5 HARD Truths Men Need to Accept to Live Their Best Life (Guaranteed To Make You Happy)

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In this video Marni explains 5 hard truths you need to accept to live your best life!! These truths may seem hard and you may not like to hear them, but if you want to be happy and live your best life, you NEED to accept them.

Once you accept these, it will become much easier to be happy! It's the lack of acceptance that stops you from living your best life!

Accepting these hard truths can change your life beyond anything you could imagine. EVEN with women ;)

Top dating advice for men coming directly from a woman! Marni is now your personal Wing Girl and she's going to tell you how to attract women, date women, seduce women and get any woman you want. She's helped 100's of thousands of men around the world be more confident with women so they can make women want them. Now she'll do the same for you!
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2:54 Truth #1. Nobody gives a shit.

5:05 Truth #2. You can't please everyone.

6:23 Truth #3. You get what you tolerate.

7:52 Truth #4. Actions matter more than feelings.

9:07 Truth #5. Things work when you stick with them.


I've been lurking your videos for while and I just wanted to say I sincerely appreciate your practical wisdom and guidance. Thank you. ❤


From what I have seen this is probably the most valuable content that you have shared. Good work. Thank you!


Marni, your videos are always solid gold; especially this one. Keep on keepin' on. Love your channel.


Important things as well: 2:54 First Truth - Nobody cares about us (except ourselves); 3:24 yes that fear can really mess up things (how they say in movies); 5:05 Second Truth - You can't please everyone; 6:23 Third Truth - You get what you tolerate; 6:47 agree with tolerance Marny; 7:50 Fourth Truth - Action matters more than feelings; 9:06 Fifth Truth - Things work when you stick with them; and 10:05 agree with that -patience is crucial in every success as well.
I agree with all that you have told that as well Marny. Maybe it was better if someone told us these things a bit earlier as well. But some will say this: Better ever, than never.
But speaking of these truths we could know them much before every had happened as well. One of my professors from faculty told one thing as well. He told this: "It's easy to be a general after the battle. Let me see you as a general during the battle, and make the decisions that are so important, and crucial for solving your dilemmas, and problems."
Also I agree that the action is very important as well. The deeds are the action as well. Also there is one thing that is used sometimes as well. Forgive me for the bad language, but in Balkan we say one thing as well (when you have mentioned who will be doing better things - the guy in comfortable being, or the guy with action) (reading between the line the next sentence). It goes like this: Ne jebe lep, nego uporan (translation would be this: The good looking guy is not the one who bangs /fucks, but the one who is persistent 😁😁😁😁😁😁🙃🙂). Meaning if you are so determined in solving any thing that you really want in your life as well.
But all in all, the things that you have told can be used in every life situations as well.
And some of these things I have used as well. I even have met some girls that are doing model kits as well. Also some of girls, and ladies accepted me as who am I (I like doing model kits, and I play guitar as well).What happened also was that some of the girls, and ladies as well, they asked me what is that airplane model kit, and I have explained them as well. And speaking of model kits, my channel is dedicated to hobby model kits. If you are interested, you can as well see it.
One person such as the patriarch Paul (you can find about that person on internet if you are interested as well) once told this as well: "It will be better, when we are feeling better."
Thank you so much for this thing as well Marny.
The topic is so la perfection madam ❤❤❤❤❤❤.


I just started watching some of your videos. And I must say I like how you are direct and keep things real. Thanks for these vids!!!


this is gold! I am going to watch this everyday!!


Extremely important and valuable video. Thanks for sharing, Marni.


Thank you Wing Girl. Love your videos❤


Well done. You are in tune with your passion to deliver knowledge.


Thanx Marni, hope you have a wonderful week ❣️😊


I appreciate so much this video Marni...👏👏


Thank you Marni for calling ppl like me jerks, because of the negative comments, when all I am doing is pointing to the fact that you have even though you have an amazing channel here, you fail to point out that at the end of the day, your advice only works for rich and handsome guys
Ugly guys no matter what happens go home alone and broken hearted every time
take it from an ugly and poor guy, I know what I am talking about


Love ya, Marni! Keep speaking the truth...❤


Thank you. These are very important to know and to abide to.


Your Greatest video EVER.. Bang On..Well Done MARNI..


We need to accept the hard truth that Marnie tells the truth, and we ought to listen a little more often.


Got this vid from my mental health therapist. It's good.


I went to a Christmas concert in Wisconsin, I am in Vancouver, my luggage didn't make the flight from Toronto to Madison, so I just had the clothes on my back, and I missed my connecting flight, so with no time to change I went to the concert in clothes I wore for 2 days. I had my photo taken with the star, who I am close to, a few days later I apologized for my stinky clothes, and she wrote back, saying that she didn't even notice! Either she was lying, or Marni was right about other people not giving a shit about you! 😂


Hey Marni! Great content as always. I’m curious on what are your thoughts on social circle game vs approaching from a female perspective
