Gas Leak 2 for 2

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“Gas? You smell gas? I definitely don’t, and even if you do, it’s always supposed to do that!” Gaslighting to the next level. Arizona contractors are scum bags, I remember.


So why would the gas company say it's a leak and shut off gas and replace when all those arm chair experts said it's a discharge valve or whatever? Lmao


I work for the gas company and that is very much an Abnormal Operating Condition and needs to be addressed immediately until made safe


I worked for Amerigas for 5 years. There is no allowable amount of leakage on residential properties, zero. That regulator has failed and is burping gas to prevent over pressurization of the gas lines and appliances in the home. If you attempted a gas leak inspection it would never pass with that regulator leaking like that


The misinformation astroturfing on other platforms about how gas leaks aren’t dangerous IS DANGEROUS. Keep doing what you’re doing, Cy.


When the gas company sends someone in a hurry, it's definitely a problem


Those commets show that just because you're in a business for a long time doesn't mean you're good at it.


I saw a guy from the gas company a few weeks ago working on the meters next door, and I made the comment "hey, now it won't make me sick stinking of gas getting in my car in the morning!" as I walked by. He immediately stood up and said, "EXCUSE ME?!?! Where smells like gas in the morning?" I pointed it out and before we walked all the way over to the elbow joints coming into the house next door from the meters (a considerable distance away) we could both smell it, hardcore. They shut off a bunch of houses that week for short periods of time to re-do many of the pipes carrying gas into houses on both sides of the street. I got a "thank you" from the gas company, too. I guess it could have gone very poorly if someone tried lightning up a charcoal grill in between the houses...


This is why I like Cy. He didn't know about this type of leak and took the time to learn from the expert.


Agreed. Gas it not supposed to leak. It’s supposed to stay in the pipe!


that is negligence. They know what happens if the line is fouled. Unreal.


Any smell of gas is dangerous, some of these new inspectors don’t know squat.


All the people that attack Cy are industry people. They know what they are doing is questionable if not outright wrong, yet they want to keep hiding it from consumers. These are not nameless facing companies fucking you over - they are people you easily identify and I love that Cy shares it with the world.


Hey, "Experts": If the gas company comes out and fixes it, it was a problem.


Wow. That's borderline criminal, I wouldn't flinch at people going to jail for that kind of negligence.


"They're gonna get ya hurt." Is such an understatement!!!


A good while back I was repairing a water supply pipe leak. The shutoff valve was outside. As turned off the water I smelled a gas leak. It was not at the gas meter. I called the local gas company and they got someone out there pronto, verified the leak & shut to gas off at the meter, locked it & posted notice it was not to be turned on until the leak was fixed & they verified this! Very serious issue.


If the soap test is producing bubbles then it's a leak.

Also from what I can see from parts diagrams that vent at the bottom looks like it's supposed to be a rear side pressure relief not gas relief. It's so that if the main feed over pressures the diaphragm can move and be regulated by the spring pressure and not be impeded by closed system vessel pressure.


Omg I can’t believe people are saying it’s a pressurized system that needs leaks 😂 Do you have to depressurize your faucets every hour? It’s the same concept people! The reason we keep water running during winter is that ice freezes bigger than the pipe & moving water can’t freeze. Gas doesn’t freeze or need releasing. You don’t burp a freaking gas tank that’s for your propane grill! Makes me worried our gas lines are becoming so unmaintained & out of our average knowledge level that we’re going to start having houses go up as bombs. Our water supply system & now I guess our gas lines have been ignored to long.


I just, like literally 15 minutes ago, taught my history students about the New London school explosion that happened in Texas in 1937. It was caused by a gas leak, and is one of the reasons we added smell to natural gas. Now I'm going to add this video into my lesson for the next class!
