Mac or PC? What is the best computer for music production? // imac vs windows 👊 ✨

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A mac or pc for music production? What are the differences between a iMac vs Windows for music producers?
The best computer for music production is the one that you can work the most comfortable with.
The pros and cons of different operaring systems (Apple MacOS or Microsoft Windows) are laid out for producing music.

I have made a few categories in which is a winner for me personally:
✅ price = pc
✅ expansion = pc
✅ connections = pc
✅ power = pc
✅ esthetics = mac
✅ space = mac
✅ os = mac
✅ usability (drivers) = mac
✅ compatibility / reliability = mac
✅ noob = mac
✅ fixability = pc
✅ security = mac

🎥 Video about the best music production software for beginners:

🎥 Review about the Focusrite 2i2:

🔴 For the tech-savy music producer who notices that the photo of the USB cable isn't actually a USB cable but a SATA cable: yes, I know.
Yes, I know. I saw it after everything was finished.
No, I'm not gonna change it. This video took me already 4 days to make.

• difference between mac and pc for music production
• mac or pc for music production
• music production computer
• Best computer for music producer
• best computer for producing

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hello Guys,
My name is dexxter clark and I do vlogs, reviews and tutorials about djing and producing

What is better for music production MacOS or Windows?
If the PC is so great, why are a lot of people using imacs for their music? And vice versa.

In this video will dig into the pros and cons of both operating systems from the perspective of a music producer, so you can make an educated decision on whats best for you!
And on the end of the video I’ll you why I think the Macbook Pro is a bad choice
Mac vs PC, FIGHT!


This video was sponsored by my Patreon members. If you like you can help me out too for as low as one dollar a month.

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The ancient question of Mac vs PC
Before we dive into the matter at hand for the current day, It is worth mentioning that in the early days Apple was more suited to edit video and produce music.
The tools where just so much better. Interfacing better, the computer faster, software.

Apple had a much more simplified approach that it made easier to stay in the creative flow.
While the PC user was fiddling with IRQs to make their Soundblaster soundcard work, and shouting at windows for getting a resulting blue screen.
On the mac side, the music professionals were happily making tunes and hits we love today.
That’s why professional audio engineers use macs.

But over the course of the last 10 years, a lot has changed, the PC caught up BIG TIME.
Apple switched to Intel processors which microsoft used for decades, so the performance is the same.
The big DAWS have windows and Mac versions (except logic) and everything you can do on a mac, you can do on a pc too.
So the main reason to choose for a mac is gone.
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I was saving for a mac, but now you've changed my mind.


It's really all about the OS and the software optimization, that's it. Macs are not necessarily better for music production. I've made music with both operating systems, and you can't tell which OS I used to create them.


At this point in time, the main reason many producers use Mac is tradition. Once they have a Mac, they learn the proprietary software, then they’re chained to Mac. Of course, many still try to argue that the technology is better. Seems pretty much the same these days. Mac are unnecessarily expensive and customer service for repairs is abysmal. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Windows PCs are getting more and more stable lately, those printing and other issues seem to be less of an issue now too. ASIO drivers are still a bit of a pain though, sigh.


I believe the only reason Macs are an "industry standard" is because of the initial out of the box experience. Some people just want it to work and are willing to pay the extra price. You DO get more power for your money on the PC side but it does take minor learning and tweaking (or major, depending on what you consider to be hard to learn) to make the most out of it.


There is such a issue these days with not just what DAW runs but also what plugins run on either... the lesson really is just working with what you have once the decision is made.


It’s mostly about preferences if you find windows better then go for it etc i used my home mac that everyone uses I enjoy the mac but I don’t see any differences it’s just annoying having to install a driver for my 5 pin adapter um-one cause my piano is old and I wanted to use it for music I just find my laptop more portable but if I could choose I would choose a MacBook but I cant afford that as you said pc/laptop is a lot cheaper for mostly the same or less or more doesn’t matter the macs ui is a lot better but all I have is my own windows laptop and guess what? Is works totally fine so choose what you want


Newbie to PC after leaving Apple. Simply put, I couldn't afford another Apple after my ProBook died. So, I just built a Ryzen 7 machine which is the most powerful thing I've ever used. Thr Apple equivalent would have cost 4+ times the price. Admittedly, I need to learn a thing or two about security and general maintenance but I'm ok with that.


