Mark 16:16 explained

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I believe that the baptism that is spoken of In this verse is pertaining to the baptism of the Holy Spirit which occurs the moment a person believes the gospel.


Thank you for sharing the scriptures. God bless


In Eph.4:5 Paul writes " One Lord, one faith, and one baptism". Then in Heb.6:1, 2 he speaks of the foundations of the Christian faith speaking about, "..the doctrine of baptisms..".
Believers will agree that in the new testament church there are two central baptisms, water and Spirit. In order for the two verses I cited not to contradict each other there has to be two baptisms that make up the one baptism essential for salvation.
Peter said in Acts 2:38 that repentance followed by water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ is for the remission of sins. Remission is the forgiveness of sins on an individual basis. During water baptism the Holy Spirit, because of the shed blood of Christ, remits our sins by spiritually circumcising our conscience, removing the guilt from past sins, and restoring it to its original childlike sensitivity to sin. This is regeneration and makes repentance and water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ part of the new birth.


Amen 🙏🏼. Glory to the lord almighty Christ Jesus ❤.


Yup I talked to somebody even after I told her this she didn’t want to listen but I prayed for her


Plus, I believe Mark 16:16 is talking about baptism of the Holy Spirit. Look at the next 2 verses! People just love to take an individual bible verse out of context.


Like the story of Lazarus he died believing in Christ the lord and he was risen by lord Christ. It’s very simple. Thank you brother in Christ Jesus.


If you do not know or learn about baptism then you are still saved.but if you read the scripture and follow Jesus's example, you will want to get baptized


Amen, Those who teach that water baptism is essential to salvation, such the Church of Christ denomination are teaching false salvation doctrine. Many who refute them on this such as lordshipers are also teaching false salvation doctrine. They both teach repenting from sins as being necessary to salvation. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.


Hey brother(s and sisters)! I totally agree! But there is an "objection" I know that people will try to use in John chapter 3. And it's verse 5 (NKJV): "Jesus answered, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.'" I believe that we are only saved by grace through faith, but what would I tell someone who mentions this scripture that is quoted from Jesus (or a better question: how does that scripture harmonize with verse 16 or any other verse that CLEARLY states that it is by faith)? Thank you! =)
