Twitch Adpocalypse

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I thought ad apocalypse meant how ads are being crammed into every corner of every website.


Thor's impression of people freaking out is always on point, I swear.


The sad thing is those tags are there for a reason. It just encourages people who are playing games with sexual themes not to tag it. And makes it harder for those who don't want to see it harder to filter it out and those who shouldn't see it easier.


this is clearly a lie, i got no revenue from twitch ads this month.

i never got any the other months either, but i still think it's solid evidence.


Why, at the beginning of this, does Thor sound like a government official telling everyone "There is no conspiracy.." 😂


Only problem iirc is that what is considered "political" or "sexual" is, as per usual, very ambigous and poorly defined. Some people are worried that being queer would be defined as "political, " making it hard to discuss things in relation to the queer community. I could be wrong, but i dont trust twitchazon to not pull shit like that.


From what I've seen the big fear is more that the terms sexual and political are not properly defined, and a complaint can get the video tagged or even your account suspended/deleted. So people are concerned that they will be penalized for simply streaming while LGBTQ+, even if their stream isn't about anything political.


They are classifying trans topics as political and it is affecting their revenue if what you say is true.


The problem with policies like this is, as always, its enforcement. What counts as political or sexual? Is discussing these things without the tag enough to get a slap on the wrist? And will these standards stay consistent throughout? Those are the major concerns I have heard about and share. Because large corporations don't exactly have the best track records on these things.


What Thor fails to realize is that it’s not as simple as putting a tag on and off. It’s already been confirmed by twitch staff if you fail to put certain tags on your channel/streams they will and they will be semi-permanent. This is a move to make more advertising friendly content, and if they can just simple edit your tags and make them there in a semi permanent manner there is no telling what behind the sense stuff the have going on or what they can do. Also there are people who doesn’t cover politics or sexual content who have lost 80%-90% of their ad revenue, remember when the YouTube adpoc happened not everyone seen the effects or felt them but those he did, did. Can’t say something isn’t happening just because you and a few others aren’t experiencing it, because we have known for months now that twitch was losing advertisers because the CEO said they were. I do think it is targeting more of the political and sexualized content are however it is effecting others as well.


wasnt the main issue people had was that if you tag yourself as lgbtq+ you get flagged as politics or smth?


It’s not even just the internet, it’s ads in general. Companies spend more money on ads in November/December to get people to buy stuff for Christmas. And then after Christmas they cut back, because spending cuts back as well. Who’s gonna make a big purchase in January??
Ad making companies feel the hit as well.


It's not just the internet; most of the public and private sector hurts in January! Everyone spent their money in November and December for the holidays, and everyone is focused on either repaying debts/loans or rebuilding the nest-egg.


There's a joke in the Simpsons in which an ad company invents a new holiday just to keep their revenue up after Christmas.


my existence is not political, or sexual, but my ads would be cut off for tagging those streams where id like to discuss those things.


Coming from the same dude who's against Stop Killing Games. Has Thor recently suffered a serious case of frontal lobotomy


This current situation with twitch actually mainly affects queer content creators as essentially Twitch's rules for what is political or not essentially make being queer count as political


This makes a lot of sense. I remember like a few years back seeing people talk about how creators take breaks during January because the ad revenue is down


I thought the adpocalypse was in reference to how there's way too many ads


They apply this to queer tags as well under their political tag revenue drop. It’s nightmarish