If you are a DJ or you are performing live with hardware, then get a Mac. If you are used to a system because you grew up with it, then don't change!. Never run a touching system .-)


I run both Windows and Mac. My windows machine is a desktop gaming PC. I use it for anything other than music production. My MacBook is primarily used for Music but similar to the PC it's is used for anything other than... Gaming in this instance. I will say generally my preference is PC because of familiarity but those ASIO drivers (frustrating at times) and the fact that everything (that I use for music production), as the mantra goes "just works" for my Mac, means that I no longer use it for music production. I think your video overall does a great job of demonstrating, though there are reasons for choosing a Mac, I don't think there is a strong reason to dismiss PC's and as you have said, there are some real advantages to using PC.

The only thing I would disagree with here is around security. I think, as you say, Microsoft have really upped their game in recent years and I think both do equally well at protecting you however as you stated there are many more threats aimed at Windows than Mac. However, I don't think the existence of a threat makes the system less secure but it does mean there are more reasons to ensure you are up to date with all your vaccines. I know this is mostly semantics but I have run a PC without additional protection since at least Windows 10 came out and I to am yet to find any viruses or malware on it.


I chose PC as a beginner because it just seemed unreliable to put so much money on a Mac when I don't know my preferences yet. As I learn what kind of music I want to make and what DAW to run I can just slowly upgrade and change my PC in various ways. And it doesn't have to cost a lot to do so as lots of local retailers selI components for reasonable prices. I also get two more benefits: 1. I learn how to build and configure a computer making it less stressful when something breaks, and 2. I can buy a powerful graphics card and play all the latest games, or get into video editing if that's my thing.


My opinion. If your half serious and don't know much on computers. Get a Mac. Mac is a good beginning stage. It just set make you do things the right way vs P.C. if you don't know what you are doing even working with FL studio daw. (Hint) cheap windows laptop = clicks freezes and pops. Mac laptop= way less to none clicks and pops but the program must be compatible to computer. If not it wont install. Advance wise and if you only want new programs added. Get an apple maxed out. Only if you don't know much about computers but great for music production. Now for the P.C. side. I'm a forever P.C. guy. I grow up on P.C. and I understand it better then a Mac. There are some motherboards can withstand 128gb, 64gb, 32gb, 16gb of ram😍. CPU latest line i9, i7, i5, i3 and others. Ryzen is the way to go on CPU and motherboard. It's ahead of it's time if you know what your doing. Get a top of the ryzen CPU and motherboard that hold alot of ram 64gb or better with 4tb ssds harddrives. You will be unstoppable unless you let it overheat or physically break it. Otherwise apple ain't nothing in comparison. Plus P.C. can also use older plugins and softwares which apple can't in most cases. Apple will tell you quickly that your software is too new or it's too obsolete. Thumbs down to apple on that. Apple is great if your just starting and or if you don't know much on computers but want to look "profesional or nice"😂. If you want a P.C. to look nice. Just look up some gaming cases any color you choose and it will make apple looks like it's futuristically behind on desktop. If you care for a thin tin that can easily break . Once it does then your S.O.L. on time and maybe money.😂😂😂 Pick your weapons wisely. Also to avoid virus and hacks. Stay away from internet base plugins that has to have internet to function. I update things I need and send. Then I unplug the internet afterwards to avoid any problems from hacking or viruses and only use the computer for studio base only. Use a different computer if you want to use internet with it. (Apple)


A friend told me that Macs are more expensive that PCs, but they have longer lifespans. You mac will more likely become obsolete than to just breakdown. If you went with PC you should expect to have to replace it in a shorter amount of time than with a mac, but that would mean that you would have a device that is more fit for purpose - for more of the time. So it just depends which you would rather have


I use focusrite interfaces, the 2i2 and the 18i20. Both just plugged up and worked right away on my PC.


Imac 2019 changed it back for me... was considering switching to windows... but teh 2019 imac let me upgrade mem and ssd for non-apple prices. Add to that superb integration with my ipad pro, and the fact that mainstage is still mac only (live keyboardist) ... made me buy an i9 imac... and i am a very happy camper with that... also the mac mini 2018 is a very nice long as you don’t have to pay apple prices for memmory and ssd upgrades, their prices arn’t that bad..


