How to buy a good used farm tractor. Great Information, tips and money saving advice! Buyer Beware!

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I was thinking a contractor or excavator owner .. not a ER nurse with that I say Thank you for your service ! It takes a special person.


Wow, this video is pure GOLD! One of the best advice videos of ANY kind I have ever seen. Nothing fancy, no frills, and no gimmics. Just to-the-point great info. The only downside was the capacity of my brain to absorb it all. That said, I have bookmarked it for future use. Well done, Sir!


I bought a tractor a few years ago i only checked for easy starting, engine blow-by, gears and leaks and how well it sounded. It was an old tractor too and it cost me about 2000 in repairs that i didn't notice rite away, but it could have been worse.


Great advise. I was lucky the person I bought my tractor from was very honest. I did wonder what the cotter key sticking out the bottom was. I figured it was a vent of some kind. This video cleared this up, weep hole


Been watching for videos for a while and never knew you were a nurse. From a fellow nurse have a great day and love the content. Your awesome


This is THE MOST well done and comprehensive tips of things to look for that I have seen. I am a farmer and keep up my own equipment beyond just a tractor and I'm aware of little things that change over time so I know long before something goes out which is going to be a repair. I like to do my preventitive maintenance in the winter when things slow down. I keep a spreadsheet of each piece of equipment I own so I can keep up with things lkike oil changes, air filters and the such. Thank you again for this wealth of tips.


Back on the farm in Nth Canterbury, in New Zealand's South Island, I drove an old International tractor. I loved that machine! It was decades old, yet ran like a new one! All the time, every time!


Thank you for taking the time to explain what to look for in a tractor. Some things I knew but there were a lot of things I didn’t. Thank you


Thank you for this indepth video! I'm pretty adept with cars/trucks but I've never even touched a tractor and I'm planning to buy one to maintain and partially clear some small brush on some land I'm buying and this really helps A LOT!! 👍🏼


Man. I love the sound of those old Massey’s. We had a 30B industrial tractor at work and oh man the sound it made was beautiful.


I don't know anything about tractors but you are easy enough for me to follow. Some people are just great at teaching. Plus, look at all the free advice you received just for posting.


All really good and helpful information! I'm shopping for a tractor right now, and I'm going to write out a list of what you talked about and go through it when I go to look at machines!


Ok. My first time at your channel and the first thing outta your mouth tells me you are someone for people to listen to cause your first is a hugely important piece of safety advise. Shows your priority and that you know what you're talking about. Dan ( old timer in my 70s n.grew up in this life style. I've got a 1968 Case model 444 with a BD 154 diesel and big wide orchard tires)


Thanks for this video. I'm new to your channel but have been going through all your older posts. Not very difficult to hit the thumbs up buttons as you bring a great deal of useful information in short Vlogs. I plan to buy some land soon in TN or NC to start a small family type farm, nothing fancy. I know a tractor is a key tool, which I know very little about. So this will be a video a rewatch when the time comes.


I am planning to buy an old MF8140 big tractor and this video was perfect. I am visiting the seller next week and I now know how to ask good questions. Thanks a lot.


Great video. I bought a used MF 230 and she had many of the issues you highlighted. Thanks.


Very well said. I grew up driving theses MF135’s and MF165’s. Many, many others. I guess I like these Massey Ferguson’s better than most. I bought a MF180. Owned it for many years then finally sold it and bought a JD6415 which I still own. I just really love these old tractors. Thanks for your video. You said it right. Keep on farmin. Don


I want to criticize your video, but I see how much you love being a farmer and sharing what you have learned. I have to keep in mind that It’s certainly not easy putting yourself out there making videos.

Thanks for sharing, sir, god bless.


I disagree. The way my wife trashes the interior of her car is no reflection on how I maintain everything else. 😂


You are one of the best presenters on the Internet! Great job.
