5 Stocks I’m Buying Now!!!!! August 2024

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Stocks to buy. Stocks to watch. Stock market. Jeremy Lefebvre.

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Created by Jeremy Lefebvre

LMK if you know any stocks to buy now or stocks to watch!
Рекомендации по теме

Let's face it... buying more stocks & index funds during stock market corrections and bear markets is scary. Which makes it really hard to do for most people like me. I have 260k i want to transfer into an S&P 500 but its hard to bite the bullet and do it.


I just switched up my Roth IRA to 50% SCHD, 25% SCHX, 25% SCHG, and my Roth 401k is 70% vanguard S&P 500 index, 20% vanguard growth index, and 10% vanguard international index. Seeking best possible ways to grow $350k into $1m+ before retirement, I'm 55.


Recently bought some recommended stocks and now they are just penny stocks. There seems to be more negative portfolios in 2024 with the markets tumbling, soaring inflation, and banks going out of business. My concern is how can the rapid interest-rate hike be of favor to a value investor, or is it better avoiding stocks for a while?


I see the rising interest rate as a very big problem, as more investors will definitely pull out more money from the Stock market. This might have worked when I was still invest-ing with a couple thousand dollars, but it is more difficult now to decide whether to pull out more than $365k from my port-folio. I know some inves-tors still make that despite the strong bear market. In wish I could pull that feat


Hit 119k last week, lost over 16k already


It was stupid of me to sell $76, 000 worth of NVDA stocks without reinvesting. (Buying bonds or CDs is not for me). I’d rather stay 100% cash, or are there any other stocks that can 10x in 6 months? I have 180k ready to be reinvested..


I have been a dividend focused investor for a long time. This does not mean I don't own growth stocks, I do. A well rounded portfolio should be a mixture of both categories. One way to minimize the anxiety out of stock market investing, is to make sure you keep a large cash cushion. I invest in the market, but never put all my money in market.


Do you think it's a good time to consider selling some stocks, or is it better to hold onto them for the long term? I’m considering rebalancing my $2M portfolios, So I'm curious about the best strategies to invest this year.


Every crash/collapse brings with it an equivalent market chance if you are early informed and equipped, I've seen folks amass up to $1m amid economy crisis, and even pull it off easily in favorable conditions. Unequivocally, the collapse is getting somebody somewhere rich.


The last time I invested in a stock that did extremely well was during Covid when I invested in Moderna & zoom and I am so sad that I missed out on Nvidia. I have $360, 000 in cash and am looking for new sectors to invest in for the next five years. Any suggestions?


*Appreciate your videos! I’m 54 and younger generations should know there’s no shortcut to acquiring wealth, but there are ways to go about it. Fellow millionaires don’t tell the poor/middle class they need the knowledge of finance coaches to help build their wealth. If anyone here needs a good coach, here’s it..*


Biggest lesson i learnt in 2024 in the stock market is that nobody knows what is going to happen next, so practice some humility and follow a strategy with a long term edge.


i've had fun holding NVDIA but now i consider selling my shares that I bought for $45 back in 2019 and i am sitting on roughly about $300k. Am i better off putting the money somewhere else or sit out and wait for a correction?


What are the best strategies to protect my portfolio? I've heard that a downturn will devastate the financial market, so I'm concerned about my $200k stock portfolio.


In my 50s, I'm focused on investments for retirement. I've heard of people generating substantial passive income, like someone who earned $650K in under a year on a podcast. What's the strategy for such returns?


1. shopify
2. paypal
3. nike
4. estee lauder
5. cheesecake factory


Recently bought some recommended stocks and now they are just penny stocks. There seems to be more negative portfolios in the last 3rd half of 2023 and first half of this year with markets tumbling, soaring inflation, and banks going out of business. My concern is how can the rapid interest-rate hike be of favor to a value investor, or is it better avoiding stocks for a while?


Whoever thinks this market will continue upwards and beyond has their head in their rear. There is a correction coming since the Russell and the Dow are showing signs of weakness. Depending on the correction may determine if the market rallies once more in the summer for a final blow off top and slightly newer high. After that, watch out. Cycle Analysis predicts a hard drop in the late summer early Fall. Also, we are now 190% Market Cap to GDP ratio. That is very I've been engaged in active trading, which is generally safer, allowing investors to weather market volatility and also managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3Bitcoin to a decent 24Bitcoin....I'm especially grateful to Francine Duguay, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.


I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Charlotte Miller.


This administration has no idea how people are suffering, things are getting so much harder we can't take it no more. A lot of people are financially struggling to put food on the table and a roof over their head, I appreciate your advice Zachery M Demers. Imagine I invested $2, 000 and got $10, 600.
