Peter Attia: Tips to improve heart health

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Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer worldwide. So how can we begin to take better care of our hearts?

Dr. Peter Attia doesn’t want a slow death. He doesn’t want his final years to be defined by poor mental and physical faculties that only worsen as the years roll by. But, by making changes to his lifestyle today, he’s taking control of his health tomorrow.

Studies related to this episode:
The inequities in the cost of chronic disease from the National Council on Aging.
Early lesions of atherosclerosis in youth from the Journal of the American Nutrition Association.
Coronary heart disease causes and risk factors from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
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This was 7 minutes of my life I will never get back


Here is how to improve heart health. 60-year-old male here. I had end-stage heart disease here over 2 years ago with bad A-fib. I went to a whole plant-based diet. Dropped salt, caffeine, booze, dairy, and all animal products including meat and fish. Today I can run 10 km, MTB over the hills and hunt & kayak fish for all my disease-free meat-eating friends. I only eat fish when I am doing a primitive survival quest on my channel here. Peter Attia needs to understand how the endothelial gets destroyed by animal protein and the mechanism that creates nitric oxide for vassal dilation. He sounds knowledgeable with that beautiful timbre in his voice and a load of words that basically tell us that do understand the science nothing at all.


Having a heart attack that requires CPR in the US is expensive and outcomes are poor. 'Success" is a heart beat, not brain function! Out of hospital CPR caused good neurological outcome in 37.2% and severe ischemic brain injury in 62.7% of patients.
For those who survive, the cost per patient increases exponentially as the rate of survival to discharge decreases. Associated survival rate and cost:
10% survival: $117, 000
1% survival: $248, 271
0.2% survival: $544, 521
There is no "off-switch" for care and money is poured into patients with statistically poor chances for survival. Can we afford to keep doing this as the baby boomers age? No kidding, SPEND THE MONEY ON PREVENTION!


In England if you are over 45 and you do not have diagnoses of any of these diseases, your NHS GP should offer you a Health Check which risk assesses you for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease. If you have significant levels of risk you should be offered help to tackle these eg stop smoking clinics. If you haven’t been offered this Health Check at the appropriate time then ask for it.


No real advice here, just Attia basking in his own opinion of himself as wonderful ( oh, and an advert 🤦🏻‍♂️)


It's worse than Attia mentioned, since NO physician ever told me to consume better, exercise consistently, and get enough rest. Except for say a medical emergency, it is Caveat Emptor, or translated let the patient beware. I self-maintain with a rigorous self-initiated program of proper consumption, resistance training, and rest. Yes, I have to do a lot of layman's homework, since the western medicine practitioners are aghast, with an occasional exception. I simply utilize physicians as a means to be clinically tested (eg. Lipids, EKG, Echocardiogram, CAC score, etc.). P.S. Thank You Dr. Attia for writing and discussing a roadmap to follow for my personal medical behaviors. I am self-motivated, but your works and the works of several others do help my inertia towards feeling well and being well daily. I am 70 years old. Bill


I cannot see the content as suggested by the video title!


"This improves heart health at any age". i watched the entire video, and didn't learn what "THIS" is, lol


I so agree about the prevalence of treatment by surgery and drugs. I have never been to a specialist who suggested changes to diet or exercise regimes - and these have been relevant options.


This seems to be very closely related to the episode on inflamation posted a couple of days ago. What a well person needs is some kind of _direct_ feedback telling them if the sleep, exercise, diet, and and emotional health as-is is enough, or (if not) what has to change. The problem seems to be there's no measurement or feedback until you are diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, by which time it's too late. How could we, as a society, implement that?


Dr’s tend to treat everything with medication with little thoughts about secondary consequences


I followed peter's advice ages ago and set my smart phone health app to ten years younger and then train my V02max to the highest level for someone ten years younger.


Referring to the very end of the video: it's good to keep in mind that inertia too a large extent is essentially preserving corporate financial interest (especially in the nutrition and big food area).


What a useless video. What improves heart health at any age?


Step no 1, cut out the fake processed fats, the so called vegetable oils


Also oil energy helped in doubled live expectancy not only medical improvements.


Don't have a primary doctor. Not on any prescriptions and don't need any.


did y'all cut out the rest of the interview because he endorses meat consumption, or more correctly, claims their is no proof eating animals is detrimental ? Curious because I've read his book, and Dr. Gregors ( someone you do need to get on your podcast) on longevity, Outlive and How not to Die respectively and while they both have useful information I am kind of stunned that Attia doesn't acknowledge the impact of animal flesh / products on human health and longevity


Hey, I’m in my late 60’s and I’m still pretty good. Oh, and my dad is 92 and he is still pretty good. Should I be utterly worried?


Great video of the day- I will start follow these tips from Today, along with Arjun tea of Planet Ayurveda
