5 Bizarre Problems That Affect ONLY OLED TVs, & How to Fix Them

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0:00 Anomaly #1
1:39 The fix... at your own risk
3:41 Anomaly #2
5:06 Anomaly #3
6:40 Anomaly #4
7:53 The easy fix
8:32 Anomaly #5
9:35 Manufacturer-specific fix

DISCLAIMER: Entering the service menu on an OLED TV may void your warranty. The following instructions are provided for educational purposes only. Any service menu access or settings changes are done entirely at your own risk, and we cannot be held accountable or liable for the consequences of your action.

The 4-digit code to access LG's service menu is 0413.

Instructions to enter the service menu on Samsung OLED:
- Point your traditional remote directly at the infrared sensor on the TV.
- While the TV is on, press [Mute], [1], [1], [9], [OK], [OK] on the remote control, which will open the Hospitality Menu.
- Press [1], [2], [3], [4] to enter the service menu without resetting your regular menu settings.

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That APL issued should be resolved through a firmware update. These are very expensive premium TVs and having the image quality degrade to such a poor level is unacceptable at this price level. Why should you have to void your warranty to watch a show as intended.


Thank you for discussing the OLED Dimming issues. They have been around for many years now, and I was always surprised that no one mentioned them in the reviews. It is absolutely ridiculous that they haven't addressed this yet and we need to use a service remote to fix those annoying issues. I already bought the remote a few weeks ago but didn't used it yet.
Thanks again.


After years of buying Samsung TVs that never had inky blacks, I finally bought a 65" LG C9 a while back. It was everything I wanted except for the frustrating dimming during Ozark and other movies. Handicapping a fantastic TV like this is just crazy to me.


Bought and used the remote for my LG CX today. Took 30 seconds. I genuinely was planning to buy a new TV. Now I don't have to. You're a lifesaver, thank you.


So in other words all these anomalies are caused by manufacturer's OLED burn in protections. So if you want the best picture your OLED can outpput you have to essentially risk voiding your warranty and an increased risk of burn in. This is why I am reluctant to get an OLED TV.


Bought my C1 in November of 2021. Everything was perfect until late August. Bought the service remote on Amazon, made the adjustment in less than a minute, everything is perfect again! Thanks for the info!


It's kind of funny how I got here from the "LG C3 vs Samsung S90C vs Sony A80L OLED TV Comparison" video, that ended on the note how burn in is not an issue anymore because of all the techniques used to prevent burn in.

At the end it links to this video, which seems to be all about turning off these burn in protections to prevent random dimming? lol


I always wear gloves when I touch my OLED and I never turn it on longer than 5 mins and only at midnight on a full moon.


Wow, this is a very timely video. I was being driven nuts watching certain DV content on AppleTV+ that became absolutely unwatchable during some scenes because it was dark (FYI, watching "See" on AppleTV+ is particularly egregious). My LG 77" CX is out of warranty now, so I will absolutely be picking up one of those service remotes and fixing this issue ASAP.


Did this awhile ago and this made my viewing experience much better. 10/10 would do this on all my future LG OLEDs


I don't have an OLED tv but I really enjoyed this video! It would have been informing to know the actual effects (or your opinion on the effects) that impairing protective auto dimming has on screen burning.


I find it hard to believe that such a fundamental flaw as that dimming is so very rarely mentioned in reviews. Forget LCD local dimming halo-ing, this is on a different level of annoyance!
Entering the service menu really is not a good option.
How can OLEDs receive so much praise when they have such fundamental flaws? We hear about how burn in is not really an issue anymore? Well the sticking plaster that has been applied to handle it really means it hasn't been handled at all!


I noticed crazy dimming and a sudden shift to higher brightness one time watching Ozark on my LG c1, I wondered what the hell had happened or if I'd imagined it. Thank you Vincent!!


That “strobing effect” on OLEDs for panning shots became really apparent to me when watching Army Of The Dead and there was a panning shot of an abandoned Las Vegas. You couldn’t even make out what you were seeing it was so bad.

This was on my LG C9, and the only way to fix it was with the trumotion setting enabled. And I agree, doesn’t look good with it on, but the newer OLEDs having a dedicated cinematic mode for it is a step in right direction, it’s good to see.


This issue is absolutely maddening and I am strongly considering returning my OLED. Why in the hell would I want to spend all this money just to have the tv do this?? I don't understand. This is my first step into 4k and it just doesn't make sense why they would do this and not give the option to turn it off...


Thank you so much HDTV ! I have just bought a LG C2 65” and was wondering why the screen was dimming and now bought the remote and made the changes to the two areas and it’s great now !


I ended up buying the remote and doing this on the LG C1 - thank you Vincent for this information. Amazing that no reviewer ever talks about this, which makes me wonder if they actually review anything properly. One of the worst culprits I had for this issue is the end sequence in Clint Eastwood's "Unforgiven". I gets so dark in that scene with this setting ON that you can't actually end up seeing anything whatsoever!


thanks for this I ordered my oled this week, so perfect timing


Could you measure the temperature of the display before and after applying these tips of yours. It would be interesting to find out if there is an increase in the temperature of the display.


Huge thanks! This APL artifact was bugging me for weeks! It's really insane that we have to deal with this on a high-end display!
