Dashi: The Super-Fast Japanese Stock! (And a Quick, Nutritious Soup to Make with It)
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(Dashi recipes adapted from Shizuo Tsuji's Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art (Kodansha International, 1980)
Primary Dashi
1 quart cold water
1 ounce konbu
1 ounce dried bonito
Place the water and konbu in a pot and bring to a boil (slowly) over medium to medium-high heat. Once the water boils, remove the konbu. Add 1/4 cup of cold water and then add the bonito. Bring it back to a simmer, then turn off the pot and let the bonito settle for 1 minute. Strain the stock. You now have Primary Dashi!
Secondary Dashi
Bonito flakes and konbu leftovers from the previous recipe
1 1/2 quarts cold water
1/2 ounce of additional bonito flakes
Place the leftover konbu and bonito in a pot with the water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off the hat and add the additional bonito and let it sit for 1 minute. Strain it and now you have secondary dashi!
Dashi or secondary dashi
leftover rice, rinsed and drained
vegetables: like carrots, daikon, spinach, mushrooms and scallions, cut for soup eating
a couple of beaten eggs
soy sauce and salt to taste
Simply bring the dashi to a simmer and add some soy sauce and salt. Add any slower cooking ingredients like potatoes, carrots, daikon and the like and simmer them until just tender. Add the rice, and quicker cooking vegetables like mushrooms and greens. Simmer until cooked to your liking. Pour the eggs over the top and cover the pot. Cook until cooked -- about 2 minutes. Ladle into bowls and enjoy!