1 Tip for Every Crafting Recipe in Stardew Valley

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So you know how I do those videos with 10 to 20 tips in them? Well how about 100? I found a tip, or at the very least, a fun fact, for every single crafting recipe in the game! Some of the similar items are combined, but if there's enough tips to cover, I'll do them individually anyway!
All recipes are presented in the order that they're in on the crafting menu, with a few small rearrangements so that things make more sense.

0:00 - Intro
0:13 - Decoration and Artisan
4:30 - Artisan and Mining
6:26 - Tools for Farming
8:56 - Bombs and Seeds
11:42 - Totems
12:44 - Foraging and Paths
13:39 - Baits and Bobbers
16:50 - Rings
18:03 - More Decorations
18:36 - Version 1.5 additions, and some rings

Here's the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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- Missed the lamp posts, they're the largest light source in the game, slightly larger than braziers!
- Braziers are not a women's clothing item
- The flute block trick does work! You need to stand diagonally to the flute blocks when tuning them.
- Solar panels DO work in the desert, but fairy dust has a bugged interaction with them.
- I did not forget the worm bin. CA did.


I like to set up an area on my farm with signs for things that despawn, like prismatic jelly and qi fruit. They're my trophy billboards.


I put mini juke boxes in my barn / coops so that the animals aren't bored in winter 🥺


Another tip for lightning rods, the wiki says that it doesn’t matter where they are on your farm, they will always intercept the lighting strikes first, up to the number of them that you have, with some chance to miss depending on how many strikes have been intercepted.
Since this doesn’t change with proximity to and object, it means the rods don’t have to be near your fields, they can go in whatever dead space you have.


8:26 Sandy does in fact sell it for cheaper, but keep in mind that this is only on Thursdays! It wont be available on other days.


2:36 just bear in mind Wickedy has an in depth video about planting tea saplings outside the farm and *not all tiles will be harvestable*, there's a pattern of vertical lines where the tea would produce, and the rest of the tiles the tea would mature but never produce

I will never get over the first time I put ancient seeds into rhe seed maker and got mixed seeds. I didn't look anything up about it, so I was just trying it out and was like oh, okay, the game will punish me for trying to grind out a profit like this. Fair enough


quick note that moving chests one by one takes up energy!
also, fairy dust is super useful to speed up the processing of wine in casks!


a tip for the crab pot, it is useful for getting crabs, and crabs can be used to make crab cakes. They are easy to make in the late game if you buy the ingredients at Pierre, they basically last a whole day outside the skull cave, and you can combine them with coffee to get +2 speed


Actually, the solar panel does work in the dessert, I think the fairy dust is bugged


Thanks for the guide! I am enjoying it thoroughly... Although it seems like you could have made an entire video (or maybe a short) on rings!


"mountain warp totems are the only ones that can be dug up" the collections of ocean totems i never use as well as a couple of farm totems would beg to differ.

The yellow couch being used in a loom is amazing. 10/10


The wicked statue also stops the witch from targeting chicken coops in case you didn't want a free void egg for some reason, pretty sure she generates a new one rather than curse an existing egg since i had her strike on a coop full of ducks in my last game on the ducks off day.


Another reason not to put driftwood into the recycler is that you get more wood from putting it into the wood chipper


I use the cookout kit to make sashimi, so I don't run the risk of using up the fish I keep in the fridge for specific recipes.


I use the crab pots all the time for Sashimi! I use it to feed my husband (take a wild guess y'all lol) and in early game I use it for money and food for mining. Might not be the most efficient but I'm having fun!


The deluxe scarecrow math also works for pizza, 1x18 inch pizza has more pizza than 2x12inch ones


The mini obelisk tip was a new one for me. Definitely going to use that one. Thanks!


The bee house is due to how the game decides when it is ready, and is a quirk similar to grass.
When you place it down, regardless of season, it will put honey in it (which you can't get) and set the time it is ready as the morning 4 days from now.

The other time it is processed is in the morning, after the season is set for the day. Then if it is winter, it will clear the item and stop it processing. If it is not winter, and it doesn't have the honey from above, it will set the time it is ready as morning 4 days from now.

So if you have it placed normally, the 4 days starts counting from spring 1.
If you place it down during winter, it will initially start counting down the days, but the next morning it wipes it if it is still winter.
But if you place it down on the last day of winter, then it doesn't get reset.


You can, in fact, use just one flute block for the mermaid on ginger Island. You have to set it, walk past it, then break it.


I've put in HOURS, both vanilla, modded, and mega modded, and all my farms have stupid wooden gates on metal fences because I didn't know you could put a gate on top of fences that were already down.... thanks for this video haha!
