5 Mistakes I Made as a Beginner Color Pencil Artist

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I have been using colour pencils as my favoured medium for about 3 years now. While I am certainly no expert, I sure have learned some things I should try to avoid, while using them to create my art works.

Here is a quick list of 5 things I learned the hard way hard way NOT to do with colour pencils.... with embarrassing examples of those mistakes!!

You can see some of my more recent art at
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I like Arches HOT press. It’s got enough texture for layers, but smooth enough for getting good details. Also Canson DRAWING paper. It’s not for wet techniques but will take solvent. It’s a cream-colored paper. In SPITE of the name Colored-Pencil paper, Strathmore Color Pencil paper is a problem. It’s fairly thin, and buckles with even a small amount of solvent to mix pigments, and doesn’t have enough tooth. D-. I’m just starting out with Canson Mi-Tientes, which has TWO DIFFERENT TEXTURES, and is supposed to hold up to light washes and has a rougher side for pastel work. Luckily, it’s reasonably priced and is available in sheets as well as pads. Many professional artists have no problem recommending it, and some use it themselves. I hope this is useful information.


I wish other artists would more often discuss their 'failures' and mistakes they've made with their particular the home renovation TV shows where the end products seem to have been done perfectly, without stripped screws, broken saw blades, unexpected expenses, split joists, etc. Your willingness to share mistakes will no doubt help others to avoid them.

I guess Murphy's Law applies in most areas of life:
Nothing's as easy as you think. Everything takes longer than you thought. And if anything can go wrong, it will.

Your 'failures' are beautiful and I aspire to produce pictures that are as lovely as yours. Thanks so much for some very helpful, solid advice.


The tiger looks so derpy, it's actually pretty cute though.


The pieces you show and call mistakes are beautiful art to my eyes. Wow, you are so talented!
Thank you for sharing!


I don't make mistakes, I make learning experiences


The cross-eyed tiger is absolutely adorable.


Lol.. your bad examples... are my masterpieces!!!


Me (looks at colorful stickman I made)
"Ah so it's not me it's my paper" 😂


Mistakes are just techniques you haven't yet found a use for.


Thanks! I am just starting out in colored pencil. Now for that posture, I have been sewing for over 50 years. It is very easy to slouch over the machine. One must discipline oneself to sit straight. Here is a tip I learned from Nancy Zieman, she says when quilting, "Sew a block, walk a block." Meaning, get up and walk around at least every 30 minutes. I actually set a timer on my mp3 player ( always listing to books or tunes) to remind me to GET UP. This little interruption refreshes mind, body, and creativity.


Apart from the poor tiger, I actually liked all those pieces! Just started with CP's myself and appreciate the tips very much; thanks for posting xx


Watching this video makes me realize that courage is required to showcase our mistakes. Shine a light on them for all the world to see. Presenting this to us so that we may learn is both brave and generous. It speaks to a well adjusted ego and confidence in your ability. I am happy to have found your channel. Be well.


What you consider your poor art....just WOW! This is the first video of yours I've seen while researching colored pencils. Consider me addicted. You are more qualified than you give yourself credit, and quite talented! Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for this. As a beginner, I'm feeling a lot better about getting my toes wet in the medium. I'm impressed by the hard hints that you give. I'm impressed by the fact that you keep examples of where you went wrong so that you could learn from them as well as see the progress you are making today. But most of all: I'm impressed by your humanity in looking at your foibles with a sense of humor and then sharing them so the rest of us can learn through your experiences. Thank you so much!


Your talent is enviable!! Your boo boo's would be framed in my house!!!! Wow! 🤗


I really enjoyed the earlier works that she shared. How can we learn without mistakes along the way? Cassandra seems very supportive of artists. Even though she doesn't have decades of experience with colored pencils, she is still willing to share her experiences with us. Nicely done!


Who ever you are madam, you are a TEACHER FOREVER, you are a divine instrument of our human community taking on your responsibility or not


Great tips!! I've been guilty of every one you mentioned...I guess it's the learning process for many of us. I hope all those beginner colored pencil artists take heed and avoid some of them..


Yeh this is a good video. Learning from mistakes is always best thanks for showing us your old stuff. New birds are great where is your other new art..I sometimes get a burst of energy to draw when I see drawings that need fixing and I go and redraw them. Always learn so much more from doing that than from how to draw books that show perfect construction steps etc.It's amazing how our eye will pick out the mistakes. I've also learned to put a drawing down and not do the whole thing at once coz I always want to either finish it quick or saturate the colour. I try do a few at once now. The best thing about putting a drawing down too is sometimes when you wake up next morning you go... Oh it's already finished. Nothing worse than an overworked drawing


Cassandra, thank you for sharing your advice and showing your mistakes. It takes a lot of openness to share mistakes, but we can learn from them. So, thank you.
