Beginner to Advanced FULL Crafting Crash Course | Path of Exile Guide

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This is a crafting guide that starts from the very beginning and builds up to more advanced topics. I start as basic as how to use a transmutation orb and what an item even is and go up to metacrafting and some techniques that you can do there. This video isn't intended to be sat through in a single session and just listened to passively. I wanted to make something that someone could reference and go back to for certain questions and try to absorb more information as well as use it as an introduction to the topic for their new player friends.

My Gear

00:00 - Intro, What is Crafting?
01:35 - Basic Currency
24:13 - Item Bases
33:25 - Crafting Bench
38:52 - Essences
45:11 - Fossils
56:20 - Catalysts
1:01:48 - Bestiary
1:13:30 - Influence
1:30:50 - Metacrafting
1:38:06 - Harvest
1:44:19 - Veiled Mods
1:52:05 - Outro
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Gotta say even though a 2 hour video on the subject is a lot, the fact that it isn't 4+ years old, the timestamps, and the down to earth delivery makes it a pretty damn good resource for new players like me who are just getting into PoE. I'm not at the point where I want to stare at text about the game for hours but, I'm getting there! Certainly have before with many more casual games - lol! Cheers man! Thank You!


"how approachable it is, and how scary it is not" he says in the intro to a 2 freaking hour long video on the subject... dear god


Excuse me sir, I'm going to need you to mirror that level 9 wand for us to get a full understanding of crafting!


Thanks man, I just smashed 20 ex, now I have the perfect item level 20 sword for leveling my builds. Thank you so much again


Came across this trying to research getting into crafting for the first time. Honestly, couldn't be more satisfied. Guide was comprehensive, nuanced, gave clear and concise explanations, and best of all clear demonstrations of how everything interacts. Subbed.


I subbed just for the sheer dedication of slamming an ex to help filthy exiles. I will take the plunge into crafting. Great vid. Well done.


Best ... crafting ... video ... ever. I have watched dozens, maybe hundreds, of crafting videos and most either confuse me, because the YouTuber is talking too fast and not explaining everything, or they teach me things I already knew. I actually learned a few new things from this video. Thanks!


I've been playing PoE since closed beta in 2013 and already knew all this info but I like your videos and your demeanor so much I decided to just randomly watch this to see how good it would be to recommend to new players who ask for helpful videos. This is probably the best video I've ever seen for a new player to really learn about and more importantly understand basic to advanced crafting or really ANY advanced aspect of PoE. You should feel very proud of the work you put in to this. I'm sure you've helped countless new players enjoy PoE much much more.


Wow what a masterpiece of a guide. Wasn't hard to watch the 2 hours. The step by step and easy to follow explanations of this intricate system was well done


you have the magic of breaking complicated stuff into small segments making it very understood, loved this vid!


Bro the chance orb 😂.
Also thank you for this guide it has helped a hell of a lot. I really didn’t understand even the basics so covering stuff from the complete ground up is so so helpful and is the perfect style for teaching.

So many tutorials skip stuff like how to use the basic currency, why even cheap currency is useful and how prefix/suffix work.
Most things I read or watched did have helpful information but made lots of assumptions about preformed knowledge and skipped past all the real basics, then would just say use that path of crafting site.
Site confused confused me to fuck lol, but now your video has helped me get a good foundation of knowledge and I can use it semi properly.


Not even done watching and this has already helped me more than dozens of other videos and guides. Thank you so much for this.


Amazing video, watched it 3 times already across the past weeks. As a new player, crafting blows my mind and you've made it so much easier. Thank you <3


Best crafting video ever. Only wish you would have crafted some items from a base as an example at the end like “here’s a good ES item for mapping” or other simple stuff like that. Thank you for the video!


video. Can't wait to dive in! This was my first league and I've found your videos incredibly helpful. Thanks for what you do!


Thanks for taking your time on this. Still feel overwhelmed, because we have a lot of options here and its a year later since this posting, so some minor changes could of came about. This was by far the best rundown I've seen yet though on what is all possible when it comes to crafting items and manipulating items in POE. Its insane how many routes there is to go when you are just getting that point where crafting is required to improve a build.


the fact that you spent probably 3+ hours on this video (without the editing) and you just delivered what most couldn't, and you did this a year ago and still is amazingly fulfilling the whole subject we're looking for is an absolutely legendary gift to all new players. Thank you so much my dude !


I’ve watched a bunch of crafting guides and all of them have left me rather confused. Yours was by far the best at explaining the mechanics behind the currencies and how to craft effectively. Thank you!


Thanks so much for this. I see a lot of other youtubers who just can’t teach and are all over the place. Which is fine if you’ve got a solid base of the game but.. this was just so cleanly laid out! Thank you!


SO GLAD I FOUND THIS! Crafting was such a confusing thing, and you made it a lot easier. From the most simple craft to the more complicated craft. Also allows me to know what materials I should be buying if I want to craft a specific type of weapon.
