These Tibetan Monks Know the Secret of Levitation

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From the Pyramids to Coral Castle, tales of sound levitation exist throughout history. Scientists are now proving the physics behind these unlikely myths, and this tale from 1939 shows it is possible with heavy stones.

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I absolutely love alternate theories to everything. The day we stop wondering, exploring, and dreaming, is the day we have no more purpose.


Not just Tibetan monks. When I was little I studied with a monk from Thailand. In his small room, he had black and white photos of his teachers. One photo showed an old monk above the ground. My teacher said that is his teacher and he would always walk above ground so as not to step on any insects. The photo was probably taken around the 40s or 50s. Also in Tibet there are the famous speed walkers. They walked so fast almost like flying. They were under the payroll of the British government to pass letters between India and Tibet 100 + years ago. British and German knew that the Himalayan region has a lot of esoteric secrets, so British invaded Tibet. The British also took a lot of important vedas and secret sciences texts through the East India Company. They have been trying to suppress these knowledge. Also the first modern flying machine was built by Talpade using ancient Indian texts. But he was imprisoned, his testimonies fabricated and his flying machines confiscated by the British colonial government.


Actually, many yogis know the "secret" of levitation as well.
I mean not only Tibetan monks, but also in India, Nepal and many other places. Many people know the science of energy and frequency.
I think this is how the pyramid was built.


same story for Nicola Tesla, he spoke about that the key to the universe is vibration


This is how the walls of Jericho fell...


And will remain unknown, keyword: "confiscated by his employer", the method is already known by some, but like many useful things that have come and gone in this world that would have been beneficial to us all it has been put away to be forgotten, in order to keep humanity on its knees


Heavier objects need to be levitated LONGER.. I think they were expecting immediate results, but DUE to density of object and impurity of different materials... The frequency and resonance being generated take longer to uniformly generate throughout the whole rocks/ heavy objects. That is why when the monks did it-- it took over 4-5 minutes before any movement was visible. 10 minutes until it was in the air past 10 feet.


Pyramids and many other ancient structures were built this way by distant civilisations. Love this video!


That is not unknown, that is the power of vibration, If you believe you can open the cloud in the sky to make appear the sun you can that is just a training to do so converted in habit.The more you meditate the more your vibration body becoming large and powerful and so the energy so vibrational can move objects, same effect can be made with the sea as pushing the sea water, the human is connected to everything that is all about masterizing your imagination and so your mind, the more you become pure the more your energy become powerful everything is energy and sound.


This is how the walls of jericho fell, the egyptian and mayan pyramids were built, etc. etc.


Absolutely INCREDIBLE! My God to think this is ACTUALLY possible is jaw dropping and mind-blowing.... Legit speechless


It's called Gandharva Mantra.
To fly object using sound
Written in Buddhist culture


Do you think this was how Coral Castle was built too? Super interesting stuff!


The real question is: who was the employer, why did they take them, and how do we get that footage?


Matthew 17:20 "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there, ' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." This is not surprising Nikola Tesla said, “ If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration. “ That frequency and vibration is truly the secret "Coral Castle has baffled scientists, engineers and scholars since its opening in 1923." It has appeared countless times in books, magazines, and television shows. As strange and amazing as the site is, its history is equally improbable. It was created by just one man working alone for 28 years until his death in 1951. He was a immigrant named Edward Leedskalnin who stood, it is said, 5 feet tall (1.5 meters) and weighed 100 lbs. (45 kilograms). He knew the secret of the pyramids and took it with him to the grave


I believe it’s take off fast and then has a slow accent, so if you could push it into place, or I imagine if the learned vertical plane motion they figured out horizontal plane motion.

There’s cancer research that uses a similar principle. Essentially what’s happening is your impregnating a carrier wave which can interact with the structure. You must put the first wave resonance inside the second wave. That’s probably why they hit the drums from behind and aimed it with the other instruments.

The flutes and such where the carrier wave. The drums was the lifting motion. The way it’s believed to work in cancer treatment is similar, you buy a machine that alternates resonance/frequency randomly(since no one figured out which is the correct) then that goes inside a carrier wave which your cells with cancer can accept it also delivers hopefully the right frequency that kills it. I forget the details. But the setup maybe $7000 last I checked. Don’t ask me why.

But trial and error may bring about results. One man John Hutchinson did basically what I’m describing and started creating insane paranormal activity throughout his neighborhood. The gov came knocking and confiscated a ton of footage and info.

He supposedly was getting asked to work for other countries like Japan. But he said it was all trial and error he never was certain what was happening as the effects weren’t obvious and could be happening outta sight, like levitating his neighbors dining room furniture.


Reminds me of when God told Joshua to march around Jericho for 7 days. Then on 7 day to blow the trumpets and the walls came crumbling down.


His employer confiscating it sounds like when I tell people I caught a fish big but it got away 🤷🏿‍♂️ #CAP


Ahh, the original Rock n Roll. Or Rock n Raise, to be more specific.


The importance and Impact of Sound Power, used in moving things - is also there in Hindu / Vedic culture and literature. Thats why Hundu and Vedic culture gives so much importance to chanting of Mantra's. Accurate chanting of Mantras - if one properly - can also be very useful. Unfortunately, most Western mainstream specialists - tend to laugh at this advance form of Science which was originally used by the ancient Hindus.
