How long can alcohol withdrawal symptoms last?

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How long can alcohol withdrawal symptoms last?

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I just went thru fuckin' hell for 3 days. I drank everyday. I just now had the strength to shower and brush my teeth after 3 days. I was cryin' in the shower like a damn baby because I knew I got through the rough part.


Anyone ever get panic attacks/stuck in your head feeling impending doom like your heart is about to explode?


1-3 days for a normal person sounds like nothing. But someone going through it it’s completely different.


My withdrawal lasted around 3-4 months. The last craving I felt for drinking was after 6 months in. Somewhere around the 8 month mark I stepped on a scale, I had lost nearly 60 pounds. As a 150 lbs man I'd drink a 750ml spirit (normally vodka) in no absolutely no more than 5 hours, it wasn't surprising to finish the bottle closer to 3 hours, and if I could still stand I would go get another bottle. I drank like that for 7-8 years. At 20 years old I had alcoholic hepatitis, and the onset of cirrhosis. At 20 years old. I quit cold turkey, and it was the among the worst experiences in my life, I couldn't sleep, I'd sweat profusely, id shake, I'd get hot flashes and cold snaps, my bowel movements were disgusting, short of breathe, incredibly irritable. I beat my demons and I've been bone dry sober from day 1 coming up on 3 years in September


When you get to day 3 it starts getting alot better, im at 5 and the shivers and night sweats are gone. I still have a little tremor in my hands but not as bad as before, stay strong boils and gills!


I was drinking every night ever since the pandemic. I finally stopped when I started getting anxiety attacks. That wasn't fun at all, I kept thinking I was having a heart attack.

I'm glad I stopped.


Be patient friends. It takes a while. I went through hell for 30 days and then had lingering effects that lasted a few months. I got better, decided to have a few beers here and there and I am back with the symptoms. Now I am really done drinking. I just had to ride it out for a while until I am back to normal again. Btw, exercise, walks, meditation and a healthy eating regime helps. Stay away from sugar and caffeine. Sugarless gatorade helps. A vegan diet also helps. Snack on apples and nuts when feeling the symptoms. It helps.


I’m on day 6 after 3 years of daily use: had to be hospitalized for 36 hours because of my withdrawals. I almost went into organ failure because of my vomiting. I went 30 hours prior without being able to hold down even a sip of water. I almost died. By law an emergency room cannot turn you down for withdrawals! Please go to the hospital if you are experiencing withdrawals. They will help you! And they sent me home with Librium to help me stay on course. I’m still withdrawing.. but steadfast and in a better place. The irritability is REAL tho! And I still get nauseated.


Did anyone feel a lot of shortness of breath?


Here is some good news for everyone I been 2 weeks without alcohol. each day off of it I felt better each day that is the nice thing about quitting the very next day one feels better. I have damage I am sure ( 15 years drinking daily) I may be screwed but at least I am living life again sober and not drugged up and that is worth everything.


Usually it’s 3 days for me and I’m GREAT - guys once your past the rough part - GO to the gym and work out hard - go for runs exercise anxiety will be a thing of the past


The Doctor himself looks to me suffering from the withdrawal symptoms


I am on day 6 of alcohol withdrawal. Still can’t sleep. Heart palpitations have calmed but still enough to wake me up. Sweating has finally stopped last night. Lump in throat. Heart just aches. Buzzing noise still in head/ears high bp 164/111. Hopefully this also stops


I drank everyday for 20 years! I stopped drinking Halloween this year 2023! I am an alcoholic


It can seriously last weeks or months if you are not treated well, actually you can even keep hanging in it and not get out of it; keep hanging in some kind of brain fog... The point is; what's behind the alcohol dependence, if that's not recognized accurately rehab fails, which is why rehab fails is 80% of cases.


What if you normally have 2 large Stella bottles per day and quit cold turkey


I kept gaging/vomiting even though I had nothing in my system to the point I was curled up like a ball. It was the worst 3days of my life. Also the reason I stopped was cause I had the flu which made things worse


Islam is the solution to stop alcohol drugs and all bad addictions


I’m on day 2 right now and I never felt worse in my life. I had to call of of work cause I can’t even stand up only for enough time to puke. I hope tmrw is better. And the insomnia is killing


My father is 68 years old. In general, he never liked to drink, but he has been drinking alcohol for 2 months now. We took him to the hospital. They stopped him for 3 days, gave him transfusions. Then the doctor advised us to take him to a narcologist. We took him to a narcologist. He prescribed drugs and an infusion to be given at home. Now he is at home. Sometimes he has hallucinations, only in the evening. He says that something appears to him. After these infusions and treatment, how long will the hallucination disappear?
