How to help a friend with cancer | Christopher Gorelik | TEDxOaksChristianSchool

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In the past 15 years, great strides have been made in cancer research. As a result, oncologists say most of their patients will now survive for the vast majority of cancer diagnoses. However, the treatments are still grueling and cancer patients must live both literally and figuratively in an isolated “parallel world”. As multiple cancer survivor Chris Gorelik points out, friends are needed to help someone with cancer stay connected to their "regular world”. Unfortunately, friends disappear when they do not know what to do or say to help. In this talk, Chris Gorelik provides the listener with simple, straightforward ideas about how anyone can make a big difference for a friend with cancer.
G. Christopher Gorelik is a multiple cancer survivor, podcast host and former Wall Street executive.
He worked with Smith Barney from 1989-2010 as a Financial Advisor, a National Training Officer, and a Branch Manager. In 2010, he was diagnosed with the first of his multiple cancers. Over the last eight years, he has received numerous chemotherapy treatments, experimental procedures, a bone marrow transplant and an Onmaya Reservoir (a catheter implanted into the brain for more direct chemotherapy treatment).
He is currently the co-host of a podcast called The Cancer Card, which aims to pull back the dark veil of cancer to reveal a lighter, more hopeful side to the disease.
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5 months into chemo, this guy is spittin nothing but facts. Take his advice to heart if your loved one has cancer! He's setting you up to really nail it.


This talk is so profoundly underrated, even if there's someone not dealing w/ cancer and is just alone reaching out consistently can change a lot


“I’m not crazy, I have cancer.” I know exactly what you mean. And, yes, as time from diagnosis to treatment moves on, friends seem to distance themselves. The isolation is real. People distance themselves from someone they believe is dying. Thank you for sharing your story.


The same applies to a senior in a home or a neighbour who lives alone. Great advice!


So glad I found you . . am struggling so very hard with my 34-year-old son's recent diagnosis of two cancers; the "prognosis" on one was such a blow and unbearable . . staying positive; I love your positivity. I think you will help very much. Thank you.


This also applies to other forms of devastations that a person might go through in life.. she finds the friends disappear - and at the end of a few years she is reluctant to seek out the same friends who disappeared on her. And they wonder why?


Please pray for my friend💙 She was diagnosed with Lymphoma and she is the only friend I have left... and I don’t know how I could live my life without her... 😔


The same principals apply to people with dementia and those who have had strokes, and or both. They need you. To dump them and abandon them in a home is the worst you could do to another human being. The messages in this video are universal - they don't exclusively apply to humans with cancer. And for those with things that happen to them with no known current cure such as those with dementia and those who have had strokes, please take on board and act out exactly what Christopher Gorelik describes in this video. If you do that over a period of several months (spend time with the person), you will see (even in the worst cases of stroke and dementia) magic happening before your eyes where the person will come alive.


Which doctor or oncologist did this guy went to get better. The doctors I have been through makes me feel it is better to give up and die. They give me treatment because I am literally begging for treatment. Support and positivity from the people surrounding you including your caregivers makes 100 percent difference. Their care makes miracles for the cancer patient. Kindness and compassion goes a long way. Sad to say, it is something missing lately in life.


I don't know how it feels to be suffering from cancer, but whole heartedly I will support and take care for my elder who is suffering from it. She is one of the most strongest, sweet, bold, Adorable person I've ever met. I want her to know I'm thinking about her, Praying for her to come back to her regular life and smile cheerfully again. She is one of the person I look up to. The way she cherish everyone near her make me happy. Well I'm just a kid, I'm shy to tell her this but I'll surely tell her ☺️.

I also want her to know that we all love her and wish more fun and happy life ahead😁. Thank you for being strong we're proud of you chachi❤️😎


I’ve got 4th stage cancer
Prostate cancer in the bones
I’m in my 20th month of treatment and so far I’m doing great
But now my PSA has started to go up to 4
I’m about to get a CT and bone scan
I’m staying POSITIVE
Thank you for this amazing talk
It has helped me more than you know
Thank you and God Bless


Christopher - I want to thank you for this TedTalk. I just had a friend diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and this talk was incredibly helpful. I actually shared it with my friend and she drew much hope in hearing about your journey. It’s interesting I came across this because we were childhood friends in Castine. (Me and my twin sister). I hope you see this. Thanks so much!


I have non Hodgkin’s lymphoma and this resonates with me. Thanks for putting this out there, all so true


Thank You, I had bc 3 years ago. This was the best thing i heard and now I am in coronavirus and feel very anxious. I am lookimg for anything to help me calm down. Bless You


I’m 16 and waiting for results to see if I have leukemia. I’m so terrified. This made me feel a bit better tho 💗


I’ve sent this on to so many people. Love this video and what this guy has to say ❤️


Thank you for this. Today I found out my best friend has a secondary cancer and needs surgery to find the original cancer.


I love this guy! This applies to anyone with a chronic disease


Thank you so much for helping me help my Auntie with pancreatic cancer. Thank you so much. I appreciate you so much.


This is such a wonderful talk. Really practical and hugely helpful and your lived experience is invaluable. I will use this to continue supporting my friend. I also like the fact that you say that they may recover. Thank you ❤
