Keep Your Garage or Shop Cool Without An Air Conditioner - Needs Preparation, Start NOW

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Items we use to help keep the shop feeling cool:
Please make sure to note that none of these items will cool your shop once it is warm. The preparation discussed will help your shop to remain cool and feel cool into the summer. You need to start the process of keeping your shop cool before spring hits. You want to keep the humidity levels around 30% year around. Keep your concrete cool and do not leave doors open long.
This process has been refined over the years and we start to drop our heat from 68 down to 60 in March, allowing everything to get colder. As April comes, we will turn off the heat allowing the temps to remain around 50. Through July, the temps will stay below 67 degrees and normally into August we crest 75 degrees.
This process works if you have an insulated area without a lot of outside air entering for long periods of time.
Please try it and let us know how it worked for you.
Please make sure to note that none of these items will cool your shop once it is warm. The preparation discussed will help your shop to remain cool and feel cool into the summer. You need to start the process of keeping your shop cool before spring hits. You want to keep the humidity levels around 30% year around. Keep your concrete cool and do not leave doors open long.
This process has been refined over the years and we start to drop our heat from 68 down to 60 in March, allowing everything to get colder. As April comes, we will turn off the heat allowing the temps to remain around 50. Through July, the temps will stay below 67 degrees and normally into August we crest 75 degrees.
This process works if you have an insulated area without a lot of outside air entering for long periods of time.
Please try it and let us know how it worked for you.