Evangelical and a Catholic walk into a basilica…

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The creator of The Chosen is an evangelical. The actor playing Jesus is a Catholic. Do these different perspectives ever create issues for them like they do some viewers?

In the summer of 2021, the growing impact of The Chosen led to Dallas and Jonathan being invited to the Vatican to meet the Pope. The day before the meeting, they stood outside St. Peter’s basilica to discuss Dallas’s discomfort with treating buildings as holy.

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I, as a Catholic, am so grateful for this interaction between two denominations. The time has come that we understand how we all practice our faith no matter what it may be. Thank you Dallas and Jonathan for showing how it's done💕


As a devout Catholic, I'm totally OK with Johnathan speaking up for the Catholic Church anytime! 😊 that was a very simple, beautiful, humble explanation.


I dunno about you guys but I feel something amazing happening in the world at the moment, even among the heavy burden of evil all around. People from all faiths are finding Christ. They are uniting across cultural and faith barriers. Praise be to Jesus.


My husband is from Italy, he converted me to the catholic. My first time in the Vatican, I didn’t realized that was the main headquarters and center of the church and home for the pope. I went to my first confession there at Saint Peter while I was still in RCIA, I didn’t know then.
After my visit there, I started to learn how to pray the Rosary, Chaplet and my love for the faith grew. I am so in-love with the Catholic. I didn’t know how much Jesus suffered for us and how much our Mother Mary love us so much. I realized I don’t deserve all of these gifts that I found in the catholic faith because I am a sinner 😢but I thank you Jesus and Mama Mary for giving me so much and have me as part of the Catholic family.


I'm not Catholic, but I don't see the idolatry in the way Catholics treat art and relics. The paintings, statues, architecture serve the same purpose as the series does. People a 1000 years ago didn't have video to personalize the stories and the people like we do. These representations help bring to life the stories and concepts. There should be things that are sacred. If nothing is sacred, nothing is profane.


I love Jonathan’s humility “there are theologians who can answer better than I can”


This is a great and respectful exchange between a catholic and an evangelical on their differences in worship and how they view holy places. Thank you for giving us this conversation.


I took my wife and 19 year old son to Rome in 2007. When we walked into St. Peter's I was overwhelmed at the size, the history and especially the art. There was a mass that was going to held (in Latin) and my wife and son elected not to attend. I went though. Listening to the mass in Latin moved me literally to tears. I wept. And any time I would open my eyes all I could see was Bernini's stained glass window of the Dove of the Holy Spirit. It's a moment that I'll never forget. Btw, I started watching The Chosen this week and every episode there are moments where I cry. Such a beautiful series.


Knowing Jonathan's heart for all of this, I give him a solid 10 out of 10. He has not missed a beat in any episode. Not over-done, not aloof, just ... right.


As a practicing Catholic, the reverence I feel for places is NOTHING compared to my love for Christ. But I get a very special feeling when I see what faith has created in sites such as St. Peter’s Bacilica.


Lol - I’m Catholic and my bestie is a Protestant - we never argue anything but just share a passion and love of Jesus and The Chosen. Great interview! All love there ❤️🕊🙏🏼


I was born into a fundamental, legalistic protestant home. It was soul crushing. I converted to Catholicism 25 years ago and never looked back. Now I experience total freedom. Every holy relic, ever statue, every painting now enhances the worship experience for me.


Thank you two wonderful godly men for so respectfully and opening sharing your different approaches/beliefs as brothers. It’s beautiful to see an evangelical and a Catholic so aware of their differences yet so united in Christ and bonded in love. As an evangelical, I have truly appreciated learning more about Catholic beliefs through dearly respected brother Jonathan. I agree with you Dallas, we’ve gone too far the other way. Thank you for doing this video. Bringing the two together is beautiful. Love you guys!


Art was a medium of catechesis for the common illiterate people in olden times. It is also a medium of expression. People who experience Christ want to express themselves. They can never be silent. Thus, those talented with language write books, others write songs, others make films, create sculptures, etc. We who enjoy the works of their hands are led to catechesis. Just like the Chosen gives us a catechesis, a deeper understanding into Jesus' life and the others surrounding him, the works of art, sculptures, paintings, etc. did the same. I can say that people like Michaelangelo were the Dallases of their times. Dallas now is actually paining portraits of say, Peter, his wife, Mary the Mother of God, Mary Magdalene etc. in our minds.


Answering the question, why Peter's bones are considered holy, the answer lies in an understanding of varying degrees of holiness. I think for Protestants there are only two degrees of holiness. Something is "holy" or "not holy", no more no less. But for Catholics and Orthodox, there is a whole range of "Holiness". God is the Most Holy... HOLY HOLY HOLY. Mary and the saints share in the holiness, in as much as they lived their lives based on His Word, and in constant "communion" with God. They are not holy by themselves, but the holiness of God radiates in them. In venerating their lives and memories, we are only venerating the holiness of God revealed through them. Again, God is the subject of "worship", "adoration". Mary and the Saints are never "worshipped". They are "venerated" in as much as their "memories are respected", their examples are followed, because their lives inspire us to lead better Christian lives. The lives of the Saints remind us that Christian perfection is not impossible. If they can do it, so can we.... Back to the bones... well, they are considered sacred... but to what degree? Are they as Holy as God? Certainly not... The degree of holiness certainly matters. Can a person be saved if he/she does not venerate the bones/relics of Peter, well certainly yes...


As an atheist, I walked through the Basilica and was in awe of the art. I saw a strong sense of reverence and humility from both the people and the structures around me. A very incredible place. There were so many churches in Rome! It was like the whole city was a church.


This is one of the best respectful exchanges I have witnessed thus far, as a Catholic. It's great to appreciate how they listen attentively to one another.


This was a very healing video for me. I am a Catholic and a convert so I have been on “both sides of the fence” as it were. The love, respect and sincere friendship exhibited and honest.exploration of both men of each other’s views again makes me love God and my Faith more and is giving me the tools to talk about it.


Finally! A good conversation without arguing or throwing insults between different forms of worship. God bless you all!


I'm catholic and I really love this show. I think giving mary such a big role is a nice touch. I think this is one show every Christian will love no matter your denomination
