25 coping skills everyone needs #shorts

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25 coping skills everyone needs #shorts

'25 Coping Skills Everyone Needs':

"A 'coping skill' is any characteristic or behavioral pattern that enhances a person's adaptation." Meaning that if we feel stress all the time, we can create those "defense mechanisms" or "coping skills" to help us better manage or lessen the stress.

Two types of coping skills those -- distraction techniques as well as the process

(A) Distraction techniques:

Number one: going for a walk.

Number two: painting your nails.

Number three: blowing bubbles.

Number four: read a good book or listen to a wonderful audio book.

Number five: exercise.

Number six: Deep breathing or breathing techniques.

Number seven: watching your favorite show or video series.

Number eight: draw or doodle.

Number nine: color.

Number ten: do a crossword puzzle, or, really, any puzzle that you like.

Number eleven: writing down some positive or motivational quotes and sticking them up all over the house.

Number twelve: cleaning your house!

Number thirteen: playing music or even creating new playlists.

(B) Processing techniques:

Number one is: to write a friend a nice card.

Number two: call or text a friend.

Number three: "impulse logs."

Number four: Use "feelings charts."

Number five: Journaling.

Number six: "Feeling-Word Collages."

Number seven: write down two to three things that you like about yourself and your situation.

Number eight: talking to a therapist.

Number nine: taking stock of how an emotion feels in our body. You may ask to tell how your neck feels -- "is it tight? Is it loose?

Number ten: write a letter to your younger or older self.

Number eleven: write letters to those who are upsetting us still -- but never send them!

Number twelve: do a random act of kindness.
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