Toddlers or Embryos: Which Would You Save? — Red Pen Logic

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Many pro-choice advocates think this hypothetical scenario is a good argument against human life beginning at conception. The problem is, it doesn’t work. And it’s pretty easy to see why.

#RedPenLogic #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #ProLife #UnbornLivesMatter


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Clear thinking usually vaporizes the power of emotional rhetoric.

Well done, Mr. B.


Just like one would most likely save toddlers over the elderly. This doesn’t make genocide of the elderly morally acceptable.


True very true chosing to save one over the other, doesn't make the other unhuman.


I find that secularists will simply deny what they don't want to accept, even when it's obvious, and present their position as true and proven.


Which would you rather save? A daycare with a dozen toddlers? Or a hospital with 100K elderly, comatose patients? If you pick the 12 screaming toddlers, you admit the elderly who are comatose have no value and are not humans. /s


Well, done! But one critique...

"Science" doesn't determine where life begins; God does. Science is the tool we use to measure and prove God right.

I get the value of brevity, but the lack of context can lead to horrific results.


@2:05 the claim that science determines life, I believe is false, because God determines when life begins. Otherwise, I quite enjoy and appreciate it. I have also heard of the story of people saving others over those they know to be christian, because it affords those who are not christian more opportunity (time) to repent to Jesus. Of course either way, all are without excuse, and when the Lord decides it is time for life to be given or taken is His. Their is rejoicing in heaven over one turning to Jesus, also, the Lord does not take delight in any of the wicked's demises.


I love hearing compelling views for pro-choice. This definitely helps me be better equipped!


I will go with the 100, 000 because majority is better.


With respect, you created a straw man. The question wasn't about two buildings with grown families with grown humans. It was two buildings, in one was THOUSANDS of human lives (by your definition) and in the other, a few grown children. This hypothetical is about pure numbers, not about choosing your own family over others. If you really think that embryos are humans lives, you'd have no choice but to save the thousands embryos rather than the school children. This also has nothing to do with emotion; it's a simple question of if you really think an frozen embryo is a human life of not. Pro tip, if you ever find yourself in this situation and actually choose to save the frozen embryos, you're a psychopath.


It's a false premise to even begin from. Most of the stored embryos at a clinic are going to be trashed anyway, one way or another. They are simply fertilized eggs stored in liquid nitrogen dewars. Meanwhile, the toddlers are fully formed people beginning their lives as individuals. While life begins at conception, it's not 'a life' on it's own. Conception is just the starting point. If you took those fertilized eggs and set them into any environment (other than a compatible uterus) they would simply die and decompose in a minute or so. Even in a compatible uterus they aren't assured of growing into a fetus and eventually a person. It is, at that stage, only a parasite needing a host support system to survive.

Where it transitions into being a life of it's own is a hotly debated thing but for me it's the point at which it can live outside the host (the mom) without a battery of life support equipment. Precisely when this happens varies from one to the next but they are all within a week or so of one another. The debate in the scientific community is pretty simple. It only gets muddy in political debates because of the religious elements and the politicians needing to buy voter support through pretending to care about the religious demographics.

So yeah, I would save the toddlers and watch the clinic burn from a safe distance and not even think twice about it.

As for whether abortion (that's the topic being danced around in this video) should be legal, yes, it should. Because women deserve all the options available to them for taking control of their lives. Not all want to go through the gestation and birth process, either not right then or even perhaps ever. Surgically 'getting fixed' alters them in significant ways that might be equally unwanted. The pill has some potential detrimental effects over time, and in general birth control methods are not 100% reliable. So a final, last resort option is, necessarily, abortion. No one wants one, but it's good to know that if needed it's an option, and there are professionals and facilities available to do it safely. Well, unless some christian nutjob picked that clinic and that day to attack it with pipe bombs. Yes, that has happened too many times. And if she chooses to have the procedure she should not be screamed at as she walks into the clinic as though she was public enemy number 1.
