Fired Hotel Employee: Don't Settle for a Bad Payout

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Being fired from your job at a large hotel can be a traumatic experience, and this can be made even worse by accepting a bad pay-out. With the enormous power that hotels exude and their financial operations often spanning entire countries, it is a very daunting task to question or challenge what a major hotel employer is suggesting is your termination pay and severance pay. Nevertheless, because of their size, and arrogance, large hotel employers appear to have a tendency to put forward inadequate termination packages, such that having the offered package properly reviewed should be the minimum that every fired hotel employee pursues.
Based upon extensive legal and financial analysis, most hotel employees, especially long term hotel employees, receive far less than what they are legally entitled to when they are permanently laid off and terminated, with little real consideration for their years of dedication and hard work. Loyalty apparently means nothing, as decisions are being made by the corporate overlords in distant cities and countries, where everything is about their financial numbers and achieving highly impersonal corporate objectives. The fact that you have over-performed for 10, 15, 20 or more years for that particular hotel employer, making many personal sacrifices, is now proving to be of little or no consequence, as all the employer's previous promises have proven to be hollow and unfulfilled.
To make matters worse, you now find yourself with an overly technical termination or severance pay package that your hotel employer is pressing you to accept and sign. It doesn’t seem adequate (because in most situations it is grossly inadequate), but you don’t know if you want to fight for more and potentially ruin your reputation in the hotel sector and prevent their calling you back to work once the situation changes (however, does a permanent termination really indicate an intention to bring you back at your current seniority and income).
However holding out such hope is generally unrealistic, given that their decision to pay yourself on the basis that you are not coming back and they included no legally binding obligation that they will re-hire you once things return to the old normal. Instead, you really need to understand the implications of doing nothing as opposed to getting a knowledgeable legal assessment as to your options.
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#hotelemployee #employmentlaw #hoteljob
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