2nd analysis, I think I was originally wrong! - Veritasium 'The Big Misconception About Electricity'

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I made a video response to Veritasium's "The Big Misconception About Electricity" video, and while most people agreed with my response and Dave from EEVBlog had a very similar analysis, after thinking about it some more I think both Dave, me, and pretty much everyone was wrong and Veritasium was right all along!
A few commenters on the original video correctly pointed out that I should probably try real C and L values. I originally brushed it off thinking these values would be so small that it would be inconsequential, and while I know of transmission lines I assumed the characteristic impedance would be in the megaohms.
I think a lot of people familiar with ECE also thought the same. Even the EEVBlog video mentioned the current would be really "nuff all", but this is not true! When plugging in real world values, we actually do get a significant amount of power, enough to light a LED.
Not only that, this new analysis shows the light can actually be continuously on, and that the instantaneous "blip" on-time from both my original video and EEVBlog's video is probably also wrong and an artifact of how we did our analysis.
Also this analysis shows that only under a very special case will you have a 1s full brightness response. Most cases either the light is on immediately, or ramps up way after 1s. Basically this core fact that almost everyone agreed on was at least true is also kind of wrong!
I originally believed that Veritasium was correct and made my video to show Derek was correct, but only on a technicality because I thought he needed a magic light bulb that lights under even a tiny current. However now I think he is correct all along and it's even realistically feasible to boot.
Addendum: With a perfectly matched load of 1.5k ohms, here the steady state power is 96mW, and our transient response is half that at 48mW (50%). If we use a 300 ohm load, we only get 2.7% power transfer. With a 6k load, you'll get lower power but a higher % of power at 10V (75% in the first 1s).
0:00 Background
1:20 Original Model and Explanation
3:35 Quick Transmission Line Characteristic Impedance Review
6:30 Simple Transmission Line Simulation
8:28 Simple Transmission Line Simulation - Unmatched Loads
10:33 Simulation of Veritasium's Question
12:16 Using a Realistic Light Bulb
13:34 The "Blip" Mistake
15:31 The "1s" Mistake
17:45 Using a Light Bulb of Higher Resistance
19:12 Conclusions
20:49 Bonus: simulation with cut ends
23:18 TLDR Summaries
A few commenters on the original video correctly pointed out that I should probably try real C and L values. I originally brushed it off thinking these values would be so small that it would be inconsequential, and while I know of transmission lines I assumed the characteristic impedance would be in the megaohms.
I think a lot of people familiar with ECE also thought the same. Even the EEVBlog video mentioned the current would be really "nuff all", but this is not true! When plugging in real world values, we actually do get a significant amount of power, enough to light a LED.
Not only that, this new analysis shows the light can actually be continuously on, and that the instantaneous "blip" on-time from both my original video and EEVBlog's video is probably also wrong and an artifact of how we did our analysis.
Also this analysis shows that only under a very special case will you have a 1s full brightness response. Most cases either the light is on immediately, or ramps up way after 1s. Basically this core fact that almost everyone agreed on was at least true is also kind of wrong!
I originally believed that Veritasium was correct and made my video to show Derek was correct, but only on a technicality because I thought he needed a magic light bulb that lights under even a tiny current. However now I think he is correct all along and it's even realistically feasible to boot.
Addendum: With a perfectly matched load of 1.5k ohms, here the steady state power is 96mW, and our transient response is half that at 48mW (50%). If we use a 300 ohm load, we only get 2.7% power transfer. With a 6k load, you'll get lower power but a higher % of power at 10V (75% in the first 1s).
0:00 Background
1:20 Original Model and Explanation
3:35 Quick Transmission Line Characteristic Impedance Review
6:30 Simple Transmission Line Simulation
8:28 Simple Transmission Line Simulation - Unmatched Loads
10:33 Simulation of Veritasium's Question
12:16 Using a Realistic Light Bulb
13:34 The "Blip" Mistake
15:31 The "1s" Mistake
17:45 Using a Light Bulb of Higher Resistance
19:12 Conclusions
20:49 Bonus: simulation with cut ends
23:18 TLDR Summaries