How To Handle Unfriending Your Ex On Facebook

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How To Handle Unfriending Your Ex On Facebook

In this episode, Chris Seiter talks about a popular question he gets;

"What do I do if I unfriended my ex on Facebook?"

The truth is that Facebook can be a great tool to use when it comes to getting your ex boyfriend back so unfriending your ex isn't always the best idea. Chris goes into detail on how to use social media to get your ex back and then tells listeners a story from his past

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Cut the strings and save yourself. Hope is a dangerous thing. Simply ask them to call you if they change their mind. You don’t need to stay in each other’s life by watching stories posts etc. No need for strategic moves and games.


Chris, the way you rolled your eyes at the unfriending on Facebook made me laugh, I had to rewind. I was tempted, but I resisted the urge to unfriend. Cutting a long story short, all your stuff helped me a lot and I realised I can do a lot better and I'm happier! Thanks so much!


I have a question. My ex decided he did not want to be with me anymore. He moved out with in three weeks of telling me . Now 6 mths later he unfriends me on facebook. The kicker is, he was the one for 4 mths texting daily, he would drop by unannounced. I started about 3 mths in not responding immediately, . But I believe he left because their was someone else. To be brutally honest I am better off, no more lies or mess. I was angry when he left because he left a huge mess. So why unfriend me, I never initiated conversation? I am insulted


What if the guy who broke up with me unfriended and deleted my pics?


I'm wondering why guys move on so fast and get in another relationship straight away ?


Hi Chris!We broke up 3wks ago and i didnt contacted Him and i dont even post in fb and suddenly this day he unfriend me in fb, He was dump me by text, We have been 2 1/2years and later this few months we have arguments and fights i was getting a timing to reach out him but he unfriend me, What should i do?i still contacted him or move on?thank u


He unfriended me because I didn’t wish him happy birthday


How should I handle the fact of my ex adding me back on Facebook, she broke up with me then blocked me then unblocked and added me again?


Hi Chris,  
I wasn't sure which video I should post this under, so I posted it twice. I hope you can help me here. 
Amor advised me to send you a voice mail, but my story is a bit too long to fit into a 60 second time frame and I know I'm going to forget something if I try telling you that way. 
So here's my story and it's kind of complicated... I have this guy friend (I'm 32 and he will be 43 in a couple months) and we met back in 2010 working together on a film for the summer. We live on opposite coasts and we barely talked on social media for all 6 years I've known him. Once in a while he will respond to me, but it would be a short reply (as are tweets normally). He was happily married back when we met, and he has 3 daughters. I guess I should add in here that he is an actor. Though I will make it clear I wasn't familiar with his work despite his celebrity status. I liked him for his personality and I think he appreciated how honest I was with him about that. 

