How To Be More Confident

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Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health explores Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and Meditation

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"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." - Seneca


confidence comes from being okay with failures, not by certainty of success.


my brain when i succeed at something difficult : It wasn't THAT hard


Doing difficult things 100% agree. Living with difficult ppl.... 100% disagree


My english sucks but i want to share my experience. I always was so soft and unsteady like a snail, no confidence at all. I was so polite that i almost wispered at people. Lol. Then i change a job and got in workspace with kinda toxic and loud coworkers, and i had to be loud too, because i needed to control behavior of random visitors. I struggled a lot. Like really a lot. Got bunch of issues like insomnia and even acne. But 2 years after i am still alive, i love my job and you won't recognise me, i became confident, loud and maybe a little bit toxic too, but not too much, because i watch Dr K and trying to be better person. Yay!
Not an easy way, yes...


Idk, i tried to do that this past year but i feel it left me exhausted and even more anxious. Im just wishing for some peace and rest for a while that i cant get.


Thank you sir your my comfort zones worst enemy and I love it.


A mix of difficult environment/task BUT having supportive peers I think is the best way the get confidence.

Not only do you make yourself aware of what you're capable of, but your belief in yourself is also reinforced by the people that support you.

I guess that what makes some slum people very ballsy. They're already born with the perfect ingredients to make a person confident.


Dark Souls unironically made me more confident for this very reason.


I have found a lot of confidence in daily affirmations. I have been doing it for years and it’s finally stuck. I’ve been talking about it a lot in your discord and I think it’s even helped a few people


I’m not capable of much! I fail all the time! 😂😂. I NEVER fail at believing in myself! Always confident I’ll learn something new and have fun driving myself nuts trying to learn something new!




My last 6 years have been really difficult due to undiagnosed ADHD, but I’ve pushed through and also accomplished some things I’m proud of. Now I have a diagnosis and medication and I haven’t experienced anxiety in 2 months or so. Life feels so mich easier, but I make sure to still challenge myself because I have grown to like it and it makes my future easier.


I've done difficult things but lost confidence the moment my father dismissed my accomplishments as something expected and ordinary.

You can't be confident without people who give proper emotional support.


I always view suffering( difficult situations more like ) = learning experience. Ofc i would always get stressed during those difficult situations but when i got past it, i learn more of my capabilities and always trying to do more. I dont like staying in my comfort zone for too long now cuz of this


Slam dunk in my self-confidence. I'm starting to feel it. But I'm not quite there yet. I still don't trust my own decision with many things, because I know how many things can go wrong


Agree with this, I intentionally add minor difficulties to my training to push myself and see if I can take it. Confidence in my abilities rises from this, and makes me want to build more difficulties in 🤓


I’ve always been confident and I realized it’s because from a young age I had focus and discipline with a winners mindset. I knew if I put in the work I could win, and I did. Confidence comes from believing in yourself, putting in the work, overcoming difficulty, and winning.


I think I agree. The part about difficult people has made me feel guilty though. Or just has made me realize that perhaps I don't possess enough courage right now? Currently I'm in an environment in which I feel miserable. I share Airbnb's with my workmates, with whom I don't have a good relationship. They intimidate me and I have made many mistakes in front of them, some of them caused by fear which made me act impulsively instead of rationally. I have social anxiety, in addition. So I feel like in a vicious cycle - I lessen myself in front of them out of fear, I rarely have courage to stand up for myself, and the past mistakes dictate my field of possibility (which is very narrow; I just act like a small mouse, not to further piss them off). It's a really complex matter and most of it comes down to effective communication, self-respect, and separating stuff (the past shouldn't influence what I'm able or not able to do now). But out of fear, I feel just incapable. So theoretically, I could learn much from them and develop a lot; but I'm all alone here and just afraid, doing the minimum that's expected of me.

I know it's also probably a matter of scale, perhaps this isn't the right moment, perhaps the circumstances are too difficult for me to handle ATM, especially given the fact that all my social support and peers are abroad. I know I shouldn't bash myself for what is happening. Yet, something tells me that this would be a great opportunity to grow... to learn how to respect myself, how to treat myself in situations where I'm not liked / accepted and yet standing firmly and pursuing the values I believe in... yet, it all seems masochistic. Yes, I want to escape. I want to get away from here ASAP cuz it's mentally excruciating to live like that daily, in distress. It's draining. So I'm telling myself this story that, when I find myself around strangers again, I'll start well from the beginning - set the expectations, rules, boundaries, and treating myself like an adult from the beginning: assuming responsibility, but also not letting the others intimidate me to the point where I doubt my own reason.

It feels just... somewhat bad that I feel I'm not able to use in practice all the stuff about responsibility, learning from others, letting go of ego and pride etc. I'm more concerned with the fact of how many times I've made a fool of myself here, or that it's embarrasing to ask for help a person that considers you a burden. It feels somewhat bad to feel out of strength to pursue all these adult traits, yet another part of me that's more self-compassionate really thinks that this job and the character of it (sharing the flat with the mates, moving constantly, lack of predictable routine etc.) is too much for me at this point of my life, or is out of alignment with my personality. I want to grow, yes, but not in conditions that are slowly killing me.

The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.


I had to go through many many many hard things in my life. Yet I'm not very confident.
