11 Awesome Skin Care Hacks!

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Some of my best skin care tips, tricks and hacks for oily skin, acne prone skin, dry skin and aging skin! Click for giveaway info ☟☟☟
♡ G I V E A W A Y ♡
I'm giving away Vasseur Skincare Starter Kits to *THREE* winners– this giveaway is international!
Rules to enter:
1) Be subscribed to my channel
2) Leave a comment on this video telling me your top skin concern or issue area
Giveaway Prizes (winners can choose between):
Normal to Dry Skin Starter Kit:
Winners will be chosen randomly January 30st, 2016 – I will be contacting them privately and in the description box of this video!
Betty Baker
Denise Luna
Jacqueline Picarello
♡ R E L A T E D V I D E O S ♡
♡ S K I N C A R E B L O G ♡
♡ S O C I A L M E D I A ♡
* LIFE UPDATE * I'm in the middle of moving so things are a little crazy right now but I still plan to have videos up for you guys. I'm just somewhat limited at the moment because everything is in boxes so thanks for your patience. I may do a house tour next week - still unsure so let me know if that's something you'd like to see :)
FTC: This video is not sponsored. Giveaway prizes provided by my mom. No affiliate links used.
♡ G I V E A W A Y ♡
I'm giving away Vasseur Skincare Starter Kits to *THREE* winners– this giveaway is international!
Rules to enter:
1) Be subscribed to my channel
2) Leave a comment on this video telling me your top skin concern or issue area
Giveaway Prizes (winners can choose between):
Normal to Dry Skin Starter Kit:
Winners will be chosen randomly January 30st, 2016 – I will be contacting them privately and in the description box of this video!
Betty Baker
Denise Luna
Jacqueline Picarello
♡ R E L A T E D V I D E O S ♡
♡ S K I N C A R E B L O G ♡
♡ S O C I A L M E D I A ♡
* LIFE UPDATE * I'm in the middle of moving so things are a little crazy right now but I still plan to have videos up for you guys. I'm just somewhat limited at the moment because everything is in boxes so thanks for your patience. I may do a house tour next week - still unsure so let me know if that's something you'd like to see :)
FTC: This video is not sponsored. Giveaway prizes provided by my mom. No affiliate links used.