Why Salvation DOESN’T Come by Asking Jesus into Your Heart

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Ray Comfort talks with an atheist and an agnostic. They bring up many different objections, but watch how Ray quickly answers them and goes straight to the gospel, which is all that ultimately matters when we're evangelizing.




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I am an EXTREMELY INTROVERTED person but today I'm choosing to go evangelize for the first time at Venice Beach and Santa Monica. Please pray that God leads me to someone who needs to hear the gospel. Also pray that I will have strength and courage to speak up about Jesus Christ.


i can't believe ray is 71, i'd have guessed maybe in his 50s. may the good Lord bless him with great health


I asked Jesus into my heart at 10yrs old and he's still there.


My girlfriend is atheist and I've been teaching her the stories and meanings behind Christianity and my relationship with. I've have showed her through my actions and my commitment to save sex after marriage. She has been very understanding. When I first met her she was very defensive about hearing about God. Now she asks me questions about God and my Christian faith. She is a nurse and has some Christian patients asking her to read the Bible to her... I keep praying for her and I honestly have seen God work wonders in opening her heart and ears to Him. Please pray for her. She grew up Catholic, and her mother is Christian... but she was attracted to Buddhism a few years ago... (she's not Buddhist, just curious about it). Her name is Joy. Please pray for her.


I kid you not I had rashes all over my body for *years* and I cried out to God to heal me I couldn’t take it anymore, and it instantly stopped itching and overnight it was GONE praise be to the Lord! I’ve seen many other prayers answered there’s no doubt the healing and miracles in the Bible are true God is good!


Not gonna lie, the first 5 seconds of the video I was really worried. "They got Ray too!?!?!" Censorship and persecution are coming folks, buckle up and stand on the Word.


Prayed to receive Christ into my heart at 16 years old age. I am now 65. Christ is still there as He has promised that He will never leave me nor forsake me. 😊


I beg to differ. My mom hated Christianity. Then she said Jesus, if you are real, come into my heart and he totally changed her life. She loved the Bible prayer going to Christian school, witnessing, playing gospel piano.


I asked Jesus into my heart and He came in. There’s more to it than just saying come in. There is repentance, there is trust in His sacrifice. But as many as received Him to them He gave eternal life.


Praying that God will change hearts for these gentlemen


I asked Jesus to come into my heart at Summer Camp when I was 8. I felt the Holy Spirit then, and I still do now.


I am a selfish person, always in a hurry and I don't want to slow down and "see" other people. I mind my business and feel afraid at times and shy at times. But God is changing my heart. He's changing my heart to "see" others, that they are perishing. So with shaky knees at times and awkwardness I am slowly starting to "see" others. Sometimes I find myself saying some of the things Ray comfort does and sometimes I just call the name of the cashier and tell them God loves them and I hope they read the cartoon that I give them. I purchase the tracts from Living Waters. One step at a time. I just look at God and say, "More please." 😊 It really started with recognizing the times we're living in and crying out to the Lord to change me. Ray is an inspiration. Thank you.


The guy in the Maiden shirt was open and had genuine questions. Praying that God softens his heart and he comes to Jesus


Asked Jesus to come into my heart 4 years ago, poured out my heart to him in repentance and he took away years of mental chaos, nightmares, depression, anxiety, debilitating fear, demonic influence and oppression (and all that that had with it), addictions, anger... But now I'm free!! And I have peace!! And joy!! And I'm alive!! And I love my lord and saviour jesus christ💙God is real, very real, and I am completely different person now. I'm not living in torment anymore, praise God


71 wow. My uncle Walter is 94 and I pray he will receive Jesus Christ


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9:10‬ ‭


I asked Jesus into my heart at 12 and again a few times over the years because I never felt changed. In my 20's, I had the thought I was lukewarm, but I thought, "I go to church every week, I pray twice a day, and I listen to Christian music on the radio. I'm fine." Fast forward to 41
I was divorced and living with my soon-to-be second husband. God woke me up to the times we are living in (end times) and said, "You are lukewarm. Get hot, or I will spit you out." I got hot. I cleared out a closet, put a pillow and blanket in there, and made time every day to pray and read the Bible. God gave me His precious Holy Spirit and changed me. I didn't know that there was anything more to the Christian life than talking to the ceiling. Now I have a real-live two-way relationship with the Living God. I'm weary of that "Jesus prayer" as a tool of evangelism. Ray Comfort has the right idea.


The change on the older mans face from annoyance to genuine interest is just amazing. Rays approach is absolutely amazing.


Seeing Ray’s example makes me feel like I should be doing more.


The Bible says that everyone knows that God is real. The base problem is, people love their sin more than they love God. So to protect their sin, they reject the truth that is right before them.
