Is life a dream? Lucid dreams can help you wake up in this reality

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Is life a dream? In this video I talk about lucid dreams and nature of reality. I also talk about what happens when we die and wake up to our higher self. If you want to try lucid dreaming I give your tips and tricks on how to do reality checks

Let me know your experience with lucid dreaming in the comments below!

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Easy navigation
0:32 What is a definition of a dream?
1:41 Lucid dreams
2:40 In Lucid dreams you can intend where you want to go
3:06 Pronoia - the belief that everything in the Universe is conspiring in your favor
3:38 There is a difference between Wanting and Intending something
4:20 The theme (or the structure) of a dream
5:47 Mastery of controlling our dreams
7:30 "Seth Speaks" - reality is a mass illusion
8:09 What happens when you wake up from this life?
9:00 Waking up in this reality and in the next level up
9:52 Good practices to start Lucid dreaming
10:53 Is reality a type of a dream?
11:30 Why do we dream?


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I love this perspective because it really helps me not to take life so seriously and to just observe, enjoy, play with it or poke it some more :)


I have had a few. My first was my most vivid. It was 20 years ago ants it’s still very memorable for me. Actually woke up in a cabin and got out of a bed in the mountains somewhere. I knew immediately I was dreaming too. I tried to Acknowledge environment immediately. I will remember that chill in the air for ever I was wearing a light T-shirt and pajama pants. I remember my bare feet on the floor. It was in a cabin. A old cabin/shack. It was dark but there was light shining through cracks in the walls and I could see the dust in the light like in real life. I could feel the texture in the wood floor with my bare feet.
Next I was opening the front door. I Don’t remember getting dressed but when I opened door leading outside I was fully clothed with thick like work pants and flannel shirt and brown climbing boots. On the ground was a very narrow path covered in small dark brown round flat rocks. I remember wondering why I couldnt feel the small smooth rocks with my bare feet. That’s when I noticed my clothes and boots. Then I Immediately said I wanted to fly to myself and bent down and took off. I was not really flying though. It was more like a big jump like the Incredible Hulk does. I went way up, flying through the air. I could see the straight brown path going down a grass covered hill with forest and blue sky everywhere else. I came down and landed on the path, only it wast a path any more it was a little stream. One foot landed on the bank and one was in the water. I actually felt the cold Water leaking into my boot. It seeped I’m slowly and it was cold. I remember looking up at the shack on the hill. It was small but I wasn’t far from it. It looked like a little one room shack made from old boards. All of that happened like real time. I was on the ground for like just enough time for my foot to get soaked. Next I jumped up and tried to fly. I went way up flying through the air and came down at the edge of a forest looking into a big field with tall grass and more forest on the other side of the field. I landed on black pipes that were like a jungle gym thing you climb on. It wasn’t a jungle gym though it were Just there at the edge of the forest like a wall but the
Pipes weren’t close together it was like big square shapes fitted together of black pipe. There wasn’t a pattern . It seemed like someone of the square shapes weren’t exactly square. It looked odd and out of place. I wanted to fly more but remember getting super sleepy and I fell to sleep on the black bars. Or pipes and woke up in bed. It was a very real super real dream. I have had others but
Not even close the that one. I always just realize I’m dreaming and fall to sleep in the dream. Sometimes I get to do some stuff . Many of them I realize are bad dreams and I’ll quickly fall to sleep and wake myself really. Quick. My favorite is realizing it driving a car. I get stuck or lost or I’m sliding down a muddy hill into a lake. Or I’m crashing. I alway end it fast. I have memories of realizing I’m dreaming just yanking the wheel and ramping off bridges and cliffs going down into black and I’ll wake up. This is neat recalling this stuff. Most times I wake up pretty quickly. I’ll realize it
And get super sleep real fast fall to sleep in the dream and wake up. Occasionally I’ll be in and out of realization and Sometimes I’ll be having bad dreams wake myself up for a minute or so then go right back into them over and over in a night . A few times I’ve changed everything into a totally different dream because I didn’t like what was happening wanted something different. Those are not really lucid though. I can realized in the the dream but I’m not controlling what I’m doing I’m just not wanting that scene and know I can change it. . It’s all my most favorite part of my life. I remember as a little kid back in the 70s telling my mom that there is no way I was not there when telling her about my dreams


I have had several lucid dreams. They tell me life is a dream, and I do admit it makes about as much sense as does any sleep dream


Awesome and so true. I recently had a very very vivid “dream” that actually taught me something about myself that I never even saw in myself. Kinda too long to write here but it put me on a path/shift in my life that actually helped me become way more enlightened (though I am just a novice at best). I believe dreams are intuitive extensions of our “reality” where we get a taste of what a life without boundaries can be, however, as you alluded to, there are physical restrictions in our “real” life but with practice merging “dream life” and “real life” is possible and quite frankly very beneficial I believe. Thanks for the insightful messages.


Yes life is a dream the mind of the one infinite being, and our awareness is the awareness of that one infinite being. I have been lucky enough to experience this first hand. When I "came to" my friend was freaking out saying "you were dead" but I could only laugh my ass off because I had just experienced the truth with a capital T and I was never told that and never heard of it so I thought at first I was the only one who knew it. That was when for just a couple seconds I could see through buildings and I could see at least a couple dozen light beings spread out over a couple square miles of city. I knew intuitively that these were others that knew the truth about reality. I would love to have a conversation with you on this subject. Thank you for your videos ☀️🙏


Think you really enjoyed this video a great deal I had a weird dream not that long ago that I was holding my own lifeless body over my shoulder and just threw it over a cliff and I was just observing it with no emotion and no pain it was very interesting


Ive felt so many different kinds of death.
Never lucid dreamt :(.
Reality is pain. Thats why everyone has their different escapes like drinking.
Ive avoided pain in reality.
But i feel like im fine with death

These were my notes, watched the whole thing. Id say interesting. If anyone also thinks somthing crazy like it❤


My head is going to explode ! Haha But good video !


