What Will Happen In One Billion Years?

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What Will Happen In One Billion Years? - The Future of Our Universe: Part 1

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Epic Modern Futuristic Space Music - Emotive Sci-Fi Hybrid Orchestral Music Mix


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📖 Some of my favorite books:

Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space by Carl Sagan

A Universe from Nothing by Lawrence M. Krauss:

What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking:

The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking:

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie:

Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk:

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham:
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In 1 billion years this video will be recommended again. No cap


It’s crazy how 100 or maybe even more years from now, the internet is gonna be a goldmine of info for people wanting to know how we lived.


Weathermen can’t even predict the weather tomorrow

“What will happen 1, 000, 000, 000 years from now?”


I bet there would be jokes in billion of years like:

*"Who else got this reccomended in 1.45 billion years"*
*"Videos that are more than 1 billion years ago are the only good ones"*
*"Imagine still watching earth youtubers in 6859, cringe"*
*"Back when things are still simple"*


It’s funny how he just talks about the end of the world so casually


in 1 billion years all our comments will say (1, 000, 000, 000 years ago)


I am hoping to be able to retire by that year.


if anyone is watching this from year 567, 395 i advise that you don’t time travel back to 2020


At least people in the future would get an extra second of sleep


In about 100 years, there will be internet archaeologists looking over these videos and comments


Here I am trying to figure out which hotel to stay in on my next 3-day trip. Watching this makes me feel... like nothing matters.


No one:

People in year 1 million: k mom, I’m going over to Billy’s house on neptune!


I just realized that eventually, YouTube might turn out like Vine. Dead.


As a person of 2019, I say hello to those living in 42, 069


1 Billion years later, comments be like:

"Who else is watching this video in 1, 000, 002, 021 ? Hit like"


Me: most def flying cars in a billion years
Them: *invents water proof socks*


Why is it that I hear these things and get scared and then realize that I won’t be alive
But then I’m disappointed that I won’t be here


Leaving this here for people in a billion years hope y’all are going well


Everybody gangsta until we are just a stimulation


I see a lot of comments of people with “anxiety” but I don’t understand it. Of course we may not get to experience al these fantastic things in the future, but those from the future will never get to experience us. Think of all the simple, beautiful things you’ve done, that you will do. Something as simple as having a Sunday roast or going to the park and taking in the beauty of all the trees, green grass and blue skies may not be there for those of the future.

No matter what you may be going through, good or bad, just know that life is a beautiful thing and it’s your life to live. Wear the clothes that make you happy, play the music you enjoy, love the people you can love, appreciate how beautiful things truly are. I lost my Uncle at about 5 years old. I never really got to know him and only saw him a few times. One day I was at my grandmas house and she got a call about him from a friend, it turns out my Uncle overdosed on a medication while out. Even though I only talked to him a couple of times and don’t even remember those times, I cry every once and awhile because I know how painful life was for him. He served in the military and had some nerve problem that caused pain in his neck, he went to get treatment, but the doctors made some type of mistake during surgery so he never went back to the doctors. Not only would he not accept help from hospitals anymore, he wouldn’t accept help from family either. I’ve learned a fair bit about him since his passing and have a deep respect for him. I brought that up because he got to the point where he couldn’t see beauty in life anymore and overdosed. I have his hat he’d always wear on his travels and I look at ever once in awhile and remember him and how he could’ve made so many good memories. I want anybody who may read this too know, I’ll be here for you if need somebody to talk too. My dream is to be a musician, if I can make one person smile, that’s enough for me. Anyone can be happy, sometimes it seems hard though. It’s okay to be afraid of something, just know there are more beautiful things than ugly. Much love everybody, I truly hope you can find what makes you your best, whether it be a beautiful girl, a handsome guy, or a pair of climbing shoes, just love it. Peace out.
