Most Of Us Are Afraid To Pray In Public

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May 30 – Most Of Us Are Afraid To Pray In Public
Pastor Royal Farris at Life Connection Church

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We post Pray The Bible devotionals Mon-Fri. Please join Royal and share with your friends. #PrayTheBible

Did you know it is estimated that 75% of people are afraid of speaking in public?

Glossophobia or speech anxiety is the fear of public speaking.

And I know a higher percentage of people are afraid to pray in public.

When I first got serious about God I was scared to death to pray in public.

Don’t know what to say.
Somebody else is better at it than me.

The audience is what makes us fear praying in public. The audience is also what makes others want to pray in the public.

But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. Matt 6:6

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am so thankful that you know me and love me anyway. I am thankful that when I pray you know ahead of time what I am going to pray, but you still want me to talk to you. Please give me the patience, and the stillness to listen to you speak to me.

In Jesus Name
Amen and Amen
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Hi and thanks for your advice. I am petrified to speak in front of others, let alone pray! My prayer life is so very basic and I never know what to say/pray. I have no problem closing the door and praying to the Father in private. Please pray for me that the Holy Spirit will guide me and teach me, so that I may speak/pray in confidence in front of people, as I believe that I don't mingle with other Christians due to possibly being asked to pray in front of them...please help me! Thanks Royal, God bless!


I'm afraid to pray in public for two reasons.
First, and most importantly, Jesus recommended praying in private
And secondly, God knows my prayers already (Matthew 6:6-8)


Thanks Royal for your advise. I have exactly the same problem praying like Katalin Nicholas in her comments. Please please pray for us to have the confidence and remove the fear and nervousness that's in us. Thank you and God bless you


Thanks for your encouragement. I went to church for the 2nd time recently and I was standing on my own when they asked us to pair up or group up and pray. I wasnt really near anyone so got a bit awkward but paired up with a guy behind me. I was really nervous because I've never prayed with people. Worried about how amateur I'd sound. We ended up just talking, maybe it was obvious i was feeling awkward. Kinda needed someone to take the lead in that moment but maybe next time. Will get there, just need to relax and realise we're all in the the same boat. And be true and authentic.


And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.


Hi thank you for your encouragement' please pray for my purpose from God. God bless you more


Thank you for this video! We have a lot of prayer time at church, and praying out loud has helped me so much to stay focused on the Lord. But sometimes I do worry about how I sound. I pray a lot of scripture, and hope it will encourage others, but I worry that it sounds like I'm trying to show off. I guess I need to realize that the Lord knows my real intentions and I need to resist the enemy.


Sometimes im afraid to pray to god after i messed up i feel like garbage mentally im just afraid to abuse his grace


I have trouble talking in front of people but I do pray by myself 😇😇😇


I been ask to pray @ a funeral service but did will be my first time in front a crowd


am really shy when i step infront of people thus praying for me in public has become hard because i may lack which words to say, pliz pray for me to overcome it🙏


I breathe heavy&can't breathe.


jesus warn us to pray in secret not public matthew chapter 6 warn us


Afraid? The Bible tells us to NOT pray in public. Matthew 6


The reason why you don't feel comfortable praying in public is because you are not supposed to. Read matthew chapter 6. Do not mislead people by telling them what your relationship with God is because you may be wrong
