What Does James 5:19 Really Mean?

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Does This passage prove you can lose your salvation?
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Our God indeed is a covenant keeping God. Has he said a thing and not perform it? I watch how things unfold in my life, from penury to $155, 000 every month and I can only praise him and trust him more. Hallelujah🙌🏻❤️🇺🇸


Losing salvation is a silly idea as if you can miss place it, or it can be taken away or revoked... But we most certainly always have the choice to deny it or refute it...


Excellent teaching! I love that you teach from the Greek text. Keep doing what you do!


Importance for individuals:
The promise of restoration offers hope and encouragement to people facing challenges, reminding them that God can bring healing and renewal even in difficult circumstances.


After doing some research I've concluded that this is taking about a true believer who has wandered from the truth. I believe the soul here is just referring to the person not the actual soul. I also believe that the phrase save their soul from. death is referring to a premature natural death as well as chastening and not hell. I would advise every believer to do some research before taking one person's interpretation on some of the more difficult passages of scripture as true.


James 5:13-20 - Part of a prayer of the believer.
In the context of what James writes here is that these people have returned in the flesh, and have dealt with each other with crimes, and that they need to make it right between each other.

It must also be aligned with the process presented to the church in Matt.18:15-20.

Matt.5:24 to leave your gift before the altar and first reconcile to your brother.

A righteous person is someone who is under the will and authority of Jesus. Someone who is led by the Holy Spirit.
Elijah's heart was undividedly focused on Jesus.

A sinner is someone who has turned away from Jesus. John 2-3 also refers to “sinners” as those who have gone astray.

So make an effort with your “brother” who has gone astray!


How can you wander from the TRUTH if you have not known the Truth?

Bro corey, I have told you many times that ur belief in once saved always saved is wrong.

Where is ur Greek translation now?
Stop struggling to justify what is heretic.

A simple verse is difficult for you to explain?
Thus verse is addressed to the believers. Apostle paul said the same thing-unless you continue to believe and do not depart from the truth.


Eternal Security is simply a false doctrine. Paul says in 1 Tim 4 I believe that some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. There are quite a number of places where its stated plainly that people can turn away from God. The bible says he that endures to the end shall be saved. There is this strong implication that some people will depart and its simply common sense because God gives freedom of choice and when someone repents and comes to Christ, his choice to rebel isn't taken away. You think the devil stops tempting and trying to get the person to fall and stay down?? But its through dependence and reliance on Christ that one keep on the strait and narrow path. But that's something you have to decide to do. Denying yourself and relying on Christ is a choice you make, not something that God forces you to do.


the soul is usually understood as the essence of a person, encompassing their mind, emotions, and personality, while the spirit is seen as the immaterial part that connects with a higher power or divine being, allowing for a deeper spiritual connection.
Key points to remember:
Represents the inner life, including thoughts, feelings, desires, and personality.
Represents the part of a person that connects with the divine, allowing for spiritual experiences and communion with God.


You will get yourself confused if we try to turn every statement into a losing salvation conversation, it will mean we have not understood the other part of the Bible, we need to rest, on our salvation by faith, rest in the Lord.


Yes, James 5:19 is specifically talking about believers, referring to those who have "wandered from the truth" and are being encouraged to be brought back to the Christian faith by fellow believers; essentially addressing a situation where a Christian has strayed from their faith and needs to be restored.


In context (considering the other text in the chapter), it’s clear that he’s referring to other believers (ie Christians), when he said “brethren”.


I think you missed a very important word in verse 19, which is ἐπιστρέφω (epistrephō), that is to "bring back" or "turn back". How does someone bring someone who is not part of the "brethren" back? The fact that the individual was brought back reinforces the idea that, in this context, ἐπιστρέφω implies a return to a previous state or relationship, highlighting that the individual was initially part of the community of believers. This also cements the point that true believers can be called a sinner when they start embracing false doctrines. So, ἐν ὑμῖν (en humin) therefore refers to one who is part of the community, not just in the midst of the community.


These are the ones who received the truth fellowship among the ones who walked in the truth, but the problem is that they are the ones who have not been born again


God bless Corey. I very much enjoy your videos and can appreciate your perspective on the subject matter at hand. I would like to know your perspective on this particular passage and maybe if you can make a short video on it. In regards to a believer losing their salvation or falling away, what is your understanding of 2 Peter 2:20-21? God bless you brother. I pray for the well being of you and your family. May the Lord continue to use you for the sake of His kingdom and glory. May He also keep us humble to be open about different perspectives pertaining to scripture.

“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Thank you for your view on this. My church just finished this series and the way the pastor explained it was, that the letter was addressed to believers. Also, James 5:19 is talking about believers who have sinned, not necessarily sinners, as unbelievers. Then he took us through other passages in James, as well as Matthew 18 in church discipline. Of course, my pastor could be wrong in his interpretation although he broke it down in the Greek.


I never read the James sickness passage as spiritual (at least not in total). I will have to reread James with that consideration in mind. Partly why I saw it as physical sickness is because suffering and patience is mentioned before this section in Ch5 indicating believers who need to be steadfast in their service to God and each other (like the prophets). The sickness could be related to or tied to any service to God (sickness due to stress of service vs believers generally being sick), but it ends with mentioning any sin will also be forgiven at end of this sickness passage which I always found interesting.


It has come to my attention that I bring nothing to the banquet table save that which Christ gave me . . . an invitation . . . nothing I did except accepting that invitation as an invitation and surrendering to our LORD. He has done the rest. Who can shut a door that the Lord has opened and who can open a door the LORD has shut.


He didn’t say that they strayed from amongst the congregation of the saints. He said that they strayed from the Truth.


Corey, you struggled with this one. I think some times you make the simple too complex.
