Alcohol Withdrawals Explained

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Are you or someone you know struggling with alcohol addiction? When someone who is dependent on alcohol suddenly stops or reduces their alcohol intake, they may experience a set of symptoms known as alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS). In this video, we will dive into the science behind AWS and the difference between a hangover and alcohol withdrawal. As a psychiatry registrar, I will share information on the symptoms, risks, and treatment options for AWS, as well as tips for coping and getting support in Australia. Whether you're struggling with alcohol addiction or just want to learn more about AWS, this comprehensive guide has everything you need to know. Watch now to learn more and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.


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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional. If anything in this video was distressing please consider calling LifeLine 131114 **
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3 years sober now. I had the shakes in the morning, making a drink first thing. I'd get sick if I went too long without. Hated myself. Tried to quit on my own and had a seizure. Luckily my mom was there and called 911. Ended up relapsing twice after that. 3 hospital stays. Now I'm sober and feeling much better, life is looking up again. Its not easy, but it is possible. Finding a hobby to bring my mind out of "drinking mode" greatly helped, as did meetings and speaking with other people who fight the same urges


the part of the withdrawal equation you left out was how alcohol also inhibits glutamate, which leads to an increase in the amount of excitatory glutamate receptors. i think the firing of these excitatory neurotransmitters are also what causes the rapid heart beat, high blood pressure, panic attacks, etc.


Interesting to receive info on Alcohol withdrawal from a doctor with a hangover. So Aussie!!!


Another awesome video, Dr Syl! Plus extra kudos for doing it while hungover 😅

I’d like to say as well that no one’s immune to alcohol dependency. I’m a qualified Alcohol & Other Drug Counselor and I still spiraled into dependency, even with knowing what I know.
It started with planning my days around getting everything done ASAP so I could go home and start drinking, and soon I was drinking a *lot* daily. I won’t go into full details, but let’s just say that eventually I started my days with ciders and also had my lunch breaks in my car (three guesses why 🙈😅), and I still drank at home every night too.

My psychologist asked me to pick one day of the week to not drink on to see how I’d go - when I struggled with just one day of not drinking I had that moment of clarity (finally lol), so I went cold turkey and I haven’t drank since. That was about 4 years ago.

The thing that I found difficult was not being believed or taken seriously. Close friends would insist there was no way I had a problem, and I’d have to point out that I’d been making sure no one realized how much I was drinking because I didn’t want anyone to try and stop me. I had to literally argue with friends that I had a problem even when they knew I was a D&A Counselor. I mention this because anyone can have struggles like these going on privately/secretly, even if they “don’t seem like that type of person”. If someone confides in you, please believe them 🙏🏻💞


Please keep up your videos. I have a 45 y.o. Son and it’s helpful to hear an almost psychiatrist teach

Not enough psychiatrists in the world to help our loved ones



Thank you man, I’m 25 and realize I have a problem. This helps get the process started.


You guys never talk about the extreme, extreme cravings. It feels impossible to resist.


I had to stop alcohol suddenly when I went to the operation of my knees and rested for 20 days.
I didn't feel anything wrong with the sudden withdrawal of alcohol or smoking. I had such a will power😂
I respect doctors but, as they said, no heartbeat increased, got normal from the shivering of hands or anything. I mentally normal that time and felt happy with my family.
I'm 62 now😂🤙


For me, the worst thing about quitting alcohol was a feeling of dread, although I’m not sure that’s the right word for it. Imagine you’re driving past a little town. You wonder what it would be like to live there. You are certain that life would be an endless, black, featureless horror. A thick, stifling nothingness. The world you can see is only a facade. Beneath it, behind it is the void.

It was like that for months, gradually subsiding. It was better alone. With people I had to pretend it wasn’t happening. You can’t just interrupt a meeting at work to go Kurtz on everyone and say, “The horror. The horror.” Or maybe you can, I guess I didn’t try.

0/10, would not recommend


It's *so* important that people don't go around saying "You have to stop drinking - Just stop!", because - as you said - it doesn't work that way.
Quitting Cold Turkey is really dangerous. I should know, I've had DT two times. Hopefully the last times in my life, but even the second time around, I got told by some people to "Just quit drinking".
Eeeh... no.

Great information for those people!


Speedy recovery from your hangover Dr Syl 😊


Thank you for this video Dr Syl. I believe you hit the nail on the head when you said it's essentially a " no brainer". Exactly! If you've drank excessively most your life being a casual drinker is not an sensible option .
The upside is ones life can be enriched by a sense of clarity and purpose. This is my truth.


5 years sober now and i feel great with no more DTs and hangovers with seizures. That is a horrible way to live and I lived it for years. Thank you Lord for delivering me from that bondage


The benzo withdrawal will crush you more than the withdrawal from alcohol


Wow, thank you for sharing! I really like the way you phrase things here. A key point that i know will really positively impact my life is,
"youre stuck with your body and you've got to get along with yourself"
A big reason i personally drink is bc of the self hate. I'm 32 and i know i have to face this. Telling myself "i'm stuck with this body" kind of feels like i'm disconnecting one from the other, if that makes sense. For example, just bc i hate myself doesn't mean i get to treat my body like this. Which then can allow me to focus on what i can do to help this "body im stuck with" instead of feeling like I have to make it through each day with this body. IDK perspective is key!


"You gotta get along with yourself. That requires a lot of work" and OMG if I didn't feel so seen! LOL


The last time was the last time for me. I had terrible withdrawal after going on a weeklong bender of about 30 oz of liquor per day. I was in absolute agony. Went to my GP, who prescribed Librium (chlordiazapoxide). It took me from hell to wonderful relaxation. I think the dose was 25 or 50 mg. Thank God for that stuff.


Just found your channel, maybe I'm just stopping by your most recent video to say I hope you keep making video's since I'm really enjoying watching them. I might have another reason for watching this video specifically who knows.


I went to hospital two days ago with alcohol withdrawals. They sent me home. I'm waiting to do a home detox. I've been drinking heavily for 10 days. The doctor who saw me said I wasn't in withdrawal. I'm terrified of keeping drinking at home alone until I have to detox.


I'd love to see more of psychiatric analysis from footage of people with different mental disorders
