Echoes of a Lost Gaza – Episode 2: Shattered Dreams | Featured Documentary

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Documentary director Mariam Shahin has been making films about Gaza for over thirty years.

The second programme looks back at five characters and stories that Mariam covered in Gaza between 2007 and 2011: the importance of child bearing in Arab society and how fertility clinics are a big part of that; the Alfaluna school for deaf children and its founder Geraldine Shawa; Omayya Joha, a religious women who draws political cartoons for a local newspaper; Munzer Al Dayyeh, a motorbike enthusiast and motor mechanic in great demand in Gaza under the Israeli blockade; and a group of parkour artists in Khan Younis refugee camp crossing borders through their art form.

In the wake of the war in 2023, Mariam looks back at these stories and reflects on the wasted potential, lost hope and devastated lives after sixteen years of blockade, poverty and conflict.

Рекомендации по теме

Heart felt love for all our Palestinian brothers and sisters we are with you in our prayers and hope you will be free soon. People of Ireland 🇮🇪 stand with you, we are all Palestinians ❤❤❤


"Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself."


It’s sad that only a few minutes in, all I can wonder is whether these people are still alive😢😭 God bring peace to the Palestinian people. God have mercy!


Such a heartbreaking testimony of a beautiful people now being slaughtered and their entire civilization destroyed. if only the wolrd had watched Mariam's reporting more, while all those people were still alive. It's such a shame it took a genocide for many of us to notice them, to see them as humans. we should have paid attention earlier.


these echoes shall remain for years if not forever.

Thank you for this


Beautiful loving powerful Palestinian people. Enduring so much with creative resilience. Our hearts ache for you and celebrate with you in your masterful triumphs against all odds.
As one little brother said to his crushed baby brother, 'I didnt get enough of you, bury me with you!'


Oh my President 🇮🇩👩🏼‍🎓

“We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender, and other discrimination.”
~Nelson Mandela


"The millions of graves strewn across Europe which are the result of the tyranny of Nazism, the decimation of the native peoples of the Americas and Australia, the destructive trail of the apartheid crime against humanity - all these are like a haunting question that floats in the wind: why did we allow these to happen?"
~Nelson Mandela
in an address to the Joint Houses of Parliament, Westminster Hall, London, England, 11 July 1996


Calling US as a Human Rights Abuser is an insult to the word “Abuser”.


Admirable people
Tremendous respect


"No country, however powerful it may be, is entitled to act outside the United Nations. The United Nations was established in order that countries, irrespective of the continent from which they come, should act through an organised and disciplined body. The United Nations is here to promote peace in the world and any country that acts outside the United Nations is making a serious mistake."
~Nelson Mandela
during a press conference, Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 September 2002


"I admire young people who are concerned with the affairs of their community and nation, perhaps because I also became involved in struggle whilst I was still at school. With such youth we can be sure that the ideals we celebrate today will never be extinguished. Young people are capable, when aroused, of bringing down the towers of oppression and raising the banners of freedom."
~Nelson Mandela
speaking on the occasion of the Anniversary of Bastille Day, Paris, France, 14 July 1996


"A vote without food, shelter and health care would be to create the appearance of equality while actual inequality is entrenched. We do not want freedom without bread, nor do we want bread without freedom."
~Nelson Mandela
during his investiture, Clark University, Atlanta, USA, 10 July 1993


فلسطين 🇵🇸

جنوب أفريقيا تتهم إسرائيل بالتورط في "أعمال إبادة جماعية ضد لشعب الفلسطيني في غزة" في دعوة رفعتها أمام محكمة العدل الدولية.


Palis: "OMG, I just blew up my own block trying to off my neighbors existence & they got angry & off'd my genocide dreams." 🇺🇲: You're not that Bright


"We do not pursue any goals which would result in some emerging as winners & others as losers. We are striving to proceed in a manner & towards a result, which will ensure that all our people, both black & white, emerge as victors"
~Nelson Mandela
in an address to the European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, 13 June 1990


Very enlightening and informative! Great job, Ms. Shahin and AJ


I am hesitant but suddenly a little bit more thankful for our democratic party in the united states. I'm just remembering Al Gore helped with Al Jazeera English.

I find it of the utmost importance for the safety and security of the world to have your station on cable TV.

A very concerned US Citizen in Iowa (born and raised).

PS! English subs on mubasher and Arabic on AJ English!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤



"يجب أن يكون 2024 عاما لإعادة بناء الثقة واستعادة الأمل. يجب أن نمد جسور التلاقي فوق الانقسامات للتوصل إلى حلول مشتركة. ستواصل الأمم المتحدة حشد العالم من أجل السلام والتنمية المستدامة وحقوق الإنسان".

— الأمين العام يوجه رسالة مصورة بمناسبة العام الجديد


الجزيرة 🇶🇦😊

من الزلازل التي ضربت تركيا و سوريا إلى حربي السودان و غزة، كان جدول أعمال الأمم المتحدة حافلا بالأزمات الإنسانية المدفوعة بالصراعات والكوارث الطبيعية والآثار المدمرة لتغير المناخ.
في التقرير التالي نستعرض بعض أبرز الأحداث التي شهدها عام 2023.
