Every Lie Watchtower Tells About Shunning

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For internal/leaked documents not on Jehovah’s Witnesses internal website, go to

Instagram: @jacobcrites

00:00 - The Leaked Document
03:34 - The Deception Begins
07:16 - Child Baptism/Informed Consent
18:47 - “Bible Based”
20:33 - “Shunning Not Mandatory”
29:04 - Social Consequences
32:10 - The Shunning Brochure
35:21 - The “Scholarship”
50:45 - Why So Secret?
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Hey gang. EDIT: I sent the document to Jason Wynn at avoidjw.org, so it should be up there sometime soon.
Also, Sorry for the delay! As I mentioned a few videos ago my plan is to upload less frequently, but to make the videos more substantial. Like this one. Let me know what sort of things you might want a deep dive into!


I was brought up as a JW.
It wasn't until I reached the age of 35 that I had worked out it was all false.
Well, this resulted in losing most of my JW family and all of my friends.
I was married and had a 7 yr old son. My wife told me I had to find a place to live, even though I was equal on the mortgage.
At 17yrs old my son got baptized as a Witness and told me he couldn't talk to me anymore.
All I can say is, if a JW knocks on your door, politely and firmly tell them to put you on a " do not call" list.
These guys will destroy you and your family just like a flick of a switch.
They believe they have the only " true" religion and Jehovah will destroy everybody else at Armageddon.
They dress nice but they are not nice.


I hated my childhood, I hated the book young people ask, I hated not celebrating my bday and all the other holidays. I was born into it and was baptized at 15 and I left at 18 (I'm 35 now)after seeing the horrible truth. I knocked on countless doors, stood around giving out magazines. My friends disowned me and family were demeaning me until I moved out. I found my way eventually but it wasn't easy. I had some great mentors that I still remember. Yes the world is horrible but I navigate it and protect myself. Stay up Ex JWs love yall.


After I turned 11 a bible study was arranged for me by my mom with a sister and after we finished the first book I was asked if I was ready to be baptized. I knew the consequences of being disfellowshipped and knew I wasn't going to be perfect throughout my life and I replied, "I think I need to study another book." After 3 books and lots of annoying questions the sister I was studying with passed me over to someone else and they eventually just stopped studying with me. The pressure of getting baptized is definitely there in passive guilt/fear comments from parents and adults which is something that I had to hear from 11 years old until I moved away to another city. My elderly parents "witness" to me in a roundabout way and as always I politely really wears you down when you just want to have a regular conversion with family that are heavily indoctrinated. Sometimes my mom will say things like, "I feel sorry for you because of what's going to happen to you when Armageddon This is a really great video! 👏👏👏👏👏✌


I made it a point to not get baptized because I knew I was gonna leave. My aunt regularly talks about how "sad" it is that she can't talk to her son because he got baptized and then left, but I'm chill because I never got baptized. While I never got baptized I was homeless as a teen because of my choice to not get baptized. Because the person raising me left "for their spiritual health".

Tell me normal family relations continue. Gaslighting at it's finest lol


At age 16, I stopped going to meetings. My mother packed up my belongings and told me I had to leave. So I quit school and got jobs to survive on my own. My mother made sure everyone I knew shunned me. She, my brother and friends have not spoken to me since she kicked me out 40+ years ago.


IDK what their 800 page diversion is going to be but I was baptized at 16, married at 20 and realized I didn’t believe the JWs anymore at 30. My friends, family and in laws absolutely shun me. As it’s Christmas, my mother in law will have all the family to her home to not celebrate together and my husband will have to decide if he’ll go and leave his wife alone or if he’ll miss out on seeing his entire family that he’s very close with. That’s reality. I always tell him to go see his family and not worry about me because I don’t want to put him through that. And that’s the case for every family event. They shun, they destroy people, they destroy relationships. And frankly I did it too when I was a member.


