Is God real?

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isaiah 60:22 “at the right time i the lord will make it happen” have faith keep praying and keep believing that god is with you, god is with you even when you are struggling with faith just put your trust in him and your life will start coming together


You’re a thoughtful person, and I love how gracious and kind you are. You’ll do well in the days ahead.


I personally am a Christian. I love that you are thinking about this more and more. I would reach out to a Pastor or someone like that if you had questions because it can be very hard to understand everything that happens in the bible.


Hey! Just wanted to say that i found your channel about an hour ago and i am very proud of you. Very few people are courageous enough to speak up. Being of your age and struggling with similar things....i feel really understood. Take care of yourself and keep moving forward. You can do this!


i don’t usually comment but i feel like i have to share! this is the first time i’ve seen this topic addressed so openly on a platform. the things you talk about always make me feel so seen! it’s reassuring to know someone else is just as curious as i am about these things, so thanks for sharing and creating a space for us to share too! like you said, I don’t know about god, but i do believe the universe works in ways no one can fully understand. i get the feeling that nature is speaking a language humans have forgotten, and we’re all just watching the world play out around us, trying to make sense of it all. it might be strange, but i don’t really want other people to see things exactly how i do, or to believe the same explanations for the mysteries of the world, because what would be the fun in that? sure we want to know the truth, but the fun part is guessing, coming up with theories about our world and weaving stories with our lived experiences. that’s why i love watching your channel, because i always end up contemplating these ideas that can never fully be answered. changing my initial idea and tossing around another. sometimes i get frustrated when people believe so whole heartedly in god, because i know i could never be so sure. i kinda just brain dumped, so sorry, but i just love thinking and sharing about this sorta stuff 🤗 thanks for the video Jwool


hey jwool, i really liked your video

i'm an ex-catholic because my prayer life felt one way. combine that with severe depression and anxiety and ✨bam✨, i stopped believing that god really loved me. that combined with homophobia (i'm bi, and many of my friends are lgbtq as well), caused me to lose faith in the religion.

i'm still conflicted about christianity and working through that. personally, i think we're in similar places in our spiritual lives.

hang in there man, thanks for another amazing video!


James, I am a Christian. I am not going to preach to you. I pray for you almost every day, because God instilled in me a Love for you that makes no sense if it doesn't come from Him. I have one suggestion. Get a red letter edition of the Bible. The red letter portions are in the new testament and are the quotations recorded of what Jesus actually said. Read a bit before and after to get the context. One thing that clearified prayer for me was observing wise parents with a 2 year old. The 2 year old gets mad because he doesn't get what he asks for. The parents don't give it to him because they know it's bad for him, he just can't understand it yet. God revealed Himself to Moses as the Great I Am. Understanding takes time and a desire to understand. I have prayed He give you patience, I see that happening. Take care my friend.


I am so very proud of you. Questioning existence is a good thing. Paths will be found from which you will choose the one(s) to follow. I no longer follow religion. I follow my Faith which blends Christianity with other beliefs which I have had the pleasure to experience. You said things in your video which directly reflect the teachings of Christian and non-Christian beliefs. Living in Arizona as you do makes me wonder if Native American beliefs have consciously or otherwise been exposed to you. You have wisdom beyond your eighteen years. Life experience has shown me that prayer does not have to be a formal matter. Conversations that run through your mind as you meditate, walk, exercise, sit quietly outdoors...anything you do when you aren't being bombarded by the every day events of life (quiet time), are conversations with the Universe, or to the One I still refer to as God. Look past the human interference of Faith, find your belief, and grow with it. You are on your way through your own personal journey. Blessings or Enlighgtenment to you.


I would recommend watching a talk from General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. They help me a lot when im confused or struggling with my faith.


Hey there! Just found your channel. It's really touching to see someone being so open and genuine on the internet like you have been and continue to be. I'm around your age and personally a Christian, but like any religious person will tell you, I've had my ups and downs with my faith. I've struggled severely with mental illness and that throws a damper on any and every relationship in your life, including a relationship with Jesus. I've been blessed that, through all the hospital visits, medication, medical attention, su*cide attempts, all of it, I have felt the love and gentle care of Jesus in my life.

I remember one day I was particularly su*cidal and I unexpectedly heard a certain story from the Bible, about a prophet of God back in the 9th century who felt su*cidal too. In that story, God took care of him, making sure his needs were met and encouraging him to keep going (the passage is 1 Kings 19:3-12). Hearing stories like that and seeing the effects of answered prayer in my life has convinced me that God is real and that He is active and loving.

Anyway, all that to say it was very interesting and touching to hear about your current faith journey and the ideas that you've been exploring. In Christianity, we would say that someone like you has a soft heart or ears to hear. You're open to finding the truth and that means there's a good chance that, by pursuing it, you'll find what you're looking for. I wish you all the best, and you've earned another subscriber. <3


I left my family Methodist tradition and went by myself to a UCC church. They are open and affirming. It’s been the absolute best experience. I’ve learned a lot and it feels like I’m closer to God. I’m also respected as a gay guy.


i admire this. you are being RESPECTFUL to EVERYONE and their beliefs. you are very OPEN-MINDED and seeking answers. this is a perfect example of how we can make the world a better place. what you are going through is REAL. there is so much out there in this "universe" and what you are currently [feeling] is... there is too much to explain in one comment. keep being YOU. if you have questions please ask in your next video.