May 2017, i dream my mother pass away and the dream was so real until i cried for 2 day. Then september 2017 its happen in reality but this time i cant cry as first time. My dream on May 2017 make me stronger to accept the reality at september 2017


"Perhaps we are actually just God's dream." Hmmm, interesting :) I would say we are His projection, and we are here to have a love relationship with Him, and eventually return to Him :)


I’ve died like 3 times in my dreams. Amazing feeling of letting go. Has anyone else had this experience?


This is a dream and there is only one dreamer. Who is perceiving this world? There is no “dreaming all together”- there is one dreamer. The dreamer perceives and projects reality simultaneously


To me its obvious that the sleeping state is the Yang female dream. The waking state is the Yin Male dream. Thats why they are different.


Only one time I was in a dream and I knew I was in a dream but I couldn't control it. The so-called reality always feels like Matrix to me on some lvl. When I awakened ( or so I thought I did) people were smiling at me for no reason, they were nice, I felt truly happy only by the energy, my body didn't crave food, I barely ate something, it was so weird, like a dream. Many years have passed and now reality feels like a nightmare, my vibration is so unstable and I can't feel the prana anymore, people misinterpret me a lot even tho I'm nice as ever, it's like they live in another reality. So reality is different depending on the soul frequency and vibration, perception and so on. I feel like all human relations are based on hypnosis and illusions, therefor reality is an illusion.


I would agreethat life is a dream within a dream. But I think the question then becomes what is a dream?


Had a lucid dream a couple months back and my perspective has changed forever. I was blown away at how close dreams were to reality. Since that ive had the same attitude here and there that my struggles are less burdensome and to be less stressed because life is like a dream. Weird stuff


Dear Ray. Thank you for another great video filled with your unique energy - lots of curiosity, smartness and lightness of being. It was delightful. If you approach the question of reality being a dream within a dream from a mental perspective, many questions arise "Am I real? Is this world real? Am I dreaming? Am I just an actor in someone else's dream? " etc. The truth is, none of these questions will be answered with certainty before we hit the bucket. We may get glimpses of insights with meditation and breathing practices or psychedelics but no one knows for sure. It's part of our karma not to know.

Most humans are afraid of death so they seek elevation as a defence mechanism. The more elevated above others, the more immortal it makes us, kinda-mentality. The tour of the ego may seems safe but it is a very lonely and isolated place to be. At this point in our humanity's collective evolution, it's time to come down from our ivory tours and become humble, loving, understanding beings. The ego is afraid of not being solid, it wants to be real, it wants to be bigger than life. It's time to be brave and admit we may not be as 'solid' as we think we are. We may be not even be real. This reality could be a dream, it could be real, it could be something we can't even conceive with your minds but What it is isn't important. What's important is that we are here now and we have this moment to become better humans with the little that we know.

When I was 20 I started to see the particles in the air moving. It looks like dry rain except it spins instead of falling. It looks like trillions of fireflies and it never stops, not even in the dark. It's incredibly beautiful, beyond words really but 19 years ago when it started I thought there was something seriously wrong with me. I thought I may have a tumour pushing on my optical nerve or something. I went to the hospital and they passed a bunch of tests : there was nothing wrong with my brain or my eyes. The doctor said to come back if my vision didn't come back to normal. ( I never went back )

My vision never came back to normal. The 'spinning lights' only got stronger with time. It makes the 3D world oscillate and I can see it with my physical eyes. Nothing ever looks solid to me. It's like a very fast and subtle stroboscope. I couldn't change my vision so my brain adapted to seeing like this. I traveled the world to find answers but I never got an explanation. It was fairly challenging to see like this, especially in my 20s but I'm fine with it now. One day I went to an aia ceremony. I asked the plant to show me why I was seeing like this, why nothing ever looked solid to me, why millions of particles of light where dancing in the air at all times, day and night, without ever stopping. The plant showed me in a simplistic way that particles in our reality oscillated between two worlds - one fraction of a second we are us, the individual human that we are, and the other fraction of second we are all one, we are God, a unified consciousness, we are One with the Goddess. What we know when we are in the unified consciousness, we must leave behind to become our individual selves. We go back and forth between the two states but we have no recollection, it's part of the deal of being human. I don't fully understand what the plant showed me but it's not important.

Maybe we are both real and not real. In a dream and not in a dream. A wave and a particle. If you go to the movie theatre, the images seem to be perpetually moving but it's a series of still images that are projected on the screen. There are 'gaps' between the images and no one notices because of the projection speed. I think there are gaps between the particle of our reality that we cannot notice because of speed.

'Are we real or are we not? Are we living in a dream or are we not?' These are fun questions but what if we were in perpetual movement between the two states? What if we were real AND not real? In a dream AND not in a dream?

I must admit - I know very little but I do my best to serve humanity.


Loved this video. It is from my dreams that I learned about parallel realities and that every moment is a picture frame that we project out to observe, while we can change what we project through changing our intentions. Looking forward to watching more of your videos. This is my first and I really loved it. Thank you.


עוזר מאד לשחרר את קשיחות היום יום ובעיקר המיינד מכל מה שאני מחזיקה כ"מציאות" בחיי.
תודה רבה על קו חדש ומעמיק נוסף!
אינני זוכרת חלומות כלל לצערי
אבל ממך מבינה כי גם זה בסדר
ויש תכלית לכל.
שבת נפלאה מלאה בתובנות הרוח🌹


***.Ray Is GOD Sent...Shalom Aleichem .***
