Why Insurers May Not Pay For Damages Linked To Climate Change

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This couple lost their home in the 2018 Camp Fire in California — 3 years later, they’re still fighting with their insurance company.

Some U.S. insurers are failing to pay homeowners for damages linked to climate change — here’s why.

Some insurance companies that cover fossil fuel companies are failing to pay for damages linked to climate change. Tony Dunn used to study fire behavior for the U.S. Forest Service. When he was stuck in his car during the 2018 Camp Fire in California, he couldn’t believe
what he was seeing. Dunn and his wife lost everything but their cars and lives in the fire. Their home was reduced to ashes. Dunn says the last thing he wanted to do was fight with his insurance company, but now, 3 years after the loss of his property, he says he’s still fighting. According to Insure our Future, a coalition of NGOs and social movements, some U.S. insurers underwrite coal, oil, and gas companies, enabling the expansion of fossil fuel drilling and mining operations which increase emissions and contribute to climate change.

So why do people needing insurance in the age of climate-related disasters often face an uphill battle? Dunn doesn’t think it’s being done intentionally, but does think that it’s motivated by financial losses versus gains. Dunn now lives in the mountains of North Carolina and says he used to be of the mindset that climate change wouldn’t affect him and his family. He says he’s come to the realization that climate change is everywhere and after this debacle with his insurance company he has some words of advice: ‘We all have to start thinking about this. The time to go—to think, ‘Oh, this will happen to somebody else,’ or ‘It’s not gonna happen to me,’ that time is done. What you should do after this interview is over is think about your living circumstances, and your livelihood, and how what you know about climate change can, and may, and will impact that. I think everybody needs to be thinking about that. It’s here.’

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That's outrageous. If you miss a pmt they cancel you immediately. Can't the senators and congressman fight on their behalf? Come on officials, step up and get it done!!


I wouldn't even shed a tear of greedy insurance companies like that go under. It'll be sad for the regular Joe that works in those companies but the higher ups can just burn


I don't see how most insurance companies can stay in business if climate change continues and worsen.


Please provide the insurance company name


In EVERY encounter, the colonizer / capitalist / insurer / goal-post-mover shames his invented devil.


Look deeply who own those insurance companies, you may find the same group of people own the big fuel companies. 😱


The future if it doesn't change is bleak.


Oh, well, long time ago people owned homes and didn't need insurance. If a Insurance Company is going to refuse to pay for certain damages the owner does not need the Insurance Company. There should be a law that says that these Companies are not the kings of the deal.


If social networking companies are fighting pandemic misinformation they should also be fighting climate misinformation. It’s costing lives ignoring these issues and intentionally lying about them is hurting our livelihoods and our future.


Are we good to the planet or Are we evil and dont care.?


Welcome to Humanity's Capitalism at its finest.