This makes me so insanely happy you made this video. I feel like I was meant to find your channel I relate to you a lot in so many areas and began diving deeper into the bible just this year and im learning a lot and its making drastic changes on my mind for the better. Sometimes when we take the reigns of control instead of letting God work his hand in our lives, we lead ourselves into a deep dark cave and to get out we have to open our eyes search for the light again and reach out and let go to God again to guide us out. Jesus was a real person bro. Whether he was sent from God or not. No athiest can deny that. Everything he was and did was beyond believable and he was so insanely amazing back in the day that hes such a huge person still. Whether Jesus was sent from God or not, he was 100% sent by the Universe. Hes definitely surely tapped into something extraordinary regardless which makes me believe God actually sent Jesus to help save us from our struggles. And God wanted to reach us through Jesus-like a vessel he could speak through. He speaks through Jesus giving us a template and wisdom for happiness and purpose and to take the worry away-the words in red are the truth and should be held as high as they can. God says to pray and fast to get rid of bad things you are dealing with (people who rewrite the bible take this part out- matthew 17:21) thats the evil of the world wanting to keep the good away from others. that goes to show how ~profound~ fasting and praying are. Please look up Alex Eubanks on youtube and his walk with God and how it cured his anxiety and derealization. Ive also come a long way because God/jesus came into my life. I'm excited and thankful I still have a lot more to learn. Its always very healthy to have something above you to worship and that humbles you. Whether people realize it or not I believe we are wired to worship something-whether that be ourselves, drugs, money, the government, science, or work. But I believe a healthy mind worships God. A mind that is set apart from the world is a healthy mind and it taps you into the power the universe made for you. The evil in the world wants you to not see this power inside of you God gives. He says we can move mountains


Brave. Thank you for showing how to be free thinker.


I was at my lowest point. Extreemely depressed and I felt empty. I talked to my friend who was relgious and I just didn't believe god was real. I went in the car with my mom to a restraunt and said I don't really believe. 5 minutes later we were in a burrito beach (its a mexican restraunt chain in chicago possibly other places too). I sat down and the lady next to me said this "when the lord tells me to do something I can not ignore it. The lord told me to bless this boy with this 20 dollar bill. She handed the money and I was shocked. I didn't look uncempt or as if I was struggling financially and I was sitting next to my mom. The fact that she said it to me and not my mom in that 5 minute time period of me saying I don't believe changed me. I couldn't just say it was a coincidence. I then began studying christianity and reading and understanding the bible. I started on the gospel of john. What spoke to me outside of that is how I felt during reading. All my lustful thoughts and suicidal thoughts were gone. The gospel is also written in eye wittness testamony so that helped me as a very scientific thinker believe in the gospel. Science and religion do go together in my opinion. Sience can't prove or disprove god because it only described whats in the natural word and not whats outside of it. Also genesis is mostly metaphorical so yeah that was me rambling about why I believe. I know this might sound crazy or hard to believe and there is no way I can make you believe what I say is true but from the bottom of my heart I deeply want you to know that this happened and has changed me and I really hope you find peace in jesus. There is more stuff I could say about why I believe but thats not for now. I really want to become a pastor when im older because I am non denominational protestant but that also isn't for now lol. Have a blessed day or night whenever you are seeing this and remember, jesus loves you!

the edit is me fixing my typos lol


I would like to believe, but after many years working in an ER, I’ve seen too many things that make me not believe. A few weeks ago, I spent an hour with the very understandably very upset family of a young teenager who died suddenly and tragically. The whole time I’m thinking “How could a loving god devastate this family like this” (no, I don’t believe it’s to make the family stronger or see how fragile life is, etc). I’ve seen babies die, kids abused, kids killed, etc. I’d like to believe, but I’ve seen too way too much. Anyway, my two cents worth.


Wherever you land on this, I hope you never feel constrained from questioning magical thinking. Love and support coming your way from sweltering Nevada!


I believe in Jesus and I can honestly say He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I always knew of God but the last few years I decided to really seek Jesus for myself. I prayed and read his word and it really began to change me. Then I went to a christian church camp and that's when God really encountered me. I cried out to him and he met me right there where I was. He set me free and gave me a love I've never known. I know there's so many views on religion and Jesus specifically, but I would tell you to get to know him for yourself. Read His word. The Bible says Jesus came so you can have life and it more abundantly. It says God will give you peace that surpasses all understanding. Jesus died so that you can be free and so that you can be in right relationship with him! You are so loved my friend :) don't give up.


I personally don't think that god is real but I have recently started praying, no idea who I'm praying too haha but even if no ones listening its nice to put into words what I'm going through and what I'm looking for 😊and I agree with you that we should respect everyone's religion! Much love from the uk man


As a Muslim, I don't believe what Christians believe but I respect them to an extent as well. I would recommend looking for God, pray for God to show you an obvious sign and I hope you find God and improve your mental health brother. ❤
