'Once you unlock the third eye, reality is yours” (ancient method)

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Finding the 'money's hidden magic' ebook should be your top priority, even if it's the last thing you do in life


To the person reading this: even though I don't know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer! ❤🎉


The fact that Whispers of Manifestation on Borlest remains under the radar is mind-boggling. This book has so much to offer


I did the meditation last night and got a job offer today. Thank you 🙏🏻✨


I tried this last week. I was sick, I had no money whatsoever. I was feeling really low. And I told myself I'm at my worst, I'd hit rock bottom. The only thing that could happen was better. So I did this exercise. 12 minutes later, my sister said she heard me coughing and gave me money to go see a doctor. Thank you for this.


I truly from the bottom of my heart want to thank you young man for helping the older generation and not charging us for everything.. I am 55 and finally have awakened and am very stuck I am trying to become unstuck so for every tool you give humanity it’s one more resource that we all can help move forward and grow toward harmony and reach one with the earths frequency 🙏🏻😎❤️


Idk why, but I just broke down crying. I'm constantly tucking away my struggles and pushing harder to stay above the water. So many struggles and trauma from my childhood, until now. But this just brought it all to the surface. I just want to reach the surface. Thank you for this! Peace and love! ❤️


The Universe (via YouTube algorithm) brought your teachings my way, and I am grateful. When the students are ready, the teachers appear ♡ Quazi, you will be remembered in 100 years like Goddard is today. Thank you for your service to humanity ♡


I cried of watching your show. I lost my only son in 2017. He died alone! He will be 33 yrs old this coming June. 🙏✝️


Whenever I do exercises like this, I get tears in my eyes especially when I imagine pure happiness.


Just wanted to share. Yesterday as we always pray before we leave the house (as a family me-wife-2 kids 15 years old boy 11 years old girl). In my mind I thanked God for the Blessings that have, are and will be !!! I remember saying out loud, “Bless us so we can Bless. Long story short I felt Joy as I drove off. Forward 6 hours later at Walmart a Stranger appeared and said, “You there I have a message for you and your company!! God Will Bless you and this company you work for because you are a Blessing!!! I walked a few paces and this dude just disappeared . What!! I still have goosebumps!!! Since then yesterday I have gotten 3 leads totaling about 750, 000 worth!! I claim then!!!! Peace!!


I found once you continuously unlock your third eye..it becomes easier and easier to open it..to the point where now i can command it to open at will and ill feel it activate. Ive even started to manifest things in real time doing this. Great video.


This is really really real I saw results in hours, from my life turning upside down to seeing results just from practising this. Thank you, I cried the first time I did this ❤


A quick revision
Before bed
Close ur eyes
Have a big problem that u are stuck with
Take a deel breath
Visualise no 3, 3 times
Visualise no 2, 3 times
Visualise no 1, 3 times (go slow with all this)
Now tilt ur eyes towards centre of ur forehead(will feel some pressure on forehead)
Visualize a vivid scene of ur problem
Imagine what it feels like
Imagine how terrible it feels
Make the scene as big as possible
Imagine a ball in ur heart with that problem and shoot it up to ur higherself in 3 seconds
Do the same but now with the picture of the solution and how u will feel when problem is solved and shoot the ball up while exhaling


This is one of the most powerful exercice I did !! I did it once because I was stuck going from my dream carreer and it unstuck ! Doing it for the second time for something else 🌟✨ thank you for sharing 💗💗💗


So your manifestation brought us all—who were trying to manifest, together.
Beautiful concepts of the universe.


My third eye was opened when i got a near death experience! My heart and my mind was enlightened! My conclusion on this experience is God is Love God is Light! K


I love how you give this to us for free and don't just put a price tag on it like most people do


I was stressed in the morning. Then I came across your vedio, so I downloaded it, I just followed every step as explained in the vedio, towards the end of the vedio, you said, its best when done at night before sleep. But imagine, just practicing with you in the morning, I just got money. Am so happy.


i am literally in shock after this happened to me …. just before taking my nap i asked god to help me to get rid of a problem that i am stucked into and after i woke up i was very disappointed that nothing happened…. i opened youtube for entertainment and the first vedio i decided to watch is this looks line god has sent this to me (gods plan) ❤❤❤❤
