Inside The Nursery For Troubled Toddlers | Our Life

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Welcome to Britain's Naughtiest Nursery - a nursery with a difference. Created by child psychologist Laverne Antrobus, it tackles the extreme and sometimes shocking behaviour of some of the UK's most challenging three-to-five year olds. Many of the kids have already been excluded from nurseries back at home, and this could be their last chance to curb their unruly behaviour before they enter mainstream education. But with tears, tantrums, squabbles and sulks a daily occurrence, even an expert like Laverne could have her work cut out. Can she help these children improve their behaviour?

Final episode of the two-part miniseries exploring day-to-day life at a nursery for challenging three-to-five year olds, set up by child psychologist Laverne Antrobus. In this episode, Frankie's hyperactive behaviour has left his mum exhausted, Daisy has driven her parents to despair with her stroppy outbursts and Tegan's tantrums are enough to take anyone's breath away. Can Laverne settle these youngsters down?

This film was first broadcast: 10 Oct 2019

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I am blown away they would call this the naughty nursery. It appears likely that a few of these children are neurodivergent and would really benefit from getting an evaluation instead of just getting called naughty and blaming it on the parenting. It is awesome that they are supporting these parents by giving them new strategies, growing their confidence and giving them hope. Raising a child with developmental issues is no easy task, a lot of y’all are being super critical of them without understanding the reality of their lives.


I was like this straight from birth. My mom talks about how I had a phase where I basically acted like these kids as a toddler. I am now a diagnosed high functioning autistic person. I don't think we can call these kids bad as they're most likely neurodivergent or don't live in a healthy environment.


Can we please thank all of those mums / parents that they searched for help? And encourage them to continue doing so? 👏🏻 Instead of judging someone we know nothing about. All of them realized they needed help and searched for it. This is fantastic.


a lot of this is just temporary toddler stuff, but some of these kids are showing clear signs of autism or ADHD. neurodivergent kid behaviour being described as "bad" or "naughty" is something i am absolutely tired of. there is nothing wrong with preferring to play alone more often than socially, and nothing wrong with having a lot of energy.


Parenting is the hardest job that you never get training for. It’s crazy that people expect to be ‘naturally’ good at parenting. It is great to have people help :)


These teachers were great. They talked to the parents as if they were kids with calm voices, active listening, and gave positive reinforcement and the kids in turn acted better 😂


It is fantastic that all these children that are labeled difficult are getting help, but they don't seem to be addressing the underlying reasons. As a mom of two neurodivergent (asd, adhdh, odd) kids, you notice the common traits when you see it. It's unfortunate that nothing was really said by the experts to the parents about seeking testing. No amount of gentle parenting is going to help a kid with asd in the middle of a meltdown. They don't have the executive skills in those moments to hear anything or try to come down. Sometimes a meltdown is about stress, being overwhelmed, over stimulation, under stimulation, etc.


My first question became "Was this same behavior present before the new siblings came?"... I was definitely impressed with this program 👍🏻


Frankie’s mom seems to be on the right path to success for both her and her son, she wants to better understand him and why he acts the way he does so she can conform to his needs. She sees that he his different and wants to do right by him. That’s so great.


Have these kids been tested for autism or adhd. It’s wrong to call them naughty.
There will always be a relevant underlying issue to explain these behaviours.
If they are being labelled naughty if they are neurodivergent then these poor kids won’t get the appropriate help they need.


It shows pretty clearly how the parents are the ones to be educated not their kids. With them trained the kids will behave much much better.


These kids are stressed out! They're actions look exactly like the outward manifestation of what I WISH I could do sometimes when I'm overwhelmed or anxious - I just don't do it. They don't have the ability to explain their feelings are explain what's bothering them. Instead of punishing and yelling at them, someone needs to take the time to figure out what's overwhelming these kids! Comfort them, and help them learn how to express their needs in better ways.


I worked at kindercare for 3 years, as well as another daycare and these aggressive behaviors are becoming more and more common unfortunately. Absent parenting is the #1 reason. Parents pay more attention to their phones now than their children. Friend parenting is another problem; parents want to be friends with their children first and be their parents second. They don’t put their foot down enough for children to realize that no means no. Lastly, a lot of these children with extreme behavior trouble are on the autism spectrum somewhere, but aren’t always diagnosed. High functioning autism is real and I’ve met kids with it whom I wouldn’t have guessed had it. Take your children to their pediatrician and talk to them for accommodations.


Clearly society has an indifferent view of who should take parenting classes. As a teen mom, now Granny, those classes were invaluable. I took them throughout my son's childhood. I was extremely blessed to have such a well behaved child. Every parent IMO should absolutely take parenting classes. And if your child has special needs, they have resources to help.


I was a kindergarten teacher for 31 years.I never had problems with the children.The parents are the problem.
Teach the parents first.


The psychologists and teachers/behavior technicians are all super heroes as far as I am concerned. Thank you for this excellent content!


I was hoping to see some lessons on self-calming skills taught to both Teagan and her mother. They told the mom to stop her tantrums before they escalate, but mom gets just as worked up as the little girl. They took away her comfort items and didn't replace with a healthy alternative.


I’m a school social worker at the elementary level and I have a ton of empathy for these kids. With this said, Teagan’s poor baby brother!!! Can you imagine getting yelled at and feeling like your sibling hates you when you’re so little and vulnerable? 😢


If a parent says that their kids are “demonic” or “as if possessed, ” i can bet my life on the fact that the parent has no idea what they are doing


I found this refreshing. They aren't overly concerned with labeling these kids. Sometimes kids and parents just need guidance regardless of whether or not there is something more going on.
