Your Heart Health as a Preeclampsia Survivor

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In this episode of "Ask An Expert", Dr. Sarosh Rana of University of Chicago Medicine talks with CEO Eleni Tsigas about preeclampsia survivors' long-term heart health and why women need to stay mindful of their blood pressure throughout their life.
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I had pre-eclampsia/HELLP syndrome in 1994 at 33 years of age. At discharge, 4 days after emergency C-section at 32 weeks, my BPs were still running 200s/100s. I was not discharged on any meds for BP and just had a regular 6-week postpartum visit with my ob/gyn. I hope things have changed since then and women are more closely monitored postpartum. Today. I take a diuretic and a beta blocker for blood pressure and will be on those meds for life. I started BP meds in my late 40s.


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