Unlock The Power of Your Mind To MANIFEST & ATTRACT Anything You Want! | Dr Joe Dispenza

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I started reading and watching Dr Joe about 2 years ago. After 2 weeks of meditation, I quit a 40 year smoking habit. After 1 year, I lost 100 pounds and cured myself from fatty liver disease and high blood sugar. December of 2022 I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. I used supplements and meditation instead of chemo. I had a mastectomy last April that showed one tumor was gone and the other one was tiny and no lymph nodes were involved. I am now cancer free, and I will continue to use these tools for healing. Thank you so much for the work you both do. It's truly changing lives ❤🙏


There’s a lady who was in a hospital bed pretty much couldn’t move . She says that she was doing her yoga/pilates class in her mind, she would do every single move and imagine she was actually doing it, everyday she did this and that’s what made her body heal and be strong again she says.


I survived 2 nd stage breast cancer in 2005. I said out loud several times a day “I am healthy, I am whole, I am healed”, I also did creative imagery meditations where I imagined Pac-Men in my blood stream eating the cancer cells. It works !!!


Growing up my mom got cancer. Every day she wore a smile on her face and over and over would close her eyes and say these words “I’m whole I am well I am healthy” never had to get chemo and did lose a kidney but she’s been cancer free for about 25 years and still says that all the time. Anytime we even get a cold she tells us how to attract health (and wealth) I mean she was ahead of her time with the law of attraction and I’m here to tell you guys it is real and it does work. The law of attraction has been a huge part of my family growing up and I’m so grateful to be in such an amazing family that raised me with such wisdom.


Whenever I have negative thoughts, I just tell myself to stop, and think about something more positive period. It sounds too simple, but it honestly works for me, I think we are in our heads way to much. Be well everyone


“When the Student is ready, the Teacher will Appear” … Thank you Dr. Joe for being my Teacher and Mentor. You have helped me Develop My Mindset Immensely.


My son sent me this video. I’m 42 he’s 24 we’re both going through a huge shifts in our lives separately however at the same time! He asked me to watch this to help him get a better understanding. It actually helped me in a lot ways! When know you know! Change is possible but it starts with us/you ❤🙏🏾🙌🏾


I’m 83. About 40 yrs ago I did the Werner Erhardt communication workshop. Miracles happened that following week at work. The miracles were expected. I KNEW they were coming…a very new feeling for me. They were in the works…a done deal. Then, the miracles faded…back to business as usual. I had NO idea how I did that or how to recreate it. After all these years, Dr. Joe is telling me how to recreate it! Wow!


Because I'm done with living with anxiety, I am ready to implement Dr. Joe's teaching. I will now live "through & out the other side" of anxiety. Love to all!🌻


This is coming to me at the exact right time. I am walking into a huge phase of uncertainty in my life, and this is precisely what I need to hear.


This makes so much sense. I need to listen to this several times.


im 33 and been affected for 20 years. wasnt aware it was breathing or anxiety and controlling thoughts keeping me pinned down, telling myself it was it, i was like this forever, just waiting to die. amazing the time i've wasted. so much to rewind but amazingly everything is recoverable. no one been alone as long as me, if i can do it, so can you.


"My personality is not who I am, it's who I've had to become." WOW. And yes!


In 2011 I went to the dentist and had silver amalgam fillings put in my teeth. After doing research on mercury poisoning I immediately began having about a dozen different symptoms of mercury poisoning. I freaked myself out with all of the conspiracy theories and horror stories of when mercury was one used by dentists to fill cavities. Once I realized it was all in my head and I was the one causing the symptoms with my thoughts I immediately had zero symptoms of mercury poisoning. The mind is so powerful. I rarely get sick. I rarely get headaches. If I do get sick or get a headache I know how to use the my mind to heal rather than cause more dis-ease.


My mind is literally blown at this conversation between these two genius minds. Thank GOD for leading them in this direction of self awareness, self-care, transformation and learning to be truly happy.


I used to think my 'thoughts' were some kind of gift! I now know they were making me fearful.
Thank you Joe. Been doing your meditations since the summertime. I'm now addicted to happiness 😊


After 15 years of being in my own mental prison I finally tapped into my own self-awareness and personal development. I felt it hit and I mastered it so fast mainly because of all my adversities I've manage to encounter just as many like you all been through, but my life has completely change for the better and I believe I am on my way to success on where I actually need and want to be in life simply because I am that I say I am because I am and I believe in myself . Thank you for this podcast episode! keep them coming!


I love to meditate Dr. Joe’S meditations for 4 hours. Literally addicted to his scientifically researched profound method of meditations. Love his work so much. I listen to him, every day without fail. Feel like God is leading me!


This suggestion is absolutely 100% true. Spirituality though doesn’t end with only a meditation. One needs to-repeat affirmations which create new thoughts and habits to follow.


Dr Rangan you are slowly, sustainably and single-handedly transforming my life and I want to thank you from the bottom of my (very happy and very grateful) heart. I initially watched your interviews with Dr Pradip Jamnadas and Dr Joe Dispenza and promptly decided that it's essential to watch every one of your videos. I'm busy working my way through them, one a night, and so far I'm just growing and feeling better about so much, and gaining control. I could carry on a lot here, but won't :) Thank you, I'm grateful for you.