We met again at the premiere of the film we made. He hugged me as soon as our eyes met. He said he was so happy to see me again. He seemed just as excited to see me as I was to see him. But something seemed to be off about him that night and I couldn't figure it out. I asked him why his wife and daughters didn't come and he said his girls were back in school. 2 weeks later, I find out in the tabloids that he and his wife divorced and started to date his costar in the movie we worked on. 
To make things more complecated, we met again in late 2013, at a book signing he was having. At that time I was so confused of what we were since he never followed me on social media after he promised me that he would. His eyes sparkled when he laid eyes on me. He called out my name and said "hey buddy, it's good to see you here! I've missed you so much!" I knew then that he saw me as his friend and I figured I could trust his word. I think he noticed some changes I had made since the last time he saw me, including the fact that I lost 30 pounds, but he would never say anything about it. He just said that I look really good. I blushed, we both admitted that we missed each other and in the midst of teasing me about missing him, he found a note in my hand telling him my feelings for him. He asked me if I love him and I had to fight the tears telling him yes and that I'm sorry I ruined our friendship while being honest about my feelings. He hugged me close to his body, and assured me that I didn't do anything wrong and that we are still friends. He told me to never apologize for my feelings if they are real, because why apologize for something you can't change. I asked him if things didn't work out with his girlfriend, would it be possible he could give me a chance. He said that anything is possible and that maybe we will see someday. I told him that I would rather us be friends than make things awkward between us just because of my feelings. He smiled and said not to worry, that everything is good between us. He never once brought up his girlfriend in our conversation. 
He remembers details about me that my average friends wouldn't remember, he looked at me longingly and he held my hands when we talked. He asked me details about my plans for the day and if I wanted to work with him again in the future. He was planning to produce a few TV shows and movies in Boston and wanted me to help him once they got the projects in order. He also told me that he enjoys receiving messages on Twitter from me and that I make him smile, and that he promises to try to remember to follow me on Twitter. At that time, I decided I would continue to send him messages just as I always had. Also, he introduced me to his parents, his brothers-in-laws and sisters. We talked and I still keep in touch with his sisters (but I haven't talked to them since I have given him his space).I felt fantastic and beautiful that day, and I'm sure he felt the self-confidence radiate from me. But he still had his girlfriend and he never told me how he felt about me. He was happy he had me smiling again before I left the party (I had work the next morning).
Then the trouble started last year, when I had this continuous argument with one of his fans on Twitter. It was ridiculous and I kept defending him for a month or so until I blocked her around September. Nothing happened after that. I stayed silent on social media as I just got a new job and stayed busy. In fact I noticed he seemed to be acting more distant on Twitter, so I decided to give him the no contact treatment hoping that maybe he was just having a bad week. I continued not contacting for 30 days or so up until his birthday when I sent him a message before I went off to work that morning. I kept contact at a minimum just to give us distance. Next thing I know, 3 weeks later I wake up Christmas morning and he blocked me. I don't know if he did this because of that fan said something to him, or if his girlfriend made him do that because she never liked me and felt jealous that he would even look at me. All I know is that I felt so lonely and afraid that I lost him forever. I opened a separate Twitter account and he opened a separate account also (at least I believe it is him) and we talk maybe once a month. To make that clear, we both have 2 accounts. I'm afraid though that I have lost him as a friend and that he will never talk to me again. My self-confidence went from high to low the day he blocked me last Christmas and it's been a struggle since then.
He is no longer with his girlfriend after dating her for these years, and officially called it quits as of the beginning of this year. I have tried to talk to him during these past few months since they broke up, hoping that maybe he will talk to me now that he was single. 6 months later, now he is dating another girl. But I think it's a rebound since she is 20 years younger than him (and when I talked to his sister the week before, she told me he was still upset over the breakup and to give him time). I decided to make myself have a "no contact" time for about 3 to 6 months or so until I get myself back to being the self-confident woman that he saw he last time we met 2 years ago. I figured that if he sees me missing from social media after I tried to get his attention and apologize for making him uncomfortable, maybe he will miss me and want to talk about this.
I still talk to him through this other account about once a month. He says that he misses me and asks how I am doing. But he acts like he never blocked me on his main account, and when I mention him blocking me he ignores the question and asks me another question. So I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt his feelings because I know he is a sensitive person just as much as I am. 
I wouldn't necessarily call him my ex since we never had a real romantic relationship. But I'm hoping you can give me some advice here anyways. He knows I love him, and I have a feeling that he had more-than-friendly feelings for me. Would 3 months of silence work for me, or would I be risking him forgetting about me altogether? Does being long distance make the chances of reconciliation of our friendship almost impossible? 
I'm sorry that my message is so long, but I would appreciate your help! 
Thank you! Donna


Good evening sir. My ex keep texting after the break up two years after, saying nothing important than greetings.
So I decided to ask him to stop communicating with me and i unfriend him on Facebook. Please am feeling bad about it. What can I do?


you wanted your ex to suffer? That's known as schadenfreude


I need help on my breakup with my ex boyfriend..I want him back but he didn't wanna take me back and it's been a month already. he says he still loves me and misses everything we do but he doesn't want me back. I don't know what to do.


hey Chris and to your wife, yeah your coaching such a very helpful for me when I am right now at the stage of recovery with my ex..but yeah, for me I just decided by my own to unfriend my how should I handle this now?thanks


My ex broke up with me because he wanted to focus on his studies. I didnt unfriend him on facebook and did no contact. But he unfriended me this week. I remained calm, but it bothered me why he unfriended me NOW, 3 months after our breakup. He even used to watch my messenger stories almost everyday. What do I do? Do I still have a chance of getting him back?


but how did you get her back as a friend on fb ? what happened with her after you unfriended her?


Chris Seiter
i unfriended my ex cause he didn't do anything he promised me .. he began no contact but when i called him to tell him i want to see him for the last time he was sad and asured he doesn't want break up and he will arrange the meeting but after 2 dayes he didn't arrange the meeting or apologized . so i unfriend him. Am i was wrong? what shall i do if i want to get him back? somtimes i feel angry on him for not doing any thing he promised me .. somtimes i fell he is't important one for me cause he is too weak to do any step . but many times i feel i want to get him back as a friend on fb only cause i used to have him as a fb friend i really miss that .


I blocked and deleted unfriendef him what should I do


Must of the times woman dumps us guys but they are the ones who get butt hurt.


Christ my ex boyfriend broke up with me 4weeks ago, i never contact him after that, but i keep posting in my facebook stories that im happy then he view it. Then suddenly he unfriend me. Im so confused and still im hurt💔💔


He always sees my snapchat and facebook stories until he unfriended me one day. He's in a rebound rel'p right now. He was the one who first said we should stay friends and he's not the deleting type. I said I can only be friends with him after I heal (which I put him on NC. Day 26 of NC, he unfriended and unfollowed me both on facebook and twitter). When I asked him if I did something wrong, he said "Oh I dont know I deleted you. I was deletinf people I dont interact with me. Maybe I accidentally deleted you too." Then eventually he said "because i thought we dont talk anymore". Now he wont add me back. But we still talk, hot and cold.
