1,076 - PREVIEW - Stephen Lett and the Watchtower's Biggest Lie | PLUS

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Simply Infuriating
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This man calls precious babies the enemies of God.


As Satan used the serpent. Satan uses the governing body.


To the amazing life explorers watching this video. If you’ve made it out of this group, you’ve stood up for authenticity. There is no doubt you've gone through hell on some or many levels. I find you brave, courageous and inspiring. Like a kid who grows, you may not see your mental and emotional progress since you left. You are growing and becoming powerful in yourselves. When you feel stuck, know you are actually moving forward. When it feels lonely and frustrating give yourself a break. Nurture you. Love you. You are the one who made it out of the fog. You are inspiring and I wish you the best life has to offer.


Great Job Keep Exposing those Lying Hypocrites


Once again there is Stephen "the devil" Lett telling lies to the poor JWs.


Thanks again, Winston, for continuing to expose these lying wolves.


Steve Letts sounds like a Reel-to-Reel running out of power/chewing up tape.


John 14 Jesus is the only way not a governing Bodie.


How blessed we are with JW Broadcasting! It's there for all the world to see and hear. The GB blatantly shows the world how this organisation thinks and works.
Excellent work by Lett and Morris!
"Send in the


Stephen Lett really really disgusts me & his elastic face irritates me to no end


"The Bible Students" started out as honest well meaning loosely organized people just studying church doctrines to see if they were biblically based. A charismatic leader arose that found out he could get a lot of attention with scare tactics. Much time passed and today what we have is a huge corporation, void of honesty exploiting people and claiming to be the true church whilst all other Christians are on the wrong path. This is just terrible. Their goal is to be synonymous with God Himself. Anyone whom questions the "governing body" is punished by being called in for cross examination. There is no "faithful and discreet slave" they just took a general parable which can apply to anyone and personalized it in order to authorize themselves. It is just awful diabolical and SHAMEFUL. They want to be seen as God Himself. Horrible.


I've never ever seen or heard a denomination speak so much about not talking to other denominations. defending their doctrine soooo much. there is something wrong with the JW if they are constantly making up excuses and defending their doctrines. or should I say false doctrine.


A lot of JW, s are waking up about the TRUTH, of the self proclaimed TRUTH!!!


He says that we know Jesus found the FDS faithfully feeding the domestics in 1919 but they previously said the following in the July 2013 Watchtower

"They were pleased with a small band of loyal Bible Students who showed that their heart was with Jehovah and his Word. Of course, they needed some cleansing, but they humbly responded during a brief period of testing and refining. (Mal. 3:2-4) Those faithful Bible Students were true Christian wheat. In 1919, a time of spiritual revival, Jesus selected capable anointed brothers from among them to be the faithful and discreet slave and appointed them over his domestics."

According to their words, the FDS was already acting as the FDS before Jesus selected then to act as the FDS.

The only difference seems to be that in 1919 Jesus selected individuals from the FDS, assigning them to only act as the FDS.
Unfortunately for them, there is absolutely no sign or evidence of this happening in 1919.
The numb sculls don't even bother to state who these individuals were that Jesus selected.


This man is responsible for the suicide of his gay nephew because of their wicked shunning policy


Basically.. give us more trust us masons more … yes very disgusting.. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤮🤮🤮


Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. Psalm 146:3
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. Psalm 118:8


Idolatry putting these men on a pedestal. They bait and switch.
I pray many see through their "hoodwink".
Deceivers love to use sophistry & causitry to get their way.

Definition of sophistry:

1: subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
Sophistry Has Roots in Greek Philosophy

The original Sophists were ancient Greek teachers of rhetoric and philosophy prominent in the 5th century B.C. In their heyday, these philosophers were considered adroit in their reasoning, but later philosophers (particularly Plato) described them as sham philosophers, out for money and willing to say anything to win an argument. Thus sophist (which comes from Greek sophistēs,  meaning "wise man" or "expert") earned a negative connotation as "a captious or fallacious reasoner." Sophistry is reasoning that seems plausible on a superficial level but is actually unsound, or reasoning that is used to deceive.

Definition of casuistry:

1: a resolving of specific cases of conscience, duty, or conduct through interpretation of ethical principles or religious doctrine

2: specious argument : RATIONALIZATION


Tis a sad, mad world we live in Winston.


“Our fine shepherd left these words”, actually he’s the good shepherd, a title shared with the Yahweh of the OT.
