIS. It was a common practice in that era. Sure, not usually as early as 9 but ranging from 12 to 15 or higher. THIS IS A HISTORICAL FACTS.

3. You can dissagree of course, i also somewhat dissagree because the era we live in is different compared to medieval era. We have more freedom and less responsibility. We don't need to practice it as well.

But saying that it's wrong or that he's a bad person with our modern perspective is not good. Because people in his era did not think that it's bad. Even his enemies didn't see anything wrong with it. Think about it, if what he's doing is reallt wrong then why did nobody oppose his marriege back then.


The way you explained and cleared all doubts, fascinating. JazakAllah


Wouldn't a prophet go against the norm to do the right thing? Slavery was a norm, does that mean it was right? No. Surely a prophet of God would go against every evil norm that humans normalized, in order to do what is ethical and just. Little girls aren't mature enough to choose/approve of their husband themselves; this is the decision of a lifetime. Ayesha was robbed of that choice, and somehow it's supposed to be okay because "that's what people did at the time"?? To strengthen his bond with his friend, at the cost of her freedom of choice?


At that time non-believers even married with their mothers, think It was considered ok to marry child and he consumated marriage when puberty hit moreover she was happy with him.


Jaazaakhaallahu Kairan sheikh, well elaborated response.


Assalamualaikum shaik
I want to know if it is permissible to say SAWS during the call of prayers


Proof 4: Aisha (ra) had already come of age when her parents became Muslim.
Narrated `Aisha:

(the wife of the Prophet) I had seen my parents following Islam since I attained the age of puberty. Not a day passed but the Prophet (ﷺ) visited us, both in the mornings and evenings. My father Abu Bakr thought of building a mosque in the courtyard of his house and he did so. He used to pray and recite the Qur'an in it. The pagan women and their children used to stand by him and look at him with surprise. Abu Bakr was a Softhearted person and could not help weeping while reciting the Qur'an. The chiefs of the Quraish pagans became afraid of that (i.e. that their children and women might be affected by the recitation of Qur'an).
This hadith is around the time of the first migration to Abyssinia. And Aisha (ra) clearly states that she had reached puberty when her parents had become Muslim. Her parents became Muslim very early, around the time the Prophet proclaimed his prophethood. So she was born before the start of revelation. And she was atleast 12 when Sayyidina Abu Bakr (ra) thought of migrating to Abyssinia. That makes her 19–20 when she consummated her marriage with the Prophet ﷺ in Medina.



I believe that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the one who ordered not to kill girl child, he also ordered not to assume women as objects. He could see what's coming in the future. Yet he would marry Aisha (R.A) at the age of 6 ? It's fabricated. Nobody knows what Actually happened in the era of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This particular thing is made to demean his persona and character.
Allaah (swt) says in the quran, that there are relevations for the wise. Be wise, and do not follow blindly what's been said. I hope people will Understand the depth of the Quran instead of following other resources.
May Allah guide us on thr tight path.
