How to Pray a Better Rosary

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Looking to dive deeper into The Rosary?

We all know The Rosary is an important part of our Catholic faith, and you may have even started praying it consistently, but do you know why you’re praying it? It’s not uncommon that we’re taught how to do things and not why to do things, and if we don’t understand the meaning and purpose behind our prayer, it won’t transform our hearts in the ways the Lord wants.

Today, Fr. Mark-Mary shares some tips on how we can pray The Rosary habitually and intentionally.

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When I first started praying the rosary I heard someone describe holding the rosary as like holding onto Our Lady's hand and this simple thought has really helped me in my devotion ❤


hello I'm Italian, many times we do the rosary after mass, but it is done too quickly, without contemplating the mysteries. the true meaning of the rosary is lost, sometimes I do it at home slowly and lovingly and it gives me peace and serenity


I bought a booklet "How to Pray the Rosary without distruction" ❤ now i am trying to pray all 4 rosary a day plus 7 sorrows of mary and Divine Mercy
I hope i can do this until i die ❤❤❤ I love Jesus and Mary soooo much ❤


St. Padre Pio said the Rosary was our greatest weapon against the enemy.


When I pray the Rosary, I imagine sitting next to Mary after giving birth to our King and asking Her if I may hold Her Son! And She says YES!


If I don't Pray the rosary daily, its like something missing. Rosary is my sustain.


I’ve prayed the rosary daily in the morning or in the evening and sometimes I’ve made mistakes with certain prayers and sometimes I got interrupted and distracted. But despite being interrupted and distracted, I try my best to remain focused. And best of all, I never give up. I continue praying the rosary.


I have been praying the Rosary with my family pretty regularly for the last few years. But recently I have started praying all the 4 rosaries everyday; when I wake up, when I drive to work, with my family around 8:30 pm and then before going to bed. This has given me so many graces, especially I have noticed, my kids have been more obedient. This is such a relief.


I'm a junior in high school and I started daily last October and I feel at peace after praying it and really love praying it


Literally just finished up a rosary and thought to myself ”man, I keep losing my train of thought, I need to get better at this” then I open my phone and find a notification for this video…


Just started doing daily for last month. My mind wanders a lot, but that happens with everything I do. I hope it helps my concentration to improve, I am sure God sees I am trying.


The rosary has produced miracles in my life. Blessings to all.🙏


15 minutes? For me it’s often like 35 minutes - i speak the prayers SLOWLY!!! Or you’re just speeding through it to get it done! Understand the prayers as Father said! If not, it’s just words… focus on the mysteries and spiritually place yourself in the mystery as if you are there feeling every emotion… then you will feel so blessed and receive many graces !


Saint Louis de Montfort,
pray for us.


I’m in the process of converting to Catholicism and this video has been tremendously relevant and helpful. Thanks and god bless!


With all the people who don't even bother to practice the faith, it's noble to even care about praying the rosary. I really don't think you can go wrong. I think I do it wrong a great deal but I still love the rosary and God knows my heart.


When I started praying the rosary everyday, I bought the book "The Holy Rosary Through the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich" which has meditations for each bead, so it helps me focus on the events of the Bible without my mind floating elsewhere 🙏


Going through a rough patch. Holding on to my Rosary, even if I can't say the prayers, I know the Blessed Mother and my Guardian Angel are with me.


As a personal trainer, I love the weightlifting analogy! I started to say the rosary about 3.5 years ago. I had recently suffered a miscarriage and in a moment of what I can only attribute to the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother, I just started to say it. I didn’t really know what I was doing - I was never really taught how to say it. I kept at it though and now years later, I can say that the rosary has changed my life. A true testimony of how Our Lady of Sorrows can turn any of our sufferings into joy. Thanks for the video, we need rosary champions today more than ever. Keep praying everyone - a rosary a day keeps the evil one away.


Is it okay to say I've become addicted to reciting the holy rosary! I can't do without reciting the four mysteries per day. It is an amazingly wonderful experience.
