How Narcissists Make YouFeel Invisible By GivingYou The Silent Treatment #narcissist #narcissism

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Silent treatment is one of the worst form of mental abuse.


Find a way to GET OUT of any relationship with a narcissist! Go no-contact!!!


Yep the look and silence was a punishment and yes I didn’t exist unless I obeyed. 😢💔


Silent treatment was the most used punishments over the 13 yrs I’ve been married to my narc. Hated it and to this day I hate being ignored even the slightest cause I take it the wrong way. I have become accustomed to processing silence as “U did something wrong”


I'm at the point where I don't even care least they're quiet for a time and I have a break from the beration and insults


At first you feel so upset they are ignoring you and scramble to make it right. You try to comply and change or minimise yourself so you please them- anything to avoid the silent treatment which makes you feel so rejected. Then one day you say “Enough!” and decide to start to be yourself again and no longer care if they have their little hissy fits. You enjoy the inner peace and your inner confidence reappears. They give you more anger and silent treatment, and this time you ignore it and live your happy life. I can tell you after 21 years, the last 9 of which were spent dealing with this menacing silence, it is fantastic and peaceful once you end it🙏🏼🌟


Yes I was ostracized in my own home. He set that example for our kids. I told him if he did it one more time, I'd divorce him. He did, so we're divorced.


I don't care anymore if he gives me the silent treatment. God's got this🙏


I think he is doing that right now. He’s been gone for almost 3 years, and all that time hardly any word from him. Only thing that ones he texted is to think of him as if he died. He talkes to 3 of our sons but never a single word about me as if I never existed. Like you said. It was very hard at the beginning because we where married for 33 years, I think I died and now im learning to live without him. One day he will get what he wants, he will be to me what im now to him.


The words are I don't feel SO ALONE, but feeling is not reality. You ARE ALONE, in a narcissistic contractual relationship, always, really, whether you FEEL 😔 ALONE.


Yes they do this....Escape. Divorce them. While they ignore you...use that time to do what you an attorney and make Escape plans.


I’m going through this crap right now! I’m letting his toxic ass go! I’m done! I gave him a taste of his own medicine! Now he is mad!🤣I’m ignoring his calls, text & all! It’s hard, but he is gonna learn! I was raised to treat people how I want to be treated! So now I’m applying that pressure to his narcissistic ass! No answer to him period! I’m enjoying my peace of mind! I’m the one silent now & indefinitely! It’s killing him softly👌🏾😂❤️✌️🙏🏾☝🏾💪🏾for him to do better with the next women! I don’t play about my peace! Any disruptions gotta go! Period!😒


I found out how that feels and it was extremely traumatizing. I knew exactly how to handle a narcissist when trying hundreds of times to come back!!


This is so true.This is exact point I was at before I fled him and left my home snd marriage of 49 years. I could, nt talk, my heart woud race, felt short of breath, hands and arms shook in tremors, felt suffocated, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up each time he passed by me. I felt that had I not escaped I would have died. I am 73 years old and going through a messy separation. I intend to make it.


I'm going through this right now. It's the most horrible thing ever. I'm praying I come out of it. It's worse than depression. I've been through that phase but this is really horrifying. I'm numb. Cannot differentiate alive or dead. Crying so helplessly


Yes, they all use the silent treatment while flipping scripts talking to others as a form of control and means to get you to react emotionally but I didn't know it could cause brain damage if prolonged.
I learned to see it as time out to restore my peace but it does mess with your mind if you care about the person and you know it's harmfully intentional as they keep doing things like copying you, dog whistling to bait and trigger you and they'll talk to others pleasantly in front of you as if you're invisible and a stranger at the same time to make you feel less than so it gets really weird and can disrupt your other relationships.
They're house devils and street angels, there's just no peace with them. I call it out as disrespectful when it's someone I need to remain in contact with and discuss what's workable, it helped to do this with my sister anyway, she knows I'll give as good as I get.
It's really just their own insecurities, poor comm. skills, one-up manship, control freaking games and sour grapes resentments at play. If we don't play they'll eventually change tactics or go away.
Your content is very good, it helps clear my mind and stay on track moving forwards with healing, thanks for sharing your wisdom with us. 💕


Yes, I have a manager that withheld recognition and acknowledging me for my work as if I was not there.


You must do the same -
Make them invisible, it's detrimental. 😳


Yes!!! It’s traumatized me for years. The worst of all the problems. He taught our children how to punish everyone they want with silent treatment too. 💔


Absolutely. I could see that he was on social media, my messages were left on read. He would love bomb then pull away if I didn't answer fast enough or if I had a bad day and needed to vent. Even worst was when he would ignore me for almost two weeks with zero explanation. I would obsess and re read my messages to see if I could figure out what I did wrong. I felt a sense of shame for allowing it to hurt so badly.
