Build And Deploy Responsive Personal Portfolio Website using ReactJS and Tailwind CSS

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Modern Responsive Portfolio Website using ReactJS and Tailwind CSS || Build And Deploy from scratch || Beginner friendly project

description: In this tutorial you will learn how to build Responsive Personal Portfolio website using ReactJS and Tailwind CSS and also deployed it on internet so that you can showcase to anyone.

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✨ Dark and Light mode Feature using React and Tailwind
✨ Responsive Navbar
✨ Fully responsive app ( All device supported )
✨ Minimal and Modern Responsive Portfolio website

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What you will learn:
🔥 How to build Modern Personal Portfolio website using react js.
🔥 You'll implement Dark/Night mode feature.
🔥 You'll install and configure the tailwind css in react project.
🔥 You'll build fully responsive website in reactJS using tailwind CSS
🔥 Best practices and debugging skills.
🔥 How to Deploy website to Server.

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⏱ Timestamps
00:00 Demo
01:32 Responsive Demo
03:11 Software Download
04:03 Project Setup
06:51 Tailwind configuration
09:58 Responsive Navbar for desktop
20:09 Dark mode feature with react and tailwind
14:01 Navbar for mobile view
25:38 Hero section
33:16 Skills card section Section
43:36 Experience Section
51:00 Project Section
01:02:46 Contact section
01:09:03 Footer section
01:15:26 Smooth scroll
01:18:46 Final testing
01:20:43 Build and Deployment

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💼 Packages :

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#portfolio #portfolioWebsite #reactjs #tailwindcss #tailwind #responsivewebsite #websitedesign #portfoliotemplate
#css #webdesign #webdevelopment #frontend #frontenddevelopment #uidesign #thecodingjourney #tcj #css #personalportfolio #htmlcss #uiux #uidesign #reactwebsite
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🎉Free source code link in the description. 👍 Like, subscribe, and let's start your coding journey with us! #HappyCoding #TCJ ✨


keep improving, love all the projects you have done so far ...


Wow sir, full utilisation of tailwind. nice portfolio project. ❣️


🤩 I'm going to build portfolio for myself this is looking amazing ❤


Thank you for what you do. I want to ask you: I want to become a front-end dev and learn the basics Html css js But I didn't study Js Well I learned only the basics and now I am learning React I understand it well and I work in small projects, so my question is: Should I become a professional in Js So I can become Front end dev Or I can go professional in React and forget Js


Text-primary doesn’t work. Had to use text-red-600 instead of the hex color I put into tailwind.config


8:58 How come in every video I follow it works for them not for me? :( I have been struggling to get tailwindcss work in vs code for 10 days... I am exhausted