If you're on a budget and have a long-game approach ... here's my experience: bought a MacBook Pro in 2007, used it in the studio, in the office, and at home. Replaced it in 2013 with a Retina thingy. Purchased a replacement charger once, purchased a new battery for the 2007 model when I upgraded, so it would be useful for the kids. Also forked out for a Lacie thunderbolt backup thingy. All worked hard, all did great. Hardly ever heard a cooling fan, never got hacked, never cared for viruses or other malware. Spent about $6000 (oz dollars) over 11 years ... to equip the home, office, and studio. Dunno if that's expensive ... seems cheap considering an earlier Toshiba laptop with fingerprint scanner and hopeless audio/power supply glitches cost nearly $5200 and died twice under warranty, and weeks afterwards. Plastic crap.


I've had better experiences with Mac OS. It seems to just work better with audio devices for me. Windows gave me so many driver issues. For example, I had a focusrite interface that refused to work correctly on Windows no matter what I did. Somehow it was just plug and play on Mac. I've had no regrets buying an iMac.


IMO pc’s main point of opposition, in its case for superiority over macs, is kind of misleading. Different programs utilize different resources and the tight integration of hardware and software in apple products is how they get so much more out of 2-3 gbs of RAM. Almost any i5 and especially i7 macs with as much ram as you can get with your OS installed on a ssd and your sample libraries/sample based instruments(kontakt etc) stored externally on thunderbolt or usb 3.0 connected ssd’s (7200 rpm hdd’s work too) and you’re pretty unstoppable and fairly future proof. Only advancements i see worth staying up to date with are usb port connections. The newer, the faster essentially. From the standpoint of not wanting to have to become a tech guru on top of everything else, macs are really the way to go. A lot of music production is founded around the idea that the preconfigured aspect to technology is actually a means of helping an artist focus on the creative part of music production. This idea that you don’t need to learn music theory, sound design or even have a real understanding of mixing and mastering to produce hits should, again IMO, care on to your computer. Customization and getting your computer speced precisely how you want isn’t an original process. There’s only so many components to swap in/out or upgrade that actually concern music production and I’d think it’s something you do once because upgrading your system is a pain in the neck and I avoid it any cost. Throw all the money you can into the highest speced mac, sound card, monitoring system(speakers/headphones) and daw that you can possibly afford if you wanna spend as much of your time making music as possible and as little time as possible setting up, troubleshooting or researching. Try and see it as one huge investment that you want to only make once. PC may seem like your path to running 10, 000 instances of ozone, maschine, and serum as you want with no audible lag but this guy doesn’t stress enough that if you aren’t already interested in computers outside of music production or unless you really know what you’re doing, go mac and let apple make those decisions for you. For music production in terms of what you get with your os making connections wired and unwired just work, and quickly, you can’t go wrong with a mac. My bottomline is that the thing you keep telling yourself “can’t be true” that a lot of what you’re trying to do as a producer can be done on a pro level with nothing but primitive, no bells and whistles tools and well honed skillset, is completely true. Your idols(most likely) made hits with seconds of storage space because it’s not rocket science and because to audio is the ultimate work around. You can truly do damage with 1gb of ram and ableton lite. Commit to audio. Move on.

This has gotten far longer than intended (a testament to how convoluted of a topic this can be!) extra speed and power under the hood is nice though. Just know when you’re drooling over top model gear you’re only missing out on convenience. It’s all the gear is good. You will run out of rewarding experiences while producing though so either do the one time big buy approach or get the bare minimum system requirements for your software and reward your with faster/premium hardware as you progress and only if you’ve given yourself a reason to be rewarded (and that’s by finishing tracks) otherwise you’re buying an expensive headache that’ll make you want to so anything you can to avoid your desk.


I have always worked on PC for CAD design and music production mainly because I can build a custom PC workstation from the ground up way cheaper that I can buy either a Mac or PC. I don't buy the old one is better than the other for music production because my tracks are as good (a lot of times better) as any of my "pro" Mac buddies work I've heard. It's all in how well you know your DAW. I do find that there are tons more available PC software that is also much cheaper than Apple offers. That aside, I did some tracks at a friend's studio, because he already had a great electronic Roland drum setup using Ableton software. When he sent me the wave files, they wouldn't open on my PC. Something about the bitstream of the URL being unsupported. I tried opening in Cakewalk, Adobe Audition and different media players. Do you have any suggestions on how to share wave files across different platforms?


Is latency still an issue in 2022. I remember choosing Mac for just this one reason several years ago. But keen now on going back to Windows. Thanks.
