I Don't Like the Dentist

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Music: Assembly Line Frustration by ionics

And this tells me you read the description, which means you respect what I have to say! Thank you :D hope ur teeth r good
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I was the opposite as a kid.

I loved the dentist so much that one time when I went, my brother had a appointment but I didn’t, so I started to cry cause I loved the dentist so much. The dentist saw me and asked me why I was crying and I said “cause I want to get my teeth checked” he ended up checking my teeth cause I’m guessing he felt bad for me. And while doing that he said “I’ve never had a kid cry cause they didn’t have an appointment” That dentist probably still remembers that. Like he was completely caught off guard by why I was crying.


Dentist: *Cuts my mouth*
Me: *Bleeds*
Dentist: "You need to floss more"

I see alot of people used the same format as me, not sure if it is pure coincidence but uh, yeah idk.


I was always afraid of the dentist as well, and i brought a little hedgehog plush with me to every appointment and all the nurses loved him (his name is Franklin). I now have a hedgehog plush collection and Ive acquired about 16 now :)


6:57 this is why they tell you at a good dentist office to not eat anything until the numbness completely wears off


“And the quote of the decade goes to Jaiden!”

“I’m excited not to be conscious.”


Employee: "We don't do that here."

Me: "I see. Please give me the phone number of somewhere that does."


Brain: Dude chill

Body: *Summons a demon*


As an epileptic, I know what it's like to bite chunks out of your tongue and not realise until much later. The healing process is not fun, and I've gotten tongue wound infected plenty of times and had to wash said wounds out with antibacterial mouth wash, which is even more painful than just trying to eat, drink, and talk with an open wound in your tongue.
Very good that Jaiden didn't have that happen


“The tooth fairy has been scamming me for years!”
- Jaiden animations 2019


Jaiden an 6:08 "I am not scared of much"
Also Jaiden: "Loud flushing toilets scare me"
Also also Jaiden: "I once scared myself by turning on the ceeling fan instead of the light"


My mom was a dental assistant, so I actually kinda grew up in dental offices. When I had to have my wisdom teeth out, mom knew the doctor and he not only decided to take all of them out instead of just the one that needed to come out all at once to do me a solid, but I got the GOOD anesthesia and I wasn't conscious AT ALL. It was nice.


“I’m exited to not be conscious” is what I say when I eat chipotle twice a week!


It absolutely confounds me that there are practices that do not sedate you when doing wisdom teeth. I just can't imagine not being sedated doing that.


When I got my wisdom teeth taken out, I took the option of being completely unconscious. By that I mean I was sedated with an IV and such.

When I woke up, I was in the car with my mom, the procedure only took 45 minutes. I was out of it, but aware enough to know that someone put my hoodie back on. Which really confused me. After I asked some questions, my mom went into the store to get my meds, and this lady knocked on the window and asked if I was okay. I had gauze in my mouth and was very loopy, so I just nodded to her and fell back asleep.

I feel bad that I worried the poor lady.


Jaiden: "My first memory as a child is being strapped down with belts to a chair."

Me: "That's called school"


There are dentists who let you listen to music piped into your ears so you don't hear the drill.
There are dentists who intensely specialize in treating people who get intensely nervous or terrified at the dentist.
I am sorry your dentist acted overly optimistic and ignored your scared feelings.
There are are modern, compassionate dentists who are willing to reassure you and treat you gently.


Jaiden downing the entire bottle of valium, laughing triumphantly and then immediately crashing out is a total mood.


My brain when I see a cockroach:
It’s not dangerous and is basically incapable of harming you
My body:
*incoherent demonic screeching*


I had my wisdom teeth removed a few weeks ago and my experience was very different. Unlike Jaiden, I was put completely unconscious. Until I came to the only pain was an IV put in my arm. All I remember right before the surgery was being hooked into the IV, and the nurses putting an oxygen nose mask on me. All I remember after that was immediate darkness shortly followed by waking up with my entire mouth being sore and swollen. The darkness felt like less than 10 seconds when I was in surgery for about 50-55 minutes.


I have turned to Jaiden’s videos for comfort twice now. I had stress hives around new years. Now I have to get my wisdom teeth and two others in August. Way to go Jaiden you are an amazing comfort YouTuber!!
