James White Responds - Infant Salvation?

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James White of @AominOrg issued another response to the ongoing controversy that's come to be known as #BaalGate releasing both a video and Tweet. In response to being challenged on his belief that some infants are un-elect and hell-bound, he lashed out wildly calling Warren McGrew a liar, disgusting and saying he needed to be born again.

How wild is that? If you believe God saves all infants, you need to be saved.

Interestingly enough, James admitted the doctrine is based upon speculative theology stemming from His Augustinian/Calvinist/Reformed presuppositions. Yet, he claims those who reject it don't believe the Bible and are offended by God.

I wonder if James will tell his fellow Calvinists who agree with Warren and Leighton Flowers of the same thing? Will James tell Calvinists like John MacArthur he's not saved?

Now, James is appealing to pastoral concerns in an effort to keep his views hidden away behind closed doors, rather than in the light of day as with a Formal Theological Debate. Yet, previously he was perfectly fine refuting ID, and then when his beliefs changed he was fine defending it publicly.

Here, Warren responds to those statements made by James, exposing the numerous fallacious arguments, logical fallacies and overall bad behavior from the good doctor.

Yes, the song at the end (including the sum

#BaalGate #Calvinism #christian


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Idol Killer is committed to spreading the Gospel and making disciples of Christ. We are dedicated to promoting classic orthodox Christian doctrine (pre-Augustinian) and in doing so exposing extra-Biblical corrupt philosophies and presuppositions.

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So James White believes his view of infant damnation is “disgusting and vile”, yes James we agree!


As king David said about his child's passing, he cannot come back to me, but I can go to him. A little child, David knew would be in Heaven.


Warren, I know you said you have thick skin, but I want to thank you for being willing to take the hits here. You are doing good work, and it is making a difference! This video is yet another great example! Thank you!


Maybe we can carry on this debate with Dr. White over at his channel. Oh wait, he turned off comments a couple years ago. Very telling about the assurance he has on any of his opinions.


"Babies aren't _ALL_ damned, they're only _MOSTLY_ damned." -James White, in "Miracle Max" voice (From the Princess Bride)


When you piss off every internet Calvinist you know that you’re on the right track in your Biblical understanding haha


Thank you for dismantling the diabolical doctrine of devils of calvinism


The more "Calvinistic" a person is, the deeper darkness they proclaim. It appears that Dr. James White can not stand anyone questioning him, regardless of what he teaches. Every Bible teacher should be open to criticism because truth, not ego, is the purpose of teaching.


Well done.
Pray for James White to be honest with his followers, and for parents who have lost a young one, to know they are with the creator, not with Satan in hell.


The reason why james goes to infant baptism is because this is the exact context in which Augustine frames it. When speaking of predestination Augustine talks about two infants, one who happens to be baptized before death, and one who isn’t baptized and dies. Augustine used this framing to think about sovereignty. That god knew who would get to baptism before death and thus be saved .... and those who wouldn’t.

This is why in the Middle Ages when it became obvious that the baby and mother would die in delivery, some mothers elected to have a baptismal c section done in order to baptize the baby to ensure they go to heaven ...

James could at least provide the comfort of infant baptism as a way of knowing who is elect ... but he won’t because although Calvinist thought has some roots in Augustine but calvin out Augustined Augustine and the modern reformed theologians out-calvin, calvin.


The Calvinist version of Jesus loves the little children is Jesus only loves the elected little children.


The calviboys like JW don't like that we believe God saves those whom Jesus calls "such is the kingdom of heaven" and that we must "become as" them.


Consistent Calvinism believes in infant damnation. They were predestined to hell before they were born and it has nothing to do with what they do in life (good or bad).
That’s why James White affirms it - BUT HERE’S THE KICKER:

It shows that they believe ALL people who go to hell go there NOT because of any sins or anything they do in life. It’s all decided before anyone was born and before anyone did anything good or bad.
In Calvinism, God is making beings just to send them to eternal torment/hell and it has nothing to do with anything they ever do in life, good or bad.


What a wicked and completely unbiblical statement by RC Sproul at 4:48 min…..John MacArthur’s hero in the faith. Lord have mercy!


Keep fighting the good fight warren! God is not a moral monster. God is love and in him there is no darkness


thank you Warren. there are cracks forming. and I pray that through those cracks His love breaks through.


Nothing is more inconsistent than consistent Calvinism.


"behind closed doors..." hmmm. No. I have witnessed that tactic used by many leaders through the years...


Calvinism is a cistern that holds no living water 🙏


I'm an ex-Reformed Baptist and I'm surprised James White did not just quote from his rule book, the 1689 Reformed Baptist Confession of Faith, "Chapter 10, entitled “Of Effectual Calling.” Matching the Westminster Confession of Faith almost verbatim, it reads, “Elect infants dying in infancy are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit; who worketh when, and where, and how he pleases; so also are all elect persons, who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the Word.” So un-elect infants will go to hell according to their confession of faith. Please check this out!
