11 Awesome Skin Care Hacks!

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Some of my best skin care tips, tricks and hacks for oily skin, acne prone skin, dry skin and aging skin! Click for giveaway info ☟☟☟

♡ G I V E A W A Y ♡

I'm giving away Vasseur Skincare Starter Kits to *THREE* winners– this giveaway is international!

Rules to enter:
1) Be subscribed to my channel
2) Leave a comment on this video telling me your top skin concern or issue area

Giveaway Prizes (winners can choose between):
Normal to Dry Skin Starter Kit:

Winners will be chosen randomly January 30st, 2016 – I will be contacting them privately and in the description box of this video!

Betty Baker
Denise Luna
Jacqueline Picarello

♡ R E L A T E D V I D E O S ♡

♡ S K I N C A R E B L O G ♡

♡ S O C I A L M E D I A ♡

* LIFE UPDATE * I'm in the middle of moving so things are a little crazy right now but I still plan to have videos up for you guys. I'm just somewhat limited at the moment because everything is in boxes so thanks for your patience. I may do a house tour next week - still unsure so let me know if that's something you'd like to see :)

FTC: This video is not sponsored. Giveaway prizes provided by my mom. No affiliate links used.
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ever since I subscribed to your channel I've always loved the last bits lol hilarious!


My biggest skincare concern is enlarged pores.


most of the time I have to watch your videos twice cause the first time I'm too mesmerized by your flawlessness. My skin issue is cystic acne and the scars it left behind. I just want to wake up next to my husband and feel and look beautiful for him instead of hiding my face from him. I just can't seem to find something that works for me. I would be forever grateful if you blessed me with this opportunity. Thank you for all that you do!!


I remember when you first started your channel! It's amazing to see how quickly it has grown! Your videos are still honestly my favorite. My main skin concern is that I have the most dry/sensitive skin - in the world! I can't seem to find any products that do not irritate my skin. I am very intrigued by the Vasseur skin line and I love learning more about my skin through these types of informative videos, Thank you .


Lol at the peanut butter facial. My biggest skin care problem is the scarring that breakouts leave/ overall uneven complexion.


My top skin care concern is texture! No matter how hard I try I can not get rid of the texture on and around my nose 😭


I recently (within the last 6 months) found your channel, and I instantly fell in love with your bubbly personality and informative videos! This video is no exception!

My biggest skincare concern is acne, but mainly acne scarring. I have had acne prone skin since I was 12, and nothing seems to work. I am so tired of it!


I have lots of acne marks on my forehead from the acne I had throughout the years. My acne has significantly decreased but the leftover dark marks are one of the biggest things I worry about. I just recently found your channel and you have the most helpful tips in not only skin care but cleaning/organizing as well! thank you!


I`m a plant based vegan and I don`t consume oil maybe that`s the reason my skin is dry so when I apply foundation it appears very dry looking and the tip about mixing oil with foundation is amazing, I will try it out today!


My main skin concern is that i had impetigo (bacterial infection where zit looking 'bumps' appear on body) and I got it on my face. Even though it happened two months ago, scars were left on my face. It looks like acne scars, but it is actually darker and larger purplish scars left by impetigo. I've been trying to get rid of it, but have not had luck.


I've always had an issue with cystic acne on my chin whenever I'm about to get my period or whenever I'm stressed out! It's the most annoying thing ever because they're painful, and they take forever to go away.
I'm excited to use some of these tips and see if it helps me out!
Love your channel! 💕


I love how you don't just copy the same "hacks" as everyone else on YouTube. You make informative videos with great ideas! Thank you!


My biggest issue are those bumps on my forehead. Can never get rid of them.


my number one skincare problem currently is getting these huge, painful pimples along my chin and neck area. Idk what to do for this @vasseurbeauty


I've suffered with severe acne and cystic acne for a while now. On top of that, I have oily skin. I've spent more money than I would like to admit on products that absolutely ruin my face. If I could pick one thing that could get rid of, it would be my oily face. Acne is inevitable. My mom has had it for years, and she still suffers with it. I've accepted that. But for some reason, the oily skin just attracts more attention than the acne.

I'm really glad that I have a hard time sleeping, because I never would've found this channel. I just discovered you tonight, and I'm already obsessed! Thank you!


Hi Brittany, I just wanted to thank you for making your videos. Especially ones like this on skin care. I am really motivated on changing my lifestyle to a healthier one. Your tips on meal planning and drinking more water and using more natural products have really inspired me. I have struggled with acne for 12 year + and because of you I am slowly but surely seeing a difference. I will try the Turmeric. Thank you!


Can you please help? I have tiny bumps on my forehead that are SO annoying :(


My top skin concern is definitely the fact that my skin gets very dry and tight and would really like to have skin care that is good for my face and will keep my face clear and pimple free. I am 12 and love skincare and you have defintley inspired me to take care of my skin. I feel starting now is the best thing you can do. I did your DIY facial last night to :) Love you!! I am so excited to enter this giveaway.


Your husband cracks me up! I enjoy your videos, always informative and calming to watch. I've developed acne probed skin in my 30's that I've never had before and not just red acne, but small white head bumps that don't hurt and aren't inflamed, but don't go away! And have yet to find anything to help with blackheads🤔


I am so glad I found you! You're videos are so useful and informative!
