10 Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency You Should Never Ignore

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If untreated, vitamin b12 deficiency can have severe consequences – including neurological problems like nerve damage, blood diseases like anemia, and physical impairments. Even though the average adult only needs about 2.4 micrograms of vitamin b12 a day, many people don’t get enough from their diet or supplements.

The lack of vitamin b12 is even more prevalent in those who follow a vegan or a vegetarian diet or live with a condition that interferes with nutrient absorption.

Furthermore, vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms are varied and common among other conditions as well; thus, most people easily overlook the signs of a vitamin deficiency until it’s too late. Don’t be one of them!


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Have you ever had a vitamin B12 deficiency? How did you find out, and what steps did you take to remedy your condition?


Wish I would have known about this thing a few months ago. I tested positive for covid in April and I lost my baby in womb at the same time. It was a nine months pregnancy. My gyny didn't suggest anything and didn't gave me any medicine after delivery. They discharged me from hospital after 5-6 hours of delivery as I occupied a bed in covid ward. All of that was so traumatic. I lost my child my physical health and my mental health. My body ran out of vitamin B12 and no doctor identified this problem. Except everyone kept saying that you are in trauma of your child loss that's why you are feeling the pain physically. It is some psychological issue not a health problem. I started seeing psychologist and she told me that your body is in desperate need of vitamin B12. I started taking this vitamin and after 15 days I recovered physically and mentally


I have been to the er many times. Not once have they ever told me what was wrong with me. I have had a lot of these symptoms too. Even down to the symptoms with the eye recently. It started with my hair like 10 years ago. Then I started experiencing the other symptoms some years later. I get more help from youtube than I ever have from any doctor. 😒


As a medical coder, I see this deficiency a lot. I’d say the top three vitamin deficiencies I see in my coding charts are vitamin D, vitamin B-12, and iron.


I started to manifest symptoms (many of them are mentioned in this video) of pretty severe B12 deficiency when I was in my late teens. My Dr. would have me take huge amounts of it on a daily basis for months at a time, only to realize my blood work was still showing a lrg deficiency.

One day, he told me he had really been researching about my issue, and he wanted to run a different type of test on my blood. He explained it would look at a specific part of my DNA, and see if I had a certain malabsorption disorder. I agreed, and sure enough, I turned out to have a mutation in my MTHFR gene. Basically, that's the gene that helps metabolize B12 in the body via a process called methylation, thus enabling the body absorb and use the B12 it takes in.

Due to this condition, I have to take B12 that's already been methylated if I want my body to absorb and use it. Sry for the long explanation, but I want anyone having a B12 absorption problem to have the same opportunity I did to check out the status of their MTHFR gene, and possibly remedy their situation.


I just found out I’m super low on Vit B12. I’m supplementing with Folic Acid 800 mcg and B12 6, 000 mcg until I see my provider in three months. I have all the symptom listed and I’m so thankful my doctor checked this for me. I have lost a lot of weight not intentionally over the last 8 months. I’m also a gastric bypass patient and had the surgery in 2004. No complications until now. I just turned 65. Thank you for this video!


These are great warning signs to look out for. I pray everyone reading this a healthy future! 🙏


I went to ENT specialist for noise in ear, who diagnosed B12 deficiency and confirmed by lab test. Thank you for information.


My doctor discovered that I was deficient in B12 when I saw her for depression. She decided to test me for B12 before prescribing antidepressants. We were very surprised! Now, I take a weekly shot of B12 to keep my levels up. If I forget too many times, my levels takes a dive. I had hoped that it was a temporary thing, but if I don’t take it weekly, the levels fall. I was diagnosed about 12 years ago. Thank you for the informative video!


Thank you for making such a great video. I have been anaemic most of my adult life, I’m in my 40’s now, and it’s gotten worse over the years. I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia a few years ago after suffering mostly the extreme fatigue, weakness and mobility problems (I am disabled by chronic pain anyway as well). I needed blood tests and then two weeks of daily b12 injections as I was so poorly. It helped a bit, however I remain badly anaemic and have high dose Ferrous Sulphate to take each day. It’s an awful condition to have and has stolen my life almost. I’m now bedridden by pain and the weakness. Please everyone take note of what your body is telling you. Love and light to you 🔮✨🕯🌙✨🙏🕯🔮


I just found out last week that I was B12 and vitamin D deficiency.
My liver, kidneys are good.
I don't have diabetes. All my results came back great except for B12 which blew my mind. I had no idea that B12 deficiency could be serious. Wish I had seen this video a long time ago.


I’ve been having a lot of these issues and couldn’t figure out what’s going on for months. Been vegetarian since Christmas and some kinda man today in a vegan shop mentioned we need B12 supplements as vegans. He may have saved my but 🙏🏻


I've learned at least 100% more from this video than from any of my doctors over the past 3-4 years! I've been prescribed B12 over the years, but rarely have taken them. Starting tomorrow I'll be taking them as prescribed daily! I've been experiencing several of these symptoms and am now going to put a stop to them.


My gut feeling stood by me and still is, I have gone full circle with my illnesses almost from cradle to the grave but thanks to friends I am still strong and fighting the good fight.


I had covid in July 2022. I thought I was battling long covid for months. But my chronic fatigue became worse and worse. I started experiencing heart palpitations and memory issues and brain fog. Then, gastrointestinal issues like constantly needing to go to the bathroom and having no appetite. I was depressed and couldn’t keep up with daily tasks. I started getting blurry vision fast, swollen tongue, was pale, hair loss bad, and numbness and tingling to the point where I fell 2 times pretty scary for 31. Nobody believed me or understood me. My symptoms were so widespread. My doctor sent me to specialists for each individual thing. I started getting swollen lymph nodes in my neck and under my arm and thought it was cancer considering all the symptoms and the chronic fatigue that was getting worse each day. I had no energy and was struggling to even keep up daily tasks and hygiene. My doctor tried to say it was psychosomatic and I went and got a second opinion from a hematologist/oncologist after scans and a cbc didn’t concern my regular doctor. Right away, he said he thought it was my b12 and a test confirmed it. For months I felt like I was dying as it got worse and worse. I’m a few weeks into injections and feel a tad better but my doctor said it will take 3-6 months to feel full effects of the injections and nerve and cognitive issues. It is serious and it’s not part of a regular blood work/panel which is why it goes undiagnosed for so long before it gets better.


I was tired and had numbness in my fingers and toes. Went for a check up and found out I had a vitamin B deficiency. Thank you for this information.


I am a lab tech so I asked my dr to test me since I knew the symptoms and I have a bad deficiency, currently getting shots since I am not absorbing it in my diet. Crazy how dangerous this deficiency really is!


I have been diagnosed with pernicious anemia over 15 years ago by a Doctor Who saved my life because of it. I was in my early 50s and almost in a wheelchair. After receiving B12 injections for about three months I was amazed at how much better I felt. I have taken the injections all these years and have my blood tested continuously.


It’s so important that people learn how what we eat and the vitamins we intake actually do have an effect on our mental health! Eating healthy will actually make you happier and that is something that a lot of people don’t really understand. Thank you for this video!


I'm dealing with this now and it's a miserable experience. My entire face is numb, eating is laborious, headaches are virtually constant, my eyes are blurry, my speech is slurred, my extremities are numb and weak, I've lost my sense of balance, and my independence is gone. I'm a 39 year old male with previously very good health. I lost a lot of weight and got into the normal range, and physically I was quite capable.I was fine 6 days ago. Now my body is a wreck and I have no idea when I'll be better.