IBM PS/2 Model 25 MCGA/VGA Output

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Ever want to add a VGA port to your Model 25 so you can use an external monitor? Well, turns out such an accessory did exist, and man are these things amazingly hard to come buy. I didn't even know it existed until this was sent in to me.
Sadly the timing couldn't be worse, my Model 25 has been suffering from failure on the MCGA graphics controller. I am working on repairing it, but this little board has even been helpful in trying to fix it. So it's handy!
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The 8086-based Model 25 planar will fit perfectly into a Model 30 286 case - I believe that was the original IBM intention, but the Model 30 (8086-based, where the Model 25 planar won't fit) designers (likely NOT IBM) messed it up.


Never knew such a device existed either! Quite cool. And I like the last idea you had with the mod, and KVMing itself, that would be incredibly awesome.

But I'll tell you, those error beeps at the beginning really sent chills down my spine. There's something about the little squeaker can in the Model 25 and Model 30 that just sounds different.


Hehe - I sent Brandon an extra "PS-10" module I had - and I was the one that made the "grayscale" comment to him as well.


I'd guess the white is really just over-driven purple. Whatever's going on with the (lack of) termination means the red and blue levels are effectively "scaled up". When displaying full white, those channels try to go above 0.7v but get clamped at some point in the monitor, probably right at the input, so it ends up actually appearing white. Some monitors could possibly detect the higher voltage and expand the input range to match, in which case it would all look purple, though I don't think that's a common feature.