I remember an incident when I was around 12 where a girl I knew (also a teen) was sexually assaulted by multiple teen boys. Obviously I was horrified hearing this, but what came next was the adult women in my life standing in a circle in the kitchen condemning her, confirming that it was her own fault. "A good girl wouldn't stay in a room with boys alone". From that moment, I knew for certain that if anything like that ever happened to me, I would NOT come forward. Think about whether you want this life for your children before you join Jehovah's Witnesses. She was probably one of the teen girls who got disfellowshipped for "sexual immorality" that he's talking about in the video


I remember about 10 was when I was told I asked too many questions because they couldn’t answer me other than have faith. When I finally pushed through the “you can’t go to college” and started coming back with even more questions I was told the devil was trying to stumble me. After a horrific experience in disciplinarian committee I couldn’t stay anymore. Being 21 and disassociating myself was so hard. I lost my family, the majority of my friends, my job because I worked for other J W. My father specifically warned me I would never see my little brother if I didn’t change my decision. Luckily after 16 years my parents decided to let that go to be able to be family with my daughter and I.


I think as exJW many of us probably shunned someone while we were still JW, and the reasons why I shunned people had nothing to do with my own free choice, I shunned people because I was told to. Watchtower tries to claim disfellowshipping and the shunning it entails is no different from an individual who cuts of relations with someone who irritates them or harms them, but that is not true.

There are people who I whole heartedly cut contact with because they abused me, that was a choice from within myself, it was what I chose to do for my own emotional health. In contrast, when I shunned disfellowshipped people it was never from a place of wanting to do it, if the organization had not been pressuring me to do it in order to keep my relationships with god and the congregation I never would have shunned any of those people. They did nothing offensive or wrong to me, I had no reason to cut off friendship, I wished every time I saw them that I could talk to them and hang out with them, but I was indoctrinated to think god would punish me if I talked to them or that I could be shunned myself if I talked to them, or that I would be endangering them by risking their eternal life if I didn't enact the "godly discipline".

The Watchtower or JW claim that shunning is a personal choice is a lie, being threatened to do something does not make it your choice if you comply to avoid the harm. A teller at a bank that is being robed puts the money in the bag and hands it over to the thief out of fear, because they are being threatened, no one thinks that the teller did it of their own free will and would have done it regardless of if the thief was there or not. The JW organization is holding a "weapon" pointed at every member, they are threatening loss of relationship with god, subsequent loss of life, and the threat of being shunned themselves, the members are like that bank teller for the most part, following the organizations orders to avoid extreme consequences that are created by the organization.


I knew absolutely NOTHING about Disfellowshipping until three weeks AFTER baptism. The person who was supposed to inform me chose to smugly reveal that sordid detail at that time.


I got a horrible flashback when you mentioned Young People Ask. That book fucked me up as a teen. I eventually went to a school counciler about my issues and felt so much better after one session that I did reading those two books multiple times.


Thank you for your time. I am a grandma of 12 raised 10 children I am on the books as a “Pioneer “ I have gone to pioneer school 3 times but …….after the situation of the medical decision they decided for me . They got in the way of me doing my Fathers Work. I’m Out. I have children and grandchildren I’m trying to help . More to this Story . I wanted to say thank You for Being So Brave!!!
I Love You!
I left the Organization I’ll Never leave YHWH.
I’ll probably get did fellowshiped. I’m Ready . 💕😔♥️☝️🦋🥰


What a quality video. I never knew their sources were so shady. I'm just starting to learn so much about the cult I was born into. Thank you, Jake.


I have never seen a more genuine YouTube apology than the one you gave in your latest video. Don't let that hater get to you, fuck him/her, we know you're a good guy, everyone makes mistakes, you owned up to yours and are working towards improving your life. I hope to see you when/if you come back.


While I was told that I'd be shunned as a result of myself, nobody *NOBODY* told me that my children would be shunned too. The way they were treated after I left disgusted both me and my ex-husband.


Did he just compare getting a drivers license to selling your soul to the cult!? 🤣The governing body has taken their delusions to the next level (haha)


Re: Legal Precedents: An example of the law of upholding something we find to be wrong is Plessy v Ferguson where the US Supreme Court ruled that segregation laws didn't violate the 14th amendment's equal protection clause. So, just because a country has ruled that something is acceptable, doesn't mean that thing isn't also harmful. We can only hope that the Norwegian decision sets its own precedent and those countries that once ruled in favor of JWs shunning practices come to realize the harm it causes, that it's a violation of human rights, and then overturn those cases.


im infuriated... when i disassociated my mom went as far as go to court to get me evicted the day i turned 18


So what they're saying is that if a person is disfellowshipped, their families and friends are held hostage until the person is reinstated. Then this means they have no freedom of choice. 🤪
