How to fix you crappy GE washer lid lock switch

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If you have a GE washer that you hate so much that you ripped the lid off the top, then I have the video to help you. Fixes it, at least temporarily, until you can get a new part or just replace the POS with a better washer.

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I never thought i could get joy from an instructional video, but your hatred of the appliance has me grinning.


You are still blessing people years later! Worked perfectly. Got given a washer and dryer set today and I HATE those lid locks. I have no kids in the house, so there's no reason for it.
5 minute fix.


This video, literally, made my whole day. Just bought a used washer. Brought it home wasn’t spinning. Started diagnosing bummed because I’ve been needing a washer AND I JUST BOUGHT THIS THING…lid lock switch was broke. FOUND THIS VIDEO AND BAMMM….IT’S WORKING. Thank you so much


Dude! I slammed my lid in anger after having to adjust the unbalanced load for the 3rd time this wash cycle, then it flashed "LID" I followed your advice in this video and by golly its working now! Thanks, I was dreading telling the wife I broke this crappy washing machine!


Thank you, I got super impatient and ripped the lid off the washer because it wouldn’t balance and I was trying to help it balance the clothes. Thought I was gonna need a new washer but I decided to look on YouTube really quick and boom, there is your video. Thanks 👍


I literally ripped the lid off one day and it hasn't been letting me wash any clothes. I was thinking about using the money from a CD I've been saving all year to buy a new machine but saw this video this morning and boom, worked just like that.

Bless you.


This GE washer switch needs recalled, On the same inside lever, the little thin brittle plastic tip keeps breaking off even on replacement switches. Upside, this video shows a quick fix without replacing this switch. Washer is back to working again, Thanks for taking the time to post it


I am 100% feeling your energy on this! My switch failed because a 1mm piece of plastic broke off. The only purpose of this switch is because some idiot managed to nearly die in a washing machine and their immediate reaction was to sue.


I thought I was the only person that truly HATES my brand new GE washer! This makes me feel normal again.


My man, you are our hero right now. Whole family got hit with a stomach bug yesterday and then this blizzard hit us today and everything's shut down. And yep, our shitty GE washer that's only 3 years old decided it'd be great timing to throw this "Lid not closed" error. Thanks to you, got it working again for at least the weekend until it can be properly repaired and we won't have a bunch of kids clothes and bed sheets smelling like vomit in the meantime!


My man, still working in 2024! I replaced the switch 3 weeks ago and then last night it starts doing the same fkn thing! Will not be replacing my modified switch LOL Thanks a million, friend!


Biggest piece of junk washer ever. I’ve spent 5 hours today trying to get my sheets and blankets to spin. Finally just ripped the lid open out of pure frustration. The commentary was dead on, great job friend


Your technique is still relevant in December 2023. Just applied it and I'm back Thank you


I’ve been up half the night dreading spending the money on another cheap washing machine. Your simple video sure helped me out. My washer is working!! Thanks!


Omg I love you. You fixed my washer by breaking it. I love you We need real men back damn it!


I could not thank you enough. I first fought with the lid just to get it open. Cause it decided to play the lock and unlock game with me. After I got it open, and figured out what was wrong with the damn thing. I found this video and you’re a life saver. God bless you, cause I almost lost my shit with how annoyed I was. ❤


I just broke the lid lock on my GE washer as well, your video worked great for getting my washer back up and running.. Thanks!


Have the same washer… you my friend are the god of stopping BS lol I hated that kid lock more than life and you have provided relief


I’ve never watched an instructional video that so accurately described my exact situation hahaha. I hate this damn washing machine so much


I want you to know I did this just now, because i pulled this stupid thing and I genuinely appreciate you so much.
